
Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez: biography

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Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez: biography
Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez: biography

Video: Ilyich Ramírez Sánchez | Carlos The Jackal 2024, June

Video: Ilyich Ramírez Sánchez | Carlos The Jackal 2024, June

Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez (nickname Jackal) - one of the most famous international terrorists. Many special agents of various secret services, politicians, and ordinary people perished at his hands. Each action caused a heated discussion in the media.


Some consider him a romantic person who fought for the rights of the common people, while others are a ruthless terrorist.

Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez: biography. Youth

Jackal has lived in more than 10 countries throughout his life. Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez was born on October 12, 1949 in Venezuela. His family can be attributed to the intelligentsia. Mother was a true Muslim and devoted much time to studying religion. Father was an ardent communist. He supported the idea of ​​creating the USSR and admired Vladimir Lenin. In honor of the leader, he named three children.

My father insisted on teaching young Ilyich at Fermin Toro Lucia School, which was famous for its leftist beliefs. Ilyich showed interest in studying. He was interested in literature, philosophy, economics. The influence of his father and friends prompted Ilyich to join the organization of communist youth. At the age of 15, he is directly involved in clashes with the police on the streets of Caracas.

Ilyich’s mother was not a supporter of political radicalism. Therefore, the aggravated situation in Venezuela prompted her to emigrate to England with all the children. From there, at the insistence of his father, Ilyich went to Moscow to study at the university. There he finds many supporters in the circle of students from around the world. Among them was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Activities in the PFLP

The PFLP is a radical left-wing organization whose goal was to free Palestinian territory from Israeli influence and establish secular popular power. In the 70s, this organization gained the greatest popularity. Its cells were located around the world. The PFLP worked closely with many radical left organizations in Europe. Together with them, he arranged joint direct-action actions.


Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez begins to communicate closely with Mohammed Budia. Therefore, in 1970 he left Moscow and sent to the Middle East. There he enters the PFLP and is trained in one of the camps. They were created by Palestinian rebels for recruits. In addition to military training for conducting military operations on the fronts, they were trained to plan and carry out operations in urban conditions. Sanchez has been successful in training and is being appointed one of the PFLP agents in Europe.

Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez: international terrorism

In the early 70s, Sanchez returned to London, where he began collecting information. He compiles a list that includes prominent figures of Zionist organizations and supporters of Israel. A few years later, Israeli services kill Budia, and Sanchez becomes the head of the European branch of the PFLP. The first goal is the head of the company Mark and Spencer. The attempt is unsuccessful.

The next action was directed against the print media, which on their pages supported the policy of Israel. At night, several mined cars explode at the walls of the editorial offices, but no one was hurt. After a search of the hotel, journalists manage to shoot the novel Jackal Day, which Sanchez carried with him. Since then, the media nicknamed him Jackal.

Collaboration with other groups

In 1974, the Red Army of Japan will attack the French Embassy in The Hague. The suddenness of the attack did not allow the Dutch authorities to take the necessary measures, almost all embassy staff were taken hostage. Negotiations began, which soon reached an impasse. To induce the French to make concessions, Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez detonates a grenade in a Parisian cafe. After that, the French government began a dialogue with KAYA. However, some researchers deny the fact that it was Sanchez who threw a grenade.


The next action of the elusive Jackal was to assist in the murder of a Uruguayan diplomat. According to unconfirmed information, the performers were members of one of the radical groups in Latin America.

In 1975, Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez was the number 1 terrorist in Europe. Subversive activities in January took all French services by surprise. On the 17th, members of the PFLP open fire on Israeli aircraft. The raid was unsuccessful. A few days later, a similar attack occurs. Ramirez and the three accomplices are successfully hiding. The real hunt begins on them.

After the capture of one of the prominent figures of the PFLP, the Territorial Oversight Department raids one of the apartments of the left radicals. Sanchez is caught, but he manages to get a weapon and kills several agents, and then escapes.