
Gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva: biography, personal life, sports achievements

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Gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva: biography, personal life, sports achievements
Gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva: biography, personal life, sports achievements

She never lost to anyone. At the suggestion of her rivals she was nicknamed Turi, and later, thanks to the confidence, perseverance and strength of the athlete, the epithet “iron” was added to him. Her first champion victory was won at the age of sixteen. Gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva constantly won awards at olympiads and championships. During her sports career, she earned 137 regalia, became the absolute world champion. The endurance and composure were present in her character at a high level, and even a breaking shell at the World Cup did not stop brilliantly ending the performance, after which the structure of the bars simply collapsed.

Lyudmila Turishcheva: biography

In the city of Grozny in 1952, the future queen of the gymnastic platform was born. From an early age, the girl gravitated to the art of dance: she walked on toes and elegantly gestured with her hands. Therefore, my mother sent Lyudmila to a ballet school, but the training in the art of classical dance did not last long, and at 10 she began to do gymnastics. The first coach to bring Turishcheva to the gym was Kim Wasserman. He then was engaged in the search for young talents among students of secondary schools. Thirty boys and the same number of girls aged 8-9 years became students of the coach Kim Efimovich, among the recruits was Lyudmila Turishcheva.


Two years later, the future Olympic champion raised Wasserman, but then he went to work with a group of boys and handed over the team of girls along with Luda to coach Vladislav Rastorotsky.

Preparing for the Olympics

Since 1964, the coach abruptly rebuilt the regime of an eight-year-old girl in order to get to the Olympics in Mexico City, which was to be held in 1968. Ascent at 5:15, then a morning run. For breakfast, half a cup of coffee and a small piece of cheese. The first stage of training took place from 7 in the morning and lasted three hours, then study - and again a gymnastic platform for honing elements until late in the evening. Thus, Lyudmila Turishcheva instilled in herself the strength and will. Now the woman also adheres to the principles of a healthy diet, does gymnastics, and thanks to such a routine, she looks perfect.


Each training of Lyudmila began with a weighing, in which an extra pound of weight is a reprimand from Vladislav Stepanovich. He was a strict teacher, but Turishcheva said that his exactingness helped a lot in achieving results. Lyudmila was considered a purposeful pupil and came to play sports even when the plan did not have training.

First Olympiad

In anticipation of the Olympics in Moscow, sports were held to adapt athletes. In 1967, Lyudmila Turishcheva first came to the adult platform for such summer competitions. Family, a coach, friends supported the young athlete and wished her victory, but Natalya Kuchinskaya, at that time a more trained gymnast, became the first in all-around and on four shells.

In Mexico City, Lyudmila went to the Olympics as an unknown audience gymnast. The attention of the guests, the jury and the paparazzi was riveted to the "bride of Mexico City", the very Natalia Kuchinsky. However, Lyudmila Turishcheva never tried to work for the public, she focused her concentration on the technique of performance.


The first Olympics, excitement and … a breakdown from a log. In the all-around, she got only 24th place, but the Soviet gymnast team nevertheless stood on the podium and received gold medals. This would hurt every athlete, and for a person with the goal of winning a champion title, this state of affairs became an incredible incentive for further training.

Absolute champion

After Mexico City, a team of gymnasts led by Rastorotsky became heroes in their homeland in Grozny. Athletes were met by officials with music and flowers. Two years after her first Olympics, the girl went to the World Cup in Ljubljana. Here Lyudmila gave everything in full force and, bypassing her main competitors - Korbut, Yants, Burdu, took first place. The title of absolute world champion was brought to her by victory in Ljubljana. In the same fateful 1970 for a sports career, Lyudmila was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

A year later, the girl added regalia to the coach and herself, having earned the title of European champion.


Lyudmila and Vladislav Stepanovich were not deprived in Grozny of the attention of the leadership of the republic and the sports community, but the champion tandem after the Olympics in Mexico City moved to Rostov-on-Don, because the living conditions and training there were better. Until 1972, Turishcheva at the competitions represented the city of Grozny and the Dynamo physical culture and sports society in it.


In Rostov-on-Don, the girl entered the pedagogical university and in 1986, having defended her thesis, she became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. Turishcheva Lyudmila Ivanovna was an excellent student in everything: at school, university, in training, competitions, despite the fact that time was running out. The girl went to competitions with textbooks, and in between training she ran to take laboratory tests.

Olympics in Munich

In the Soviet Union gymnastics team in 1972 there were three leaders: Korbut, Turishcheva, Lazakovich. The main competitors were girls from the GDR team led by Karin Yants. The viewer expected a sharp fight, since in Ljubljana gymnasts from the USSR and the German Democratic Republic, according to the jury, went with a difference of tenths.

Soviet athletes in Munich immediately advanced in the team tournament, and during the free program they surpassed the GDR team by several points. German athletes were weaker than the USSR team, which rose to the podium. Burda and Turishcheva then became two-time champions. But ahead of all, the finals and the fight for the absolute champion title in individual types of all-around were waiting. Passion reached the limit, a tough struggle broke out between Korbut, Turishcheva and Yants.

The graceful sports sketch “Girl of My Dreams”, exemplarily performed by Lyudmila, brought the gymnast a victory, as a result of which she is the absolute Olympic champion.


The Munich Olympics determined the favorite of the audience. She was not the world champion Turishcheva, but the charming and tiny Olya Korbut. Even before leaving for the competition, the Moscow coaches of the USSR national team were betting on Korbut, as its elements were dominated by complex elements that were subject only to Olga. What did the viewer like in Korbut, which Turishcheva did not have?

Olga, going to the gymnastic platform, wanted to please the public. Her performance was artistic and mischievous. She contacted the viewer, smiled, experienced emotions, and thereby spent a lot of energy.

When gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva showed her program, she presented a serious and concentrated athlete to the audience. She saved energy and emotions. Her principle was not to watch the performances of competitors, so as not to be upset and not to relax.


But their rivalry was like a sail, which entailed world gymnastics.

Career Decline: World Cup Montreal Olympics

In 1975, gymnastics competitions were held in London. Lyudmila Turishcheva, performing exercises on uneven bars, felt the instability of the structure. One of the cables, hooked in the floor, began to weaken. The thought that she could fail the country helped her finish the program. Turn on the lower pole, jump without a planned turn, stable position and collapse of the structure. She left the platform, not even turning to look at the fallen bars.

The third and last before the end of his sports career was the Olympics in Montreal. Twenty-four-year-old Lyudmila led the national team and in the team championship helped her win gold. For the performance of the vault and for the freestyle program, she received two silver medals, a bronze medal in the absolute championship.

The Pursuit of Happyness

In 1976, after gymnastic competitions, Turishcheva was left as an encouragement until the end of the Olympic Games as a public figure on behalf of the Communist Party. Then Turishcheva Lyudmila Ivanovna gave interviews, met with teams and had to report on her work to the headquarters of the Soviet delegation, which was located on the territory of the male corps of the Olympic village. Going once again to the report, she met Valery Borzov, a sprinter athlete, who at the competitions in Munich for the first time in many years managed to win two gold medals against the Americans.


He immediately invited the champion to the cinema, and after the young people exchanged phone numbers. And by the end of 1977, the Olympic couple had a wedding.

Lyudmila Turishcheva: personal life

After the marriage, Lyudmila moved to Kiev, because her husband is from Ukraine, and according to Slavic traditions, a woman comes to her husband’s house after marriage. A year later, a daughter Tatyana was born in the family.

She wanted to become a champion - she became her. Similarly, in family life. Lyudmila Ivanovna wanted to become happy, and for 38 years now she and Valery Filippovich have a trusting relationship built on love for each other.


Daughters Tatyana parents in early childhood still wanted to impose gymnastics. By the age of nine, Tanya realized that this sport was not for her. Then Lyudmila Ivanovna agreed with a track and field coach so that her daughter could come to run to the stadium. By the age of 11, Tatyana had completed the standard for running as a candidate for master of sports. She performed in sprint races at competitions, but by the age of twenty she again realized that this was not for her. Tatyana decided to engage in creativity and entered the University of Design, where she received the specialty of fashion designer.

Valery Filippovich and Lyudmila Turishcheva are now raising grandchildren. A daughter and her husband live in Toronto.