
The death of Tsoi: place, date, reason

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The death of Tsoi: place, date, reason
The death of Tsoi: place, date, reason

Video: Igla/игла - The Needle - İğne (1988) TR & ENG 2024, June

Video: Igla/игла - The Needle - İğne (1988) TR & ENG 2024, June

Reflecting on the phenomenon of Viktor Tsoi, it is sometimes difficult for us to explain, due to which he managed to earn the love of the people. What was so catchy in his songs? He himself composed music and performed songs that could arouse dormant passion in people and made them look at the world from a completely different perspective. He was a kind of voice of the people, who did not want to be silent, obeying communist ideology. He was called one of the symbols of Russian rock, as well as the Mohican, the last hero of our country. By cultural significance, Viktor Tsoi is sometimes put at the same level as Vladimir Vysotsky. But before that, no artist was awarded such an honor. That is why the death of Viktor Tsoi was perceived by the progressive part of the inhabitants of our country so tragically. In this article we will try to uncover the circumstances of the death of the singer. But first, you just want to talk about him, about his life and work.



Rock musician Viktor Tsoi, who lived and worked in the Soviet Union, singing in his songs all the absurdities of Soviet propaganda, was born on June 21, 1962 in the Northern capital, which was then called Leningrad. He died very young. In the year of Tsoi’s death, the country took its last breaths, but still continued to exist. He died without knowing that the Soviet Union was left to live out its last months and that in the near future such grandiose transformations awaited him that he could not even dream of. Victor was born in a mixed family. His mother, Valentina Vasilievna Guseva, is Russian by nationality. She worked at school as a physical education teacher. His father, Robert Tsoi, is of Korean descent. Victor's grandfather - Maxim Maximovich Tsoi - was born and raised in Kazakhstan, where he was mistaken for his own, for the Kazakh.



The boy was the only child in the family. Disagreements constantly arose between parents, and when Victor was 11 years old, they separated, but a year later love won, and they reunited. However, this year decided the fate of young Viti. Mom, who was very worried about divorce, seeing that her son was suffering greatly from separation from her father, sent him to art school. The creative inclinations of the boy were noticeable from early childhood. Vitya was able to beautifully draw and sculpt various figures from plasticine. It was here, in the worst school, that he met Maxim Pashkov, who taught him how to play the guitar. On the day of the death of Viktor Tsoi, he will, like no one, grieve over him. After all, nothing can compare with children's friendship.

Introduction to rock art

The art school was on the channel to them. A. Griboedova. All students dreamed that someday they would become artists, and thought that they had a special talent. However, most of them failed to fulfill this childhood dream. Victor, of course, possessed a special gift, which later made him the idol of millions, even the death of Tsoi could not forget his name.

From the story of Pashkov, you can find out that at first they did not make friends with Vitya. They were in different companies, which now and then were at enmity with each other. However, becoming a little older, they gradually reached out to each other. They began to listen together to The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Johnny Holiday and others. They liked songs in English. Then, at the age of thirteen, they began to play different melodies together. Rather, Maxim taught Victor to play, because he then did not even know how to hold the instrument in his hands. Pashkov had several guitars at once, and he presented one of them to a friend. They were joined by a drummer who tried to play the pioneer drum. And so the group was formed, which was later called “House No. 6”. After graduating from art school, the guys began to spend almost all their time studying music.



After the 8th grade of secondary school, Viktor Tsoi entered the Serov School. Despite his passion for music, he did not stop thinking about becoming an artist. In the assembly hall of the school there was some equipment, electric instruments that self-taught musicians did not even dream about, and, asking permission from the administration, Victor and Maxim began to rehearse there, and then perform at student evenings and discos. Here they also found a drummer for their group - Tolik Smirnov, the fame of which spread throughout Leningrad. Maxim wrote music and poetry, and Vitya helped with the arrangement, and he did it superbly. Singing while the future rock star was shy and modestly held in second place. Naturally, he practically did not attend classes at the school, and he was soon expelled. After that, he got into a group with a punk artist named Pig. It was in the composition of this collective that he wrote his first song - "Dedication to Mark Bolan." Every day the guy became more interested in music, and she was with him until the last minutes. On the day of the death of Tsoi, learning about his tragic death, many remembered him from his own songs.


In addition to rock music, Choi also loved martial arts. He especially liked karate classes. His idol in this sport was Bruce Lee. This hobby got so large that he wanted to be like his favorite actor in everything, he began to imitate his image. His rival in this sport was Yuri Kasparyan. They fought with him for a long time, honing many tricks. His other hobby was more creative: he beautifully carved netsuke figures from wood. Anyway, woodcarving made money on bread. And there was a time when Victor painted portraits of Schwarzenegger (in those years he was at the peak of popularity) and sold them at the metro for 1 ruble.

Distinctive character traits

Maxim Pashkov, the man who knew Tsoi best of all, said that he was incredibly modest, shy, unsociable, one might say, conservative in comparison with other members of the rocker fraternity. In addition, he was too intelligent on stage, and this distinguished him from other Leningrad rock musicians. He was never unbridled. Although, like all rockers, in his life there were drugs, and doping, and much more. He was very gravitated to fashionable Western things, for example, he liked to wear long leather raincoats. He also had a strange peculiarity: he could stumble and fall out of the blue, got into awkward situations. It seemed that the guy was in the clouds, but he was never particularly dreamy. Maxim Pashkov believed that in his youth he was not at all original and completely ordinary, although he gravitated to fun and was very afraid of everyday life.


Go to the goal!

Years passed, and Victor purposefully moved to his dream. I wonder where fate would have brought him if not for death. Viktor Tsoi was attracted only by the thought that you can stand out from the crowd and become the idol of many millions. However, he was a very peaceful and friendly person. He did not know how to "achieve his" with "teeth", but all the time he worked, composed and sang. Initially, he composed music secretly from everyone. But once, emboldened, he presented his works to the audience, and those, of course, liked them. The group of Tsoi was created as a result of the merger of three musicians: himself, Rybin and Oleg, nicknamed Bazis, who was a drummer. Their team was first called “Garin and Hyperboloids”, and then was renamed “Cinema”. Gradually, the group began to gain popularity, and she got fans. They most of all grieve on the day of the death of Viktor Tsoi. The producer of the first album “45” was Grebenshchikov. This entry in Leningrad was in great demand. So began the ascent of the singer to the musical Olympus.


Opinions about him

Some friends close to him believe that he was very lazy. Perhaps it was not laziness, but an internal concentration that did not allow him to fuss, be energetic and look optimistic. There were times when he liked just lying on the couch and staying at home for days. He was not punchy, but rather he can be called an inert person who can let his life go by its own. However, all this disappeared over the years, and he became a more confident person.


Personal life

In 1984, 23-year-old Viktor Tsoi met an employee of the Leningrad circus, a girl named Marianna. It was she who gave him faith in herself, in her strength. In the same year they got married, and months later they had a son, Sasha. It was thanks to Marianne that Victor was able to gain confidence in his abilities. When he received a summons to the army, he imitated suicide and went to a psychiatric hospital, and faithful Marianne got a nurse there to be there. Nevertheless, on the day of Tsoi's death, she was no longer with him. By this time, he already had another lover - Natalia Razlogova - a woman who was older than him and greatly influenced his fate.


the end

On August 15, 1990, terrible news shocked the country. The idol of millions is gone! The death of Tsoi was a surprise to everyone. That day he was on vacation in the Baltic. Natalia and son Sasha went to the Riga seaside with him. On that ill-fated morning, he rode somewhere on his Moskvich. According to one version, fishing. Having fallen asleep at the wheel, he lost control, and he was carried out into the oncoming lane, where he collided with a large Ikarus bus. An ambulance crew went to the site of the death of Viktor Tsoi, but it turned out that he died instantly. This news was not only amazing for fans of his talent, but also deadly. Yes, in the truest sense of the word. According to reports, the death of Tsoi caused the suicide of 45 young people who considered him their "deity", an idol, an idol. His music had such a great influence on the minds of millions.