
Grachev Daniel: biography and journalism

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Grachev Daniel: biography and journalism
Grachev Daniel: biography and journalism

Video: Andrei Grachev, Gorbachev's former adviser and spokesman 2024, July

Video: Andrei Grachev, Gorbachev's former adviser and spokesman 2024, July

Despite his relatively young age, in Ukraine, Grachev Daniil has long established himself as an authoritative expert in the fashion industry. He understands the matter when it comes to fashion trends, and regularly visits stores of stylish and modern clothes, thanks to which he is firmly entrenched as an avid shopaholic. At home, the stylist highly raised the rating of such programs as “Icon of Style”, “Goddess of Shopping”, “Fashion for the People”. These projects came out with his participation on the TET channel.

However, Grachev Daniil became famous as an odious blogger who wrote more than one post on the topic of "demonization of Russia." But, as the fashion expert himself claims, all this is in the past, and now he does not consider our country to be the culprit of all the troubles that have occurred recently on the world stage. It is noteworthy that after such negative publications denigrating the Kremlin, one of the well-known television channels in Russia invited a fashion expert to conduct a morning show. So, who is he - Grachev Daniel? A repentant blogger or an ordinary sneak?

Curriculum Vitae

Grachev Daniil - a native of the city of Donetsk (Ukraine).


He was born on December 16, 1983. Already from school, the future stylist began to show interest in the fashion industry. However, Daniil Grachev, whose biography is a real secret for many, did not immediately begin to understand the intricacies of the fashion industry. Initially, he decided to become a philologist and even received a diploma in this profession, having studied at a university. However, the young man did not work in this area. For some time he worked as a political volunteer, and then taught elementary school students English.

Career in the capital

In 2008, the “failed philologist” decided to try to realize himself in the Ukrainian capital, where he was going. In Kiev, a young man very quickly became his in a social gathering. He easily made acquaintances in the midst of show business and after some time received an invitation to conduct a rated television program “Secular Chronicles”. The viewer very quickly got used to the stylish young man with unusual accessories on his head. Grachev's name is to take the post of chief editor of the Internet resource Mainpeople. The young man begins to publish his materials in popular glamorous publications.


Daniil Grachev, whose photo now appeared with enviable regularity in glossy magazines in Kiev, receives an offer to become a TV presenter on the Ukrainian TET channel. Naturally, he cannot miss this opportunity and agrees to work on television. But he does not have time for blogging, so he stops writing articles on the site for a while.

And on television, a triumph awaits him. The rating of the “Goddess of Shopping” program beat all records.

“My style is impeccable”


“To become a successful designer, it is necessary to systematically cultivate taste, study and analyze new trends in fashion. I believe that my style is at the highest level. It includes a whole combination of trends and brands. In everyday life I wear simple clothes that "I don’t like to be in the spotlight when I walk down the street. However, I try to stand out in front of the cameras, so I put on something bright and exclusive. Style is such a thing that needs to be constantly improved, " says ebe Daniel Grachev.


Having succeeded in the career of a TV presenter, Daniil Grachev began to devote time and work to a blog and social networks. And, it should be noted, his posts were clearly “anti-Russian” in nature. An expert in the fashion industry wrote that he is a supporter of Euromaidan and strongly supports the new government in its desire to "restore order" in the south-east of Ukraine. He also allowed himself to write rude remarks about the Russian president. All this could not but excite the Russian part of the Internet community, which harshly criticized the Ukrainian blogger.


However, information was published in the press that Daniil Grachev had now changed the vector of his own perception of political reality. Now he does not believe that Russia unleashed the conflict in the Donbass. He apologized for having previously considered the Ukrainian neighbor to blame for all ills.

At the same time, Grachev said that the political topic is alien to him, and he wants to completely focus his activities on the fashion world. The Ukrainian stylist does not deny that in the past he succumbed to the general mood that prevailed a year ago in Kiev. And it was under the influence of the information war that he wrote negative articles about our country, but now insight has come.

Work in Russia

Most representatives of domestic television were shocked by the news that the leadership of the country's popular channel, NTV, invited Daniil Grachev to host the morning show "Coffee and Milk". No one could understand how the Ukrainian stylist, who propagandizes openly anti-Russian slogans, got on television in our country. However, NTV employees did not see anything seditious in their act, they say, Grachev’s arrival on the Russian television channel will help minimize disagreements between Russia and Ukraine.

"Suitcase. Railway station. Kiev!"

However, the bulk of the Russian public did not share the point of view held by representatives of the NTV channel.


An action began on the World Wide Web, the essence of which boiled down to the following: it is necessary to achieve the dismissal of Grachev, who must go where he came from.

The conflict worsened even more …

One way or another, but the fact of the employment of the Ukrainian TV presenter on the Russian channel further increased tension between the two fraternal peoples, fortunately, only within the framework of social networks. No smoothing of the conflict has occurred. The NTV leadership deliberately does not pay attention to the discontent of representatives of the Internet community, who consider the new government in Ukraine to be criminal. And even the fact that Daniil Grachev publicly apologized for his radical statements did not raise his authority in the eyes of the Russians. And the employees of NTV television did not stop convincing everyone that the Ukrainian expert in the fashion industry was a true professional on television who completely disregarded politics.


At leisure, Daniil Grachev loves to travel or do yoga. In addition, a stylist from Ukraine is interested in tennis, although he admits that he has not yet mastered this sport very well.