
Isabella Blow is the main fashionista of London. Biography, cause of death

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Isabella Blow is the main fashionista of London. Biography, cause of death
Isabella Blow is the main fashionista of London. Biography, cause of death



Isabella Blow, whose biography is described in this article, is the editor of a fashion magazine. She opened the world to many famous designers and received the Fashion Creator Award. At the shows, Blow waited no less than the event itself. Isabella was able to be on a par with the most famous photographers and fashion designers, who significantly influenced the fashion industry. The authority of Blow was undeniable.

Little about Blow

Isabella Blow's life was rich and unusual. She is a hereditary aristocrat, devoid of inheritance, an eccentric person, a lover of shocking. In her personal life, she experienced more than one drama. But, despite all the hardships and hardships of life, this amazing woman was able to perpetuate herself in the fashion world, to become a world-class star.



Isabella Blow was born November 19, 1958 in London in a family of hereditary aristocrats. Her father, Major Sir Evelyn Delves, was the twelfth baronet in the Broughton Dynasty. Isabella's mother is Helen Mary Shore. This was the second wife of Sir Evelyn. Before marriage, Isabella bore the name of her father. She spent all her childhood at the Doddington family estate, which was located in Cheshire. The estate belonged to the Broughtons since the 14th century.

Isabella's family was somewhat unusual. For example, grandmother Vera Delvs, a photographer, had some passion for cannibalism. During a trip to New Guinea, in Papua, she dined on fried meat. When she was informed that she was eating human, Vera Delvs also asked for supplements.

Tragedies haunted since childhood

Since childhood, Isabella began to pursue tragedy. At first, her grandfather Jock was mired in card debt and was forced to sell one of the family locks that Isabella Blow looked at from a small cottage that was built nearby. The whole family moved into it after the sale of the estate. Then there was a school for girls. Then the grandfather was accused of a crime (murder) and poisoned, committed suicide.


When Isabella was 4 years old, she witnessed the death of her younger brother. While their father was mixing cocktails, mother applied makeup in front of the mirror. At this time, Isabella's brother, left unattended, drowned in the pool. The tragedy had a big impact on the parents. They completely stopped raising other children.

Left without inheritance

The grief divided Isabella's parents, and soon they divorced. At that time, Blow was only 14 years old. Mother left, just shaking her daughters goodbye. Father married again. But Isabella did not immediately have a relationship with her stepmother. Yes, and with the father became more strained. As a result, the stepmother made it clear to Isabella that it was time to start an independent life.

My father agreed, and even deprived her of his inheritance, bequeathed only 5, 000 pounds, although his estate was worth more than a million. Isabella Blow left to live in London. But in order to live, she had to get the most unpresentable work. She sold cookies and mopped floors.

The end of ordeals

In 1979, Isabella’s ordeal ended. She was finally able to leave for New York. She entered Columbia University and began to study the art of Ancient China. Isabella quickly made friends with her roommate, Catherine Oksenberg, who was a representative of the local aristocratic bohemia. And thanks to a friend, she made new acquaintances - with E. Warhol, Guy Laroche and B. Ferry.


Fashionable career

Already at that time, Isabella Blow stood out for her eccentricity. She preferred to wear different shoes, dramatic theatrical costumes, and her lips always painted bright lipstick. Blow's friends affectionately called her Izzy. Originality attracted attention to it. For example, Isabella preferred a lobster adorned with jewelry or a deer antler in black lace drapes over a simple hat.

In 1980, she got a job as a design assistant at Guy Laroche Fashion Magazine. In 1983, Brian Ferry convinced her to go for an interview with A. Wintour, the new creative director. She was just looking for an assistant. So Isabella began working at Vogue. Here she worked for several years and in 1986 returned to London. She got a job as an assistant to M. Roberts in Tatler Magazine.

In 1997 she moved to the Sunday Times Style. In 2001, Isabella again began to collaborate with Tatler magazine, but already as an editor. In 2004, Blow decided to try herself in the cinema and starred in the film "Water Life".


And it all started with a hat

One of the brightest childhood memories of Isabella is how she tried on her mother’s hat at the mirror. Apparently, this moment played a big role in her life. In 1989, Isabella used the services of a then-unknown hat-master, Philip Tracy. He was a student at the Royal College of Art. Isabella liked the grandiose head "structure" that he created for her, and invited the young man to live with her and make hats.

Isabella constantly provoked him to create bolder models. So there were hats in the form of a pheasant, crocodile teeth, flying saucers, etc. F. Tracy was the first talent in the world of fashion that Blou found. Very soon he became a very famous designer.

"Pig Finding Truffles"

“A pig finding truffles” - that’s exactly what Isabella Blow called herself. Life is in fashion - it was her natural state. She could not imagine herself without original outfits. And this played far from the last role in the search for talent. And she had a rare gift.

After F. Tracy Blow “found” Alexander McQueen. Isabella discovered a young man at a fashion show at St. Martin's College students. And as soon as she saw the McQueen collection, she immediately acquired it for £ 5, 000. Soon everyone started talking about the young designer. His creations excited, attracted. Isabella Blow and McQueen were friends until the end of life trendsetters.

After this, Isabella “discovered” new talents: H. Chalayan, who created luminous dresses, S. Dahl and many others. She invited them to photo shoots and shows, talked about them in her articles and interviews.


Fashion obsession

The main fashionista of London was formally only a stylist and fashion editor. But, as it turned out, its influence on the fashion industry was simply huge. For many, Isabella has become a muse, expert, valuable adviser and trendsetter. Her Blow was just obsessed.

She never missed shows, all new collections were subjected to her close attention and appreciation. Without the participation of Isabella, there was not a single premiere or fashion exhibition. Thanks to her own style, Blow has become an authority for many. Her advice was carefully listened to, and all recommendations were implemented without reservation. Isabella not only appreciated fashion, but also dressed herself in fantastic outfits.

And often just shocked the audience. Isabella has always argued that a thirst for positive emotions makes her dress so extravagantly.

Neal Gwyn always called herself the standard of style for herself. This is an ordinary girl with an amazing fate. She grew up in London brothels, selling sweets and fish. Then she began to shine on the stage. And in conclusion, she became the king's mistress.

Perhaps the relationship of fate so attracted Isabella. Other than that, they were both alike. Like Neil Gwyn, Isabella had sparkling humor, charm and her own style that stood out from the crowd, which no one could repeat or fake.


Isabella Blow always demanded perfect appearance from her subordinates. And the employees, hearing her voice, were in a hurry to change into high-heeled shoes and make up lips. Blow always came to work in her fantastic outfits and evening makeup. The hat was its invariable attribute.

Personal life

Isabella first married Nicholas Taylor. But their marriage lasted only two years, and in 1983 they divorced. In 1988, Isabella met Detmar Blow at a wedding ceremony in Salisbury Cathedral. After 16 days, they got married. As Isabella said, on the day they met she was in a hat with an ostrich feather, and Detmar in a pink coat of her grandfather. He worked in Sri Lanka as an ambassador.

Between Isabella and Detmar, love broke out at first sight. Their marriage was remembered by many. Not one fashion magazine described Isabella's wedding attire. She put on a purple velvet dress, which was an amazing embroidery in the form of a wide collar-necklace. But the main thing was a fantastic wedding hat, which looked more like a medieval helmet than a hat. The bride made a splash.

But Isabella was not lucky with the children. She could not conceive in the usual way and underwent artificial insemination eight times. But nothing came of it. Then she and her husband started a dog, a pug, with grief. And after a while they parted. Detmar began a new affair with a journalist, and Isabella left for Venice, where she began to meet with a gondolier. But the separation of the spouses was short-lived. And after a year and a half, they again began to live together.