
Ingeborga Dapkunaite: biography and personal life

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Ingeborga Dapkunaite: biography and personal life
Ingeborga Dapkunaite: biography and personal life



Actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite is known to the viewer both in domestic cinema and in foreign films. Her filmography consists of more than 50 diverse works in different countries.

Family favorite

The future artist was born on January 20, 1963 in the Lithuanian capital - Vilnius. The family of the actress was intelligent. Close people tried to convey to their daughter a love of art. Mom was a meteorologist. Even today, Inga notes that she believes in forecasts unconditionally only because of her mom’s profession. And dad worked as a diplomat. Due to constant employment, parents were forced to leave their native country and spend a lot of time in Moscow. The daughter often visited them in Russia during the holidays. Often, adults came home.


Despite the fact that mom and dad were far away, Ingeborga Dapkunaite always felt their love. Biography and childhood were inextricably linked with the old city of Vilnius. There the nanny, who the girl loved very much, was engaged with the child. Also, her grandmother and grandfather and an aunt and uncle on her mother's side looked after her. Relatives did not refuse anything to the baby and tried to make sure that she did not feel the absence of her parents.

First applause

The whole family of the famous actress was associated with art. Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl first appeared on stage at 4 years old. My grandmother worked at the Opera and Ballet Theater in Vilnius. The duties included negotiating with the singers about the details of the performance. At that time, little Inga had already become acquainted with acting and knew well what was happening behind the scenes.

Once in their city, the star of Italy Virginia Ziana was supposed to perform. She participated in the production of "Cio-Cio-san." In the story, the main character had a son. But at that time the boy who played this role had grown a lot, so little Ingeborga Dapkunaite was preparing for this scene. The biography of the actress already intersected with famous opera singers. The girl rehearsed with the best voices in Lithuania.


Gain experience

When the Italian found out that the girl would play the role, she was outraged. However, later she was fascinated by the talent of young talent. After the performance, Virginia gave Inge all her flowers. Then the little actress received her first applause, which she still remembers.

In parallel, the girl went in for sports. She especially liked figure skating and basketball. However, the beauty never regretted spending a lot of time in the theater.

One winter day, she was in a hurry to rehearse the next performance, when she stopped and saw her peers who were carelessly skating on ice. Then the little Ingeborga Dapkunaite smiled and thought to herself that she is very happy, because she can do her favorite thing - to stand on stage.

During all school years, the beauty played a variety of roles. She was equally good at reproducing the devils, princesses and animals. The girl was very good at finding appropriate images for her characters.

years of education

For one play, the actress needed to speak a simple rural language. The girl grew up in an intelligent family, where she expressed herself cleanly and clearly. But her heroine was not a very literate and ordinary village girl. In order to make the scene more colorful, Ingeborg began to speak the language of other grandfathers and grandmothers who were farmers. When the child finished the monologue, the hall exploded with applause.


Next, the task arose of choosing a future profession. Dramatic art seemed to her played and fake. She absolutely seriously wanted to combine her life with opera or ballet. However, at 16, the heroine saw the performance of the Kaunas Theater in Vilnius and immediately fell in love with this work. Her friends brought her into a circle. Due to her unusual appearance, the girl constantly played boys. After school I entered the Lithuanian Conservatory of Ingeborg Dapkunaite. The biography has since officially rallied with the theater.

Led by professionals

The girl was lucky to get on the course of Jonas Vaitkusa. This man is known at home as a talented director and director.

Then the heroine met her first husband. Arunas Sakalaus, like the beauty, raved about an acting career. Now one of the most popular television presenters and actors in Lithuania. The former lover does not tell reporters about life with Ingeborg. However, he repeatedly mentioned how she was at the university - funny and extraordinary.

The student years became fatal for the career of a young star under the name of Ingeborg Dapkunaite. The biography has changed a lot after meeting with the first mentor Jonas Vaitkusem. On his initiative, the girl began to play the first serious role. Her career began at the Kaunas Drama Theater. From there, another director, Ammunts Nyakroshus, lures the young beauty to him. There she also has to play the main characters.


Stage and set

In 1984, she tried her hand at cinema. Her first screen work is My Little Wife. Here the lyceum played a simple and cheerful girl. The audience immediately fell in love with the young actress.

Then very often appeared on the screens of Ingeborg Dapkunaite. Films, alas, did not receive general popularity. She starred in such little-known films as “The Mysterious Heir”, “13th Apostle” and “Autumn, Chertanovo”.

Recognizing the actress on the streets began after the acclaimed film "Intergirl". He was released in 1989 and immediately found a lot of fans. Inga played the role of Kisuli in this tape.

During one of the performances, the actress is noticed by director John Malkovich. He invites her to the capital of Great Britain. They staged the performance "Speech Mistakes." She decides to go to the casting. Subsequently, it was approved, and the hypocrite began a new task.


Success abroad

Later moved to England Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Personal life at that time did not add up. The first marriage fell apart. For both artists, the main thing was a career, so the young people divorced, but remained friends. In Britain, Inga meets her second love. Simon Stokes was a director. His heart immediately captivated a charming beauty. They lived in marriage for more than 10 years, after which they also divorced. Now maintain friendly relations.

After working in London, the actress moved to Chicago. There she played a major role in the production of Vagina's Monologues. The performance has a special psychological content. The audience was delighted with the bold and gifted actress.

At the same time starred in the movie. So, in 1994 the film "Moscow Nights" was released. For this work, the star received the Nika Award.


Diverse work

In the same year, the famous Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov shot it in his Oscar-winning film Burnt by the Sun. A young, attractive and talented actress was invited to play in popular Hollywood films. Among them, "Mission Impossible" and "Seven Years in Tibet."

Ingeborga Dapkunaite received world fame. A photo of the actress appeared daily on magazine pages. In 2004, she took part in the film "Winter Heat". The following year, Inga became the leading Russian Big Brother project. She also starred in the show "Stars on Ice". Her partner was Alexander Zhulin. Journalists repeatedly attributed the couple a novel, but this information was not confirmed.

The actress divorced her second husband in 2009. A possible reason for the collapse is the absence of children. In February 2013, Inga married a third time. The chosen one was Dmitry Yampolsky, who was not involved in the world of the scene. It has several restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He is 12 years younger than his lover. When meeting a rich man, he knew how old Ingeborg Dapkunaite was. However, the age difference does not prevent the couple from living happily.