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Irina Trukhina and "Only children's books"

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Irina Trukhina and "Only children's books"
Irina Trukhina and "Only children's books"

Irina Trukhina is a figure quite noticeable in the domestic segment of the Internet, the name of which is closely connected with literature, and children's literature. Her reviews of this or that children's book can be found both on the pages of online stores under the relevant editions, and can be read centrally in her LiveJournal. In any of these places, in addition to reviews, you can also find a dozen or two photographs of the book. Although, as she herself admits, books are bought mainly for themselves, in their collection, and therefore the emphasis is not so much on the artistic value of the text, but on the artistic value of the design of a publication.


What do we know about Irina?

Very little is known about the biography of Irina Trukhina. Born in January 1966 in Moscow, has an adult son and a small grandson. This, perhaps, is all that can be said about Irina in the language of dry facts.

Only children's books

“Only children's books” is part of the name of Irina’s blog in LiveJournal, where she collects all her reviews from different pages of the online store. The full name of this interesting blog is a line from a poem by Osip Mandelstam. And it sounds like this: "Only children's books to read, only children's thoughts to cherish."

Irina’s blog can be read both sequentially, according to the notes, considering various works of printing art, and refer to the list of works highlighted in the blog pinned at the top. Children's books by Irina Trukhina are sorted either by work (if we are talking about such significant phenomena in children's literature as “Peter Pan” or “Timur and his team”) or by author (if the books of this writer are often found among the entries). Also appeared collections on narrower topics, for example, “winter books”, “books about school”, “books about the Great Patriotic War” and collections of books dedicated to any holiday.


For example, there is a selection devoted to five different editions of the work of Yu. Olesha “Three Fat Men”. The illustrations of these books are very different in style, which, in many respects, determined their purchase in the collection, since Irina, in her words, does not like the fairy tale itself and when writing reviews she always recalls a phrase that very accurately describes her feelings when buying another edition Olesha: "I have eight tablespoons of sugar in my tea and stir, I don’t like sweets." But, nevertheless, “fat men” on its shelf sits already fifteen pieces. As expected - three per book.


If we talk about foreign children's literature, we can say that a lot of attention is paid to Lewis Carroll and his "Alice". This book on the blog of Irina Trukhina is presented in a huge number of options. There are both publications already purchased by her, and those that are on the "wish list". For example, the English-language edition of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" in the African style. The book, striking in its unusualness, does not cause rejection at all for those who are used to a Disney blond girl. On the contrary, it is quite interesting to consider it, you can notice a lot of unusual details.

Public opinion

Reviews Irina Trukhina find a fairly broad response from readers of the Live Journal and customers in online stores. Even the blog compilations themselves were compiled thanks to the numerous requests of readers to show different editions of the same book so that they could choose for themselves what they and their children like more, which will become part of the family library.

Often under the entries in "Only children's books" you can find grateful feedback or lively discussions of a particular publication both from the design side and from the translation side, if we are talking about foreign authors.


In addition to numerous gratitude reviews, you can meet a certain amount of negativity. However, the main reproach, sounding from third-party resources, is the so-called "omnipresence" of Irina, tiring the dissatisfied. But even this category of Internet users recognizes the value and usefulness of its reviews.