
Gozman Leonid Yakovlevich: biography, personal life, photo

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Gozman Leonid Yakovlevich: biography, personal life, photo
Gozman Leonid Yakovlevich: biography, personal life, photo

Recently, politician and public figure Leonid Gozman has increasingly begun to appear in the Russian media space. He can be watched in telecasts as an expert, in debates, in political reviews and in many other programs. Gozman can be remembered as a person with a sharp liberal outlook and an unconventional outlook on the world order. What is known about the biography of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman? We will try to deal with this in the article.

The early years and the beginning of a political career

Politician Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman was born on July 13, 1950 in Leningrad. A person has a university degree in "Social Psychology of Interpersonal Relations and Political Psychology." Leonid Yakovlevich received the status of a specialist at Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1976. Later he managed to become the head of the department in the direction of Political Psychology.

The biography of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman is closely related to teaching. The future politician worked as an assistant professor at Moscow State University for more than ten years, and also wrote eight books on psychology. Among his works, it is worth highlighting the most famous - this is the "Political Psychology" of 1996, as well as the "Psychology of Emotional Relations" in 1987. In 1983, Leonid Yakovlevich managed to obtain the status of a candidate of psychological sciences.

The biography of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman is associated not only with scientific and teaching activities. At the end of the Soviet period, our hero was drawn into the political sphere. In those days, power was interesting to many. Probably every Soviet citizen wanted to become a direct participant in the process of perestroika. Gozman was no exception. Moreover, he possessed the deepest knowledge in the field of political psychology, which could not but affect his interest in gaining a small share of power. So, in 1989, Leonid Yakovlevich became a member of the famous intelligent clubs "Karabakh" and "Moscow Tribune".

Scientific activity

Having become interested in politics, our hero, however, did not abandon scientific activity. In 1989, Gozman became a member of the first Russian psychological association. Three years later, he is one of the founders of the Center for Sociological and Psychological Research partnership.

The turning point in the biography of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman is the acquaintance with Yegor Gaidar - at that time the Deputy Russian Prime Minister. Gozman and Gaidar quickly became close. The hero of our article becomes an adviser to the Russian prime minister. Leonid Yakovlevich married, his daughter Olga was born. Unfortunately, today, detailed information about the family politician is nowhere to be found. There is neither information, nor even a photo of the wife of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman.

In early 1993, Leonid Yakovlevich got the opportunity to leave for the United States. For six months Gozman taught at Dickenson as a professor. In the summer of that year, he got the opportunity to become a research fellow at the Washington Woodrow Wilson International Center.

Photos of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman are presented in the article.


Gozman's biography is inextricably linked with science. The future politician was educated at the highest level and gained the opportunity to work abroad. In the USA, Leonid was able to gain invaluable experience. He saw the social, scientific and political system of the western state. All this helped him to develop a certain worldview, with which politicians are guided to this day.

From Democratic Choice to UES

A large number of questions and rumors go around the biography of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman. Nationality is probably the most pressing issue. At the moment, the hero of the article has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, but is Jewish by nationality.

In 1993, Gozman became a member of the Democratic Choice party association. A little later, he enters the party’s federal political council as secretary. In late 1995, Leonid Yakovlevich ran for the Moscow State Duma in the Istra district. He represented the same block, Democratic Choice. Gozman failed to get a mandate.

From 1996 to 1998 Leonid Yakovlevich holds the post of adviser to the chairman of the Russian presidential administration. After 1998, Gozman again took the post of adviser to the Prime Minister, as it was at the beginning of his political career. This time, the chairman of the government is Anatoly Borisovich Chubais.

In the spring of 1998, Gozman became an adviser to Chubais at UES of Russia, the country's federal energy system. A little later, a politician is elected to the board. Leonid Yakovlevich becomes the authorized representative of RAO UES OJSC in the field of communications with state authorities and public organizations.

From the Union of Right Forces to the Just Cause

Gozman can be judged in many ways, but one should not deny that the person in question is truly amazing. Man is a brilliant scientist and successful politician. For a small amount of time, Leonid managed to go quite a long way. He gained foreign experience and gained many friends in power. Nevertheless, Russian citizens do not agree in assessing the activities of the person in question. There are many rumors and conjectures around the nationality of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman, his political activities and worldview. Probably the most striking facts from his biography were recorded in the early 2000s. It was then that Gozman became a member of the Union of Right Forces (SPS) public organization. Here Leonid Yakovlevich receives the post of deputy chairman of the election headquarters.

Gozman tried to combine political activity with work in RAO "UES", where Chubais helped him get a job. In 2000, he was elected to the board of directors of three large organizations at once: Lenenergo, Khabarovskenergo, and Dalenergo.


In the early 2000s, Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman, whose biography, a photo of which many are interested in, is elected as a member of the SPS coordinating council. And already in June 2001, the hero of our article became the chairman of the party creative council. Two years later, Leonid Yakovlevich decides to run for "SPS" in the State Duma. He failed to get into parliament. However, in February 2004 Gozman was elected the party’s ideological secretary, and in 2005, he was elected deputy head of the SPS political council.

In 2007, Leonid Yakovlevich managed to lead the St. Petersburg branch of the SPS party. In the same year, Gozman again ran for the lower house of the Federal Assembly and again lost. In December 2007, the politician became deputy Nikita Belykh, who was then the party chairman. A year later, Gozman replaces Belykh as chairman. In parallel, Leonid Yakovlevich holds the position of co-chairman in the party "Just Cause".

Party activity

Gozman's political activities are worth a little more detail. In 2005, Leonid Yakovlevich became close to Nikita Belykh, who at that time was the informal leader of the Union of Right Forces party. The official chairman then was Anatoly Chubais. According to one of the SPS members, Ivan Starikov, Belykh then seemed to many to be "fresh and full of strength, a person who had shown himself excellently in the regions." According to an alternative opinion, Belykh served as a kind of screen to cover the Chubais-Gozman ligament. Gozman then agreed to cede Belykh. The party has lost the election several times, and therefore was somewhat wasteful for the RAO UES director board. The political power of SPS urgently needed to be "greened", which Belykh did. The main rival of SPS at the time of the fourth election to the Moscow City Duma was Yabloko.


From 2008 to 2011 Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman was a co-chair of the Just Cause party. By that time, the Union of Right Forces had already lost its former political power. In September 2011, a meeting of former SPS activists was held, where Chubais announced the intensification of the movement. The reason was the loss of the electoral cycle of “Just Cause”, as Leonid Gozman said then.


What is known about the personal life of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman? At the moment, the politician is married, has a daughter, granddaughter and grandson. A separate problem is associated with the parents of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman. Information on the ancestors of politics is not found in virtually any bibliographic source. According to some reports, Leonid's father is Yakov Borisovich (or Aaronovich) Gozman born in 1925. The grandfather of politics is a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Almost nothing is known about Leonid’s mother.

The politician is trying to hide information about his loved ones. At least, nowhere is it possible to find a photo of the family of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman. It is only known that the politician has one daughter, Olga Leonidovna, who is currently engaged in entrepreneurship and social activities.

It is possible to make a detailed image of the person in question. So, it is worth paying attention to the numerous disputes and conflicts of the politician with various public and political figures. Gozman spoke several times in the "Duel" program, where he discussed with a large number of famous people. The first debate took place in September 2010, where Gozman discussed the topic of Yuri Luzhkov’s resignation with Nikita Mikhalkov. Leonid Yakovlevich argued with Zhirinovsky on the national issue, and with Zyuganov - on the problem of public attitudes toward de-Stalinization. Gozman also discussed the problem of Stalin’s personality with director Sergei Kurginyan. Gozman discussed with the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky the theme of the beginning of the Second World War, and with Alexander Prokhanov and Arkady Mamontov, the fate of the scandalous punk band Pussy Riot. With historian Vyacheslav Nikonov, Gozman clarified the problem of relations with the West.

It should be noted that Gozman did not win in any of his debates. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that most Russians did not have a very positive attitude towards Leonid Yakovlevich. Gozman is often criticized for containing open insults. Often hurt facts from the biography of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman, the nationality of the politician and his worldview. At the same time, the liberal public has a neutral opinion about Leonid. So, the hero of our article often becomes a participant in programs on the Echo of Moscow radio station.


What do famous public and political figures think about the person of Gozman? In short, the attitude towards politics is very ambiguous. The famous conservative writer Alexander Prokhanov spoke out about politics not in the most flattering way. Alexander Andreevich drew attention to the biography and parents of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman. According to the writer, Gozman turned the Russian state into an "economic appendage" of Western countries: "The American crisis came to our country, sweeping away production and causing adversity to citizens." Blame it, according to Prokhanov, directly Leonid Yakovlevich. He touched on the writer and the problem of Gozman's parents. The fact is that a great number of rumors go around the grandfather of a politician. The anti-liberal public claims that Aaron Gozman, an ancestor of Leonid Gozman, was shot during WWII for treason. Often use this information and various media. In particular, in 2013 Roskomnadzor issued a warning to Komsomolskaya Pravda. The newspaper published an article about the biography and parents of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman with a clear anti-Semitic connotation.


Many blame Gozman for trying to equate fascism and Stalinism. Some conservatives even believe that such comparisons are already a manifestation of fascism. So, the famous journalist Vladimir Solovyov advocates bringing Gozman to criminal liability for extremism.

However, there are individuals who are positively related to the person of Leonid Yakovlevich. In particular, the president of the Jewish Congress of Russia, Yuri Kanner, the Bulgakov critic Boris Sokolov, as well as the director Tigran Keosayan, speak rather warmly about the identity of Gozman.


What is known about the ideological views of Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman? A politician calls himself an atheist. At the same time, Gozman admits that Russia is a state with a predominant Christian culture. According to the hero of our article, gospel principles underlie the morality of the Russian people. However, Gozman is rather cool towards the modern Russian Orthodox Church. The politician is sure that the representatives of the Orthodox faith do not have any special rights or freedoms. All people, regardless of religion and worldview, are equal on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Leonid Yakovlevich stands for freedom of conscience and the right to belong to any faith. Gozman advocates equal empowerment of all citizens, and therefore considers the adoption of the scandalously famous law "On insulting the feelings of believers." According to the politician, the adoption of such a norm means giving special rights to the category of church people, which violates the state constitutional system.

Separately, it is worth telling about the political views of Gozman. Leonid Yakovlevich is a convinced liberal. The politician considers urgent reformation of many public spheres necessary. In the area of ​​foreign policy, Gozman advocates improving relations between Russia and Western countries, as well as "immediately ending the aggressive military adventure of the Russian Federation on the territory of southeast Ukraine."

Activity today

Today, a politician tries to devote most of his time to his family. Leonid Yakovlevich Gozman is still trying to resume the activities of the Union of Right Forces. The politician actively debates with public figures on television, and also occasionally makes statements to representatives of the liberal public.


It is also worth talking about Gozman’s short stay in the Just Cause party. The politician participated in the constituent congress of 2008, when Andrei Bogdanov (delegate from the Democratic Party), Alexander Ryavkin (representative of Civil Power) and journalist Georgy Bovt also participated in the creation of the new political platform. The famous businessman Boris Titov, the leader of the Business Russia association, also took part here.

In 2009, Gozman demanded the resignation of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. At the same time, disagreements arose between Titov and Gozman about Yabloko. Titov advocated an alliance with a well-known party, and Gozman - for independent promotion.

In February 2015, the politician promised to deal with the circumstances of the death of his colleague, Boris Nemtsov. In the same year, Leonid Yakovlevich made a loud statement about the need to combat the "Russian occupation" in eastern Ukraine.