
Kharlamov vs. Guzeeva: why the showman began to “troll” the TV host of the program “Let's get married”

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Kharlamov vs. Guzeeva: why the showman began to “troll” the TV host of the program “Let's get married”
Kharlamov vs. Guzeeva: why the showman began to “troll” the TV host of the program “Let's get married”

This is not the first month on the Internet that there has been a heated discussion of the conflict that happened between the resident of the Comedy Club show Garik Kharlamov and the actress, and part-time and the TV presenter of the popular Let's Get Married program, Larisa Guzeeva. What did happen between these artists, and why did Bulldog so shrink on a poor woman that it sank to a banal “trolling”? But first things first.

Strong woman

It’s probably not a secret for anyone that you don’t put a finger in the mouth of the first matchmaker of the country, but let someone teach the mind and slice the truth-uterus live. For more than 10 years, Larisa Guzeeva has regularly appeared on Channel One in the Let's Get Married program, where single people come in hopes of finding a soul mate. The host drove many of them into a stupor more than once, forcing them to blush and make excuses.


And although not everyone likes this behavior of a Soviet cinema star, many still continue to watch the program and marvel at the fearlessness and self-confidence of this lady.

How did it all start?

What prompted Garik Kharlamov to engage in a skirmish with Guzeeva? Apparently, the showman caught the eye of a video in which a woman spoke rudely about representatives of gay orientation. Having found this amusing, Kharlamov posted a video on his Instagram page, which greatly amused his many subscribers.

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The star of the video was Larisa Guzeeva with her catchphrase. In addition, the comedian decided that this was not enough, and decided to fill up his Instagram with various funny fragments from the program “Let's get married” with the participation of the same Guzeeva.


It is worth noting that under these posts such artists as Sergey Lazarev, Oscar Kuchera, Polina Gagarina, Alexander Gudkov and many others hastened to leave their approving comments. But there were those who did not like such blatant mockery of a well-deserved actress, and fans began to hastily unsubscribe from Garik's page.

Where did this ill-fated phrase come from?

Many users, having watched Kharlamov’s video, hastened to find out where this phrase from Guzeeva had been cut from. It turns out that she was taken out of the context of one of the issues of the “Let's Get Married” program, which was announced by the host on her page, posting a full fragment of the conversation with one of the participants there. After the sentimental story of the participant of the television show about his childhood, namely about his father, who was abusive to him, the main matchmaker of the country could not stand it and called the parent unflattering words. It is worth noting that many viewers supported such a bright impulse of a woman.

Cruel trolling or PR for two?

The opinions of users regarding this situation were divided. Some believe that, to put it mildly, it is ugly, to mock a poor woman in age, especially since she recently experienced a terrible grief, having lost her mother. However, others believe that Larisa Guzeeva has such a subtle sense of humor that she does not take offense at the antics of the comedian-merry fellow, but, on the contrary, laughs with everyone over his next video masterpieces.


It is worth noting that there was a third party that believes that both artists simply catch a hype from all this. It is possible that the showman publishes his miracle videos with the approval of Guzeeva herself. After all, if you look at the statistics, it becomes noticeable how many subscribers came to the page of the scandalous presenter.