
Statesman Aman Tuleyev: biography, family and personal life

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Statesman Aman Tuleyev: biography, family and personal life
Statesman Aman Tuleyev: biography, family and personal life

The famous and long-standing permanent governor of Kuzbass, Aman Tuleyev, whose biography has been built on a constant take-off for more than seventy years, was born in the city of Krasnovodsk (Turkmenistan) in May 1944. This wonderful governor and a great soul person deserves the best words and the highest appreciation of his work. The country is unlikely to find a governor with the authority that Tuleev Aman Gumirovich possesses.



Children born during the war are very different from other generations. And always - for the better. Such was the hero of this article. His parents were employees. After the death of a father in the war, who was not fortunate enough to hold his only son in his arms, Aman-Geldy was brought up by his stepfather, with whom relations were established immediately and forever. Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov was a wonderful person and stayed with his beloved son all his life - until 1984.

The governor Aman Tuleyev took a lot from his mother, Munira Fayzovna - his biography is filled with deeds of true, high kindness. He buried his mother in 2001. Like all people, it was hard to get used to life without parents, thanks to which it was possible to learn, make a career and live filled with happiness, despite a very hectic job.


Aman Tuleyev, whose biography began at the Krasnodar railway station with a simple switchman, was consistent, enrolling in a railway college and graduating with honors. As a young specialist, he arrived in Kuzbass in the direction and got a job as a duty officer at Mundybash station. From there he was drafted for three years into the army, where the second profession was acquired - the military - sapper. Service in Transbaikalia, and now he is often remembered with light.

Returning to Kuzbass, which became home, Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev, whose biography remained connected with this region, got his previous job, entered the Novosibirsk Engineering Institute of Railway Transport in absentia, and in 1969 became the head of the Mundybash station. Things were going well, and career progressed too. In 1973, a correctly chosen university was completed, and a new appointment was not long in coming.



For the next five years, Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich became the head of the Mezhdurechensk railway station. The biography developed in a career plan clearly in stages: Mezhdurechensk is a small town, but the station there is nodal and important: it is the edge of mines with excellent coking coal, ferroalloys and heavy metallurgy. Then, for seven years, Aman Gumirovich was charmed by the same garden city of Mayakovsky - Novokuznetsk, where he was first deputy, then head of the Kemerovo Railway branch.

This economy was simply huge, because the city is completely and completely industrial, and transport is the most important business. There it became especially noticeable how good and competent he was as a leader, and the biography of Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev went further along the party-administrative line. In 1985, a skilled business executive was raised to the head of the department of transport and communications in the Kemerovo regional party committee. Tuleyev did not want and could not dwell on the existing knowledge and experience, because in 1988 he was very successful at the Academy of Social Sciences.


Road up

In the same 1988, Aman Tuleyev was appointed head of one of the largest railways of the Soviet Union - Kemerovo. And in 1990, he was already sitting in the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, where he was elected by the residents of the Gorno-Shorsk National Territorial District. Then he had to take on his own shoulders two more difficult duties - the deputy in the Kemerovo Regional Council (almost immediately - the chairman of this Council) and the post of chairman of the regional executive committee.

Tuleyev was engaged in this huge work for almost three years - probably the most difficult years the country was going through. And he managed to keep Kuzbass from the terrifying fall that befell almost all the industrial regions of Russia.


In 1991, unfortunately, did not acquire a new mark (although Aman Tuleyev desperately wanted it) biography. The family, which all the residents of Kuzbass became to him, demanded that the globally minded person save the native country. And he was forced to run for president of Russia. However, managed to take only fourth place among six. And what a wonderful program it was! Criticism of the course of Boris Yeltsin’s reforms, their recognition as criminal, because the collapse of the state took place and almost complete impoverishment of the people ensued. But Tuleyev had something to offer in return.

Since 1993, he has been working in the Federation Council from Kuzbass, since 1994, he has been the head of the Legislative Assembly of the region. In 1996, he repeated the attempt of 1991, that is, he participated in the presidential election. However, withdraws its candidacy in favor of G. A. Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party. In 2000, the presidential election brought Tuleyev fourth out of eleven. And it is always filled with struggle among such purposeful people as Aman Tuleyev, a biography. The nationality of the family gave him so mixed that it is difficult to understand where he took such perseverance in achieving the goal. He did not give up his hand: since 1996, he worked in the government of the Russian Federation, while being a minister for cooperation with the CIS countries.



By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in 1997 Aman Tuleyev was appointed head of the regional administration, at the same time he was elected governor, receiving ninety-five percent of the vote. In 2001, re-elected to this position again, with almost the same election result.

In 2005, he received gubernatorial powers from President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin for five years. In 2010, D. A. Medvedev repeated the same thing. In 2015, he was re-elected to the same position with the result again exceptional: ninety-seven percent of voters voted for Tuleyev.

Fatherland awards

"For Merit to the Fatherland" - this order of the fourth and third degree Aman Tuleyev was awarded twice. In 2008, the governor of Kuzbass was awarded the diamond honorary order "Public Recognition" for his enormous personal contribution to the development of civil society and the establishment of a democratic legal state in Russia, for his fruitful public and educational activities. Then President V.V. Putin awarded him with an honorary diploma. And we are presented with more than twenty medals, which Aman Tuleyev managed to earn, a biography.

His family is humanity. Otherwise, he could not have become a laureate of the Prize to them. Peter the Great, which is given for the most outstanding contribution to cooperation with foreign countries. And the annual contest of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper repeatedly recognized him as the most popular public figure - “Person of the Year” Tuleyev became twice, and also the best governor of Russia, laureate of “For Faith and Fidelity” - the international prize of St. Andrew the First-Called. The revival of spirituality, integration, strengthening the economy - this is his everyday work, marked by the laureate of the international program "Leaders of the twenty-first century", "National Pride of Russia". Many times he received diplomas of "Best Leader of the Year" from various public organizations.


ROC Awards

The Russian Orthodox Church rewarded Aman Tuleyev very much, since few leaders of this rank responded to all sorts of confessional problems. Many people believe that this is not enough, the Lord has prepared much more for this wonderful person. And here, on the earthly path, Aman Tuleyev was awarded the orders of St. Sergius of Radonezh, second degree, two orders of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow - the second and first degrees.

Absolutely rightly, Aman Tuleyev was given the Golden Order Badge "For Sacrificial Service" (in the name of Boris and Gleb, the noble princes). For attention to the Russian Orthodox Church, for his enormous personal contribution to the revival of Orthodoxy in the country, Alexy II presented Aman Tuleyev with the Order of St. Innocent.

International awards

Many times the Governor of Kuzbass Tuleev Aman Gumirovich was awarded the insignia of different countries. Nationality defines biography as a Kazakh, but in fact it is much richer. Tuleyev truly thoroughly understands every nation in all manifestations of its identity, delves into its problems, tries to help everyone. So, he was awarded the highest award of Mongolia - the Order of the Polar Star, the Belarusian Order of Friendship, the highest order of Ukraine - Yaroslav the Wise, the Order of Kazakhstan - Dostyk ("Friendship"). And the UN quite rightly marked its activities with the Order of Justice. In 2005, Aman Tuleyev received the award "For Respect for the People" from the International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms.


From the grateful people

For personal courage in the prevention of terrorist acts, the governor was awarded twice a personalized firearm - two pistols of the Makarov system were handed to Aman Tuleyev by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 1997 and 2003. In the first case, thanks to the efforts of the governor, the hostages were still alive and the hostages were released, and in the second, the anti-terrorist operation was correctly organized with his great help. From the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tuleyev received badges, personalized watches and all kinds of gratitude, since he always acted very competently in extreme situations.

And the enterprises of Kuzbass, which were preserved in these troubled and bad years only thanks to the intelligence, tact and the greatest efficiency of the governor, also expressed the deepest respect and appreciation to this person. He was awarded a variety of honorary titles, he is an honorary citizen of almost every city in his native land, which he devoted so much effort to. And he is the "Honorary Miner", "Honorary Railroad". And this is not only in Kuzbass, where such an attitude to the governor by strangers can be considered as a sucker. Although Tuleeva really loves the whole Kemerovo region! He has diplomas of love from different cities and cities. Moreover, he is a laureate of the Book of Honor and Honor of Russia, and at the same time he received a golden order and golden weapons.
