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Stupidity is Proverbs about stupidity

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Stupidity is Proverbs about stupidity
Stupidity is Proverbs about stupidity

Video: Dumb Lawyer Quotes IRL but in Ace Attorney 2 2024, June

Video: Dumb Lawyer Quotes IRL but in Ace Attorney 2 2024, June

We regularly hear the offensive word “fool” in our address or we pronounce ourselves, trying to emphasize certain qualities of another person. It is customary to call that one who committed a rash act, that is, did not use his mind. And what is really stupidity? Is this lack of analytical ability or spiritual maturity? Have you tried to understand when such a definition is more appropriate? If interested, let's try to figure it out.


Stupidity: the interpretation of the word

To our happiness and relief, there are people who study expressions professionally. It is entirely possible to rely on their authoritative opinion so as not to show the very stupidity. It is only in fairy tales that everything is simple, as it is well chewed. The interpretation of words is a completely different thing, more sophisticated. Ozhegov’s dictionary describes our offensive term in this way: "Stupidity is the absence of mind, rational content or expediency." That is, it is a reaction to certain actions or phrases in which logic is not traced. The following is meant. We are faced with different situations in life. Human behavior can not always be called free. He, of course, has a choice, but limited by experience: his own and adopted from educators. If he uses it, then he displays intelligence or wisdom, otherwise - stupidity. This, in other words, is an irrational reaction to an ordinary stimulus.


Not yet clear?

You can, of course, explain it more simply, as in explanatory dictionaries. There are synonyms of our offensive words, no less unpleasant. So, stupidity can be replaced by stupidity, lack of intelligence or naivety. Naturally, each of these words has its own nuances, but in general they speak of the absence of rational, expedient thinking. This behavior is determined by various factors. If there is a violation of logic, then we are faced with real stupidity or stupidity. A person characterized by our term is simply not able to correctly understand what he has encountered. He does not have sufficient information base and tools, as scientists say. For example, a first-grader cannot solve the quadratic equation. He's still stupid, compared to an excellent student from seventh grade. But, you see, nobody in the world can know everything. That is, each of us in certain conditions demonstrates the most real stupidity, which is not a vice. It only demonstrates the lack of certain knowledge or skills.


Proverbs about stupidity

Oddly enough, stupid people have always been tolerant, sometimes even compassionate. Obviously, the collective mind correctly interprets stupidity as the desire of a person to go beyond its bounds. For example, what they say about it: "Stupidity is not a vice." It’s also customary to say: where the clever is grieving, the stupid is happy. Agree, there is no condemnation in this, only a statement of fact. But there are also pretty tough proverbs about stupidity. They are remembered when a lack of common sense leads to serious errors. So, a fool is called upon to remain silent more so as not to show the absence of logic (mind). It is also compared to a cork. And this offensive image is very eloquent. On the one hand, there’s no sense in traffic jams, compared to the fact that it plugs. On the other hand, it is a factor hindering the extraction of contents. Pretty figuratively and to the point. A fool, as a rule, harms not only himself, but also gives others a lot of trouble and worries.

Stupid celebrities

You know, with a lack of mind, which is not an ailment, not everything is so simple. And this was noticed by scientists and philosophers, duty-bound duty to monitor human behavior in various circumstances. So, Erich Maria Remarque uttered a phrase that later became winged. There is no great shame in being born stupid, he said, dying stupidly. That is, the lack of experience in itself is not reprehensible, but the refusal to acquire it leads to shame. And Einstein compared stupidity to infinity. The brilliant theoretical physicist is generally known for his extraordinary analogies. He assured that only these two things in the world are not subject to change.


Is it always bad to be stupid?

Anecdotes are written about stupidity, they describe its consequences in serious literary works. But does it always harm? Let’s approach the issue from a different perspective. Man creates great nonsense, being in a euphoric state. This happens while falling in love. The extraordinary uplift caused by communication with the object of passion also changes thought processes. Lovers often do things that are inexplicable in terms of logic. But is it really bad? People commit insanity for the sake of their beloved, often well aware of the consequences of their action. But at that moment when the decision is made, the happiness of the partner is more important for them. And this is a different state of mind and, probably, a dimension of space. Everyone once finds himself there and before gray hair tries to stay (or find himself again) in this magical world. Is it possible to abandon euphoria in order to look smart in the eyes of those who are not involved?


About a rational approach

There are people who understand that stupidity is sometimes useful. Here we characterize it as a mistake, a lack of rationality. And people understand this very well, and before that they didn’t make a secret from such an interpretation. But the text of the decree of Peter I is widely known, in which he imposes on the subordinates the duty of unreasonable behavior in order not to embarrass the authorities. This text among officials is considered aerobatics of wisdom. It is dangerous to be smarter and more educated than the boss, dismiss - this is known to all careerists. It is better in certain situations to look like a round fool, but useful and helpful. Then you will save a career, and you will not make enemies. Is it worth it to adhere to this dubious principle - understand yourself. Just keep in mind that stupid behavior has its flaws. A deliberate demonstration of their own stupidity emphasizes the real or imaginary advantages of the interlocutor.
