
Political sphere, its tasks and characteristics

Political sphere, its tasks and characteristics
Political sphere, its tasks and characteristics

Video: Use the Sphere of Control to Find Where to Focus! 2024, July

Video: Use the Sphere of Control to Find Where to Focus! 2024, July

What are the social spheres of society? This is a certain category of stable relationships between the most diverse and comprehensive social associations, groups and subjects. Each such sphere is an extensive, relatively independent, stable subsystem of human activity. Every subsystem (or sphere) includes activity in all its forms, social institutions, relations between communities or individuals.

Political scientists and philosophers identify four main areas of life:

• Social, consisting of different groups and their relationships (nations, age groups, classes, etc.).

• Economic, including productive forces and production relations.

• Spiritual - groups of people and their relationships that allow you to create cultural objects, spiritual monuments, values, etc.

• The political sphere is the unity of political movements, parties, and the state as such.

The original meaning of the word “politics” is the art of management.

The political sphere of society was born along with the division of labor, the emergence, appearance and development of private (individual) property. It covers the whole range of relationships between any social groups or communities (for example, classes, faiths). The center of this interaction is the attitude to state power, and the goal is the conquest, preservation and use of this power in its own interests. The political sphere is also the institutions of power, the system of organizations designed to regulate public relations in such a way that they correspond to the interests of society or the ruling class. This is the state itself, its governing bodies, all kinds of political parties, various movements (political and social), formal and informal organizations.

Some modern philosophers and political scientists believe that, in addition to all of the above, the political sphere includes political consciousness. This also includes this kind of relationship and action.

Why did the political sphere of society arise?

Because the collective activity for the production of material goods could not develop spontaneously. At some point, she demanded the coordination of efforts of all participants in the labor process, the development of managerial principles. There was also a need to regulate relations between multiple social associations (communities) in order to comply with their interests, protect integrity, establish contacts with other groups and create the necessary institutions.

From the foregoing, it follows that the political sphere is responsible for the integration of all components of society, as well as directly for the existence, movement, and functioning of a single society as an inseparable organism.

What is characteristic of the political sphere?

First of all, the presence of the state as the first, only organization acting in different forms, but taking place in different historical periods.

Secondly, the political sphere requires the mandatory presence of parties as cells that reflect the interests and worldviews of certain groups of the population (classes). They are designed to regulate communication with other classes, communities.

Thirdly, any political sphere has political institutions, movements, organizations. They, like political parties, reflect the views of a particular part of society, but, unlike politicians, do not seek to penetrate into power. Nevertheless, it is precisely such associations (movements) that raise the most “painful” issues, and also help control state decisions. According to some political scientists, it is public groups and movements that are not just an important part of political life, but the main mechanism for the development of the state.

The political sphere is inextricably linked with other subsystems of society, in many respects depends on them, in turn, influencing the change in the spiritual, social, and economic fields.