
Double mushrooms: mushrooms summer, autumn and others

Double mushrooms: mushrooms summer, autumn and others
Double mushrooms: mushrooms summer, autumn and others

Video: Fall Mushroom hunting vs spring mushroom huniting vol 2 2024, July

Video: Fall Mushroom hunting vs spring mushroom huniting vol 2 2024, July

Since ancient times, people have known what poisonous mushrooms are, by their own example making sure which mushrooms can be cooked and which are better to bypass. The latter include twins: mushrooms summer, autumn or grebe pale. Many famous people (voluntarily or involuntarily) became victims of mushroom poisoning.

Scientists have tried to find out the nature of the poisonous action of plants at all times. It was assumed that they collect all the negative from the environment and accumulate it. Many scientists, such as Pliny, adhered to this hypothesis. Only in the 20th century, with the development of chemistry, were scientists able to establish what deadly danger to humans forces people to leave our world who have tasted such a seemingly innocent dish as mushrooms.

The three main groups of toxins contain double mushrooms: summer mushroom, fly agaric, grebes and other species.

The first group causes digestive upset. Lunch with a mushroom dish ends with a slight malaise, and in rare cases, only with individual intolerance, by the hospital. Within half an hour (less often after an hour) all the symptoms become apparent, and then disappear in three to six days. Such a group includes a satanic mushroom, caustic milkers, some russula, double mushrooms mushrooms summer or autumn (if they are not cooked well), raincoats are false, other species.

The second group contains a more dangerous type of toxin - muscarine, which was originally discovered in 1869 in red mushrooms, and then found in other poisonous mushrooms. This toxin causes serious human health problems. The pupils of the eyes narrow, breathing and pulse sharply slow down, the person becomes covered with sweat, tears flow from the eyes. Timely assistance will be able to put the victim on his feet in a day or two. Such mushrooms are much more dangerous than double mushrooms mushrooms summer or autumn.

Further studies of fly agaric and other poisonous mushrooms showed that food poisoning is only a superficial manifestation of the action of the poison. It also has a psychotropic effect on the body. The search led to the discovery of three more active substances. They turned out to be muscazone, ibotenic acid and muscimol. It is they that lead a person to a strong excitement, paralytic stage and deep sleep. Lack of timely assistance may result in a person not waking up. Therefore, at the first signs of mushroom poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor. Compared with such poisoning, mushrooms, twin mushrooms, summer or autumn mushrooms are not dangerous.

The third group is represented by toxins that are deadly to humans even in small doses. Such toxins contain pale toadstools, some types of stitches, fly agaric spring and smelly, orange-red cobweb and others. These mushrooms do not manifest themselves during the day, or even two after they have been bitten. The man had lunch - and everything seemed to be fine. But the black business of toxins has already begun, and the most dangerous thing is that the changes they make in the body often become irreversible when doctors are no longer able to help. Autumn or summer mushrooms double mushrooms will not produce such destructive actions in the body.

Severe vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea) leads to dehydration, causes blood clotting, intense thirst. After vomiting, temporary relief may occur, but the internal organs are damaged (their destruction begins after half an hour, as a person tasted poisonous mushrooms, without appearing in any way) and are damaged so much that the process is not reversible. If you do not notice the discomfort before vomiting and diarrhea, do not provide medical assistance, then saving a person is no longer possible.

What dangerous mushrooms look like doubles, summer or autumn mushrooms

False mushrooms usually do not lead to death, but you can poison them, and therefore you need to "know them by sight" in order to distinguish them from a real honey agaric and not to take a mushroom that leads to food poisoning. Edible mushrooms are mushrooms growing in the summer, they are called summer and autumn. Poison mushrooms, brick red and sulfur yellow are poisonous. The plates on the inside of the mushroom cap in real, edible mushrooms are always at the beginning of the growth of cream color, then a little brown, but they never become dark.

The color of the plates of false honey agarics is greenish-olive and with dark powder spores. The color of the plates may be dirty yellow, but the most basic distinguishing feature is the dark color of the spore powder. He will immediately tell you that the mushrooms on the stump or near it, growing in a group are not edible, but false mushrooms.

How not to poison yourself with mushrooms and how to help

First of all, never take mushrooms unknown to you, as well as worms or overripe ones. The origin of one of their dangerous toxins has not yet been identified, but it is assumed that it is found in overripe and decaying mushrooms. It is important what kind of mushrooms a person has poisoned, keep cleaning or trimming so that you can determine the type of toxin.

For any signs or suspicions of poisoning, put the patient to bed, do not give tea or coffee. Only salted water. Alcoholic drinks accelerate the absorption of toxins into the blood. Call for medical help immediately, every extra minute may be the last for a person.