
Rosseti CEO Oleg Budargin: biography, achievements, family and interesting facts

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Rosseti CEO Oleg Budargin: biography, achievements, family and interesting facts
Rosseti CEO Oleg Budargin: biography, achievements, family and interesting facts

Oleg Budargin is a well-known domestic politician and manager. From June 2013 to September 2017, he held the post of General Director in the Public Joint-Stock Company Russian Networks. In the mid-2000s, he entered the public field as the governor of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, later merged with the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Biography of Budargin


Oleg Budargin was born in 1960. He was born in the Kamchatka region, in the small village of Klyuchi in the Ust-Kamchatka region.

At 22, he graduated from the Industrial Institute in Norilsk. Received an honors degree. After serving in the ranks of the Soviet army, he began his career at the mining and smelting plant in Norilsk itself. At first he was a foreman at a construction site in a mine trust.

Soon the career of Oleg Mikhailovich Budargin went uphill. He was appointed deputy head of the production department at the separate construction and assembly association Norilskstroy.

Political career


Oleg Budargin began his political career in 1987, during perestroika. He joined the Communist Party and began to actively participate in the activities of the CPSU city committee in Norilsk.

In 1991 he returned to his native plant, where he worked already in senior positions. In 1994, he began his administrative career. Budargin Oleg Mikhailovich received the post of first deputy head of the Norilsk administration. However, he worked in this position only a year, again returning to the leadership of the plant. In place of the Deputy Director for Human Resources, he stayed until 2000.

After the early resignation of the head of Norilsk, Vasily Tkachev was appointed acting mayor in March 2000. In December, elections were held in which Oleg Budargin won the first round. Almost 64% of voters voted for him.

Gubernatorial election


As the head of Norilsk, Budargin Oleg proved himself as a mature business executive and experienced manager. His rating has seriously increased.

In 2003, after leaving the post of governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Khloponin, elections were appointed for the head of the Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Autonomous District. This autonomous region was created in 1930 with the capital in Dudinka. A region with a vast territory - almost 900 thousand square kilometers, but at the same time with a very small population: about 40 thousand inhabitants.

Budargin Oleg Mikhailovich took part in the election campaign. His rivals were 7 candidates. But second place in the final protocol was taken by the line “against all” - more than 12.5% ​​of the vote. The hero of our article won a landslide victory, receiving the support of almost 69% of the region’s inhabitants. Gennady Subbotkin, who took the official second place, had a little more than 7%, Sergey Wadai got the third place, not having received even 4% of the vote.

As the head of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, Budargin Oleg worked for 4 years. It was he who began to actively promote the issue of the irrationality of the existence of this autonomous region as a separate region. As a result, in 2005, a referendum took place, at which most residents supported the unification with the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It took place in 2007. Since then, the post of governor of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug has been abolished. It has become a municipal district.

Up the career ladder


Oleg Budargin, whose biography was related to work in the north, in 2007, to the ambassador of the abolition of the Taimyr District, became the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District. Two years later, the top officials decided that his managerial experience would be useful in the management of state-owned companies.

The hero of our article became the interim chairman of the board of the federal grid unified energy company. This decision was made by the board of directors. He was officially approved by the chairman of the board in 2009.

In the management of Rossetey


Budargin Oleg came to Rosseti in 2013. The Board of Directors approved him as CEO of one of the world's largest electricity grid companies, which is almost the only operator of energy networks in Russia.

ROSSETI is subordinate to many subsidiaries and affiliates that make up the interregional distribution grid company, as well as the federal grid company.

Rosseti is a state-owned company. The government owns a controlling stake. They are directly owned by the federal state property management agency. He is responsible for slightly more than 85% of the company's assets.

In total, Rosseti operates two and a half million kilometers of power lines, half a million substations across the country.

Oleg Mikhailovich Budargin, whose biography was often associated with the leadership of large collectives, headed the company, which employs almost 200 thousand people.

In September 2017, Budargin left Russian Networks. The company was headed by the head of the Moscow housing and communal services department Pavel Anatolievich Livinsky.

Social activity


In recent years, Budargin was among the leaders of many public and government organizations. In particular, he served on the board of directors of the agency for forecasting balances and the electric power industry, in the open joint-stock company Inter RAO UES, and headed the board of directors of the Moscow United Electric Grid Company.

The current work makes us be in trend, follow the development of alternative energy sources in the world. In 2011, it was Budargin who was elected to the leadership of the supervisory board at the Russian Association of Solar Energy. This work is being carried out in a commission specially created under the President of Russia, which deals with issues of the development strategy of the fuel and energy complex, as well as environmental safety issues.

Since 2012, a separate non-profit partnership - the “Association of Solar Energy Enterprises” has been dealing with the use of alternative energy sources.

Budargin’s social burden can be considered his work in an interregional public organization called the Association of Polar Explorers, as well as membership in the board of trustees of the Mariinsky State Academic Theater.