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Museum "Battle of Borodino": address, exhibits, opening hours

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Museum "Battle of Borodino": address, exhibits, opening hours
Museum "Battle of Borodino": address, exhibits, opening hours

Video: Музей-панорама "Бородинская битва". Отечественная война 1812 г. Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino" 2024, July

Video: Музей-панорама "Бородинская битва". Отечественная война 1812 г. Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino" 2024, July

The Battle of Borodino Museum was opened on the site of the former village of Fili in 1962, currently Kutuzovsky Prospekt. What is this museum like? What is his story? What collection does he have? Where it is located? The museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino" will be discussed in the article.


A brief history of events in dates

In 1812, in September, in a village near Moscow in a peasant's hut, a historic meeting of military leaders took place, at which they decided to leave Moscow and leave it to the enemy.

In 1868, this historic hut burned down. In 1883, a monument in the form of a milestone from the Smolensk road was erected in its place.

In 1887, according to the project of architect Strukov D.M., the hut was restored, a museum was organized within its walls, it became the first museum in Russia that was dedicated to the war with the French.

In 1912, the chapel was built next to the hut.

History of the Museum

The Borodino Battle Panorama Museum was originally opened in 1912 on the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. The artistic panoramic canvas “The Battle of Borodino” was painted by artist Rubo Franz, with the participation of Myasoedov I. G. and Kolyubakin B. M. The panorama was originally opened in a specially constructed wooden building on Chistye Prudy.

However, in 1918 the canvas was dismantled, the museum was closed. The panoramic canvas was stored in the most terrible conditions, completely unsuitable for the storage of works of art - these were warehouses, and then cellars. They even wanted to remove paint from the painting so that the Belgian canvas could be used on the farm. But, fortunately, this did not happen. The panorama was restored, a special building was built for the museum, which opened in 1962. For the Borodino Battle Museum in Moscow, a special building was built on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.


Restoration work on the canvas was carried out by the artist Korin P. D.

In 1953, an obelisk to fallen soldiers in the Battle of Borodino was erected near the Kutuzov hut.

In 1958, a monument in the form of a bronze bust of commander Kutuzov M.I. was opened at the hut, sculptor N.V. Tomsk

In 1968, not far from the museum building, the Arc de Triomphe was restored in honor of the victory of Russia in the war with Napoleon.

In 1973, a monument to Kutuzov M.I., author Tomskiy N.V. was unveiled at the museum

In 2007, the Museum of Heroes of the USSR and Russia was opened.

In 2012, in the panorama museum, an updated exhibition “Honor of the Borodino Day” was offered to the audience, and in the museum Kutuzovskaya hut, the exposition “Hut of the Military Council”.

In 2015, an updated exposition was opened at the Museum of Heroes, the exhibits of which were military relics and gifts, military decorations, photographs, and personal items of Heroes of the USSR and Russia.

Description of the Battle of Borodino Museum

The basis of the complex is a hut in Fili, which was restored after a fire in 1887, and a panorama of the battle.

Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino" is the only museum in the capital, whose expositions are completely devoted to the Patriotic War of the 19th century.

Panoramic paintings are a stunning example of battle-historical painting of the early 20th century, dedicated to the Battle of Borodino. Panorama combines image and foreground. Special lighting adds a special impression to the audience.


The height of the panorama is 15 meters, the length is about 115 meters. The painting depicts the events that took place on the battlefield at noon on August 26, 1812. The height of the battle is shown, all artillery, infantry and cavalry came together in a desperate battle.

The work of the artist Roubaud should not be taken as a historical document, it is a work of art. He sought to convey the drama and dynamics of the battle, the courage and valor of warriors.

The first opening of the panorama took place in a wooden house in 1912, but by 1918 the building became unusable. Museum of the Battle of Borodino closed. He received his second life only in 1962, when a new building was specially built for him.

Initially, the museum was supposed to exhibit a single exhibit, but over the years extensive collections of graphics, paintings, weapons and equipment have been collected, which made it possible to create an exposition that fully and fully reveals the events of the war with the French army.

Museum building panorama

The Borodino Battle Museum is located in a specially built building for him, on the facade of which there is a mosaic panel on the theme of the war with Napoleon. In addition, the names of war heroes are carved on the facade. Near the walls of the building there are 68 captured guns captured in battles with the French enemy.

Basic excursions and museum educational work

The museum provides two types of excursions: sightseeing and comprehensive.

On a sightseeing tour, guides will tell the story of the Battle of Borodino, the history of the panorama, from the observation deck of which you can admire the impressive paintings.

A comprehensive tour also includes a visit to the Kutuzovskaya Izba Museum.

For children, the museum’s panorama workers conduct cultural and educational programs: “Military Council in the Fili Hut”, “Soldier Stories”, “Soldier's Tale” and a lesson for children “Terrible Thunderstorm of the 12th Year”.

Kutuzov hut in the village of Fili

The Kutuzov hut, the former peasant hut of the Frolov family, burned down in 1868. The fire destroyed the wooden structure itself and most of the furnishings that were in the hut during the Military Council. A monument was erected at the scene of the fire in 1883.

A description of the hut has been preserved to this day, which was made even before the fire. According to this description, the hut was sheathed and painted in gray, its roof was also made of tez, in the hut there was a luminaire and three casement windows. The graphic image of this hut by the author Savrasov A.K.

Architect N. Strukov and engineer M. N. Litvinov renewed the hut using exactly the image of Savrasov.


Not far from the building was built a chapel church designed by architect Strukov N. D.

Museum funds and its valuable collections

The fund of the panorama museum comprises more than 37 thousand units of storage, of which 28 thousand units of the main fund.

The most unique collections of the museum are:

  • Fund graphics. Here are works of 19-20 centuries that are dedicated to the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. The most valuable exhibits are drawing sheets made from life of witnesses and participants in the war. There are about 14 thousand such drawings.

  • The collection of paintings, which contains portraits of witnesses and participants in the war, paintings of battle battles of Russian and European artists of the 19th and 20th centuries.

  • The Rare Book Fund is a unique collection of books on the history of the war between Russia and France, in the collection of about 9 thousand items.

  • The collection of numismatic exhibits, it includes orders, badges, commemorative and commemorative medals, coins, tokens, medals, seals and bank notes.

  • A collection of weapons, samples of firearms and cold weapons of the late 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century are collected, presented in the collection and trunks of artillery pieces.

Museum expositions and main exhibits

Not far from the Borodino panorama is the Kutuzovskaya Izba museum, which displays the exposition of the Izba of the Military Council. Around them a real memorial complex was formed, consisting of monuments dedicated to the events of the war with the French army.

The Panorama Museum presents three exhibitions to the audience, in which more than a thousand works of portraiture and battle painting, uniforms, weapons, rare books, and objects of applied art.

But the main exhibit of the Borodino Battle Museum is, of course, a panoramic canvas.


Reviews on the museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino"

Visitors note that the panorama museum is an excellent patriotic museum, especially interesting for visiting with the whole family. It is also noted that it is very interesting and informative for school children. They mark a rich exposition, visitors are pleased that you can see firsthand the weapons of those times, military uniforms, portraits of battle participants. Many people think that the panorama of the battle is very impressive, that it depicts real life, real battle, real events in the history of Russia. It allows you to feel the spirit of that time and the spirit of battles.

Many people wish to improve the panorama a bit and give it special effects. Some remain unhappy that the museum is very small, which can be bypassed in an hour.



The museum is located in the western part of Moscow, on the historical site of the former village of Fili.

The exact address of the Battle of Borodino Museum is 38, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Moscow.

The museum is open all days of the week from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except Thursday, when it is open from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

On the last Thursday of every month, the museum has a sanitary day, Friday is a day off.

When visiting the museum, you should take an excursion, the cost of which is 250 rubles, for privileged categories of citizens - 160 rubles, and pay a permit for photography, which costs 150 rubles. Excursions are held from 11:00, every hour until 16:00. Thanks to the guide’s story, a visit to the museum will be more interesting and informative, and photographs will leave an eternal memory of visiting this amazing place.


How to get there

The Panorama Museum is located near Victory Park, only on the opposite side of the street. The most universal way to get to the Battle of Borodino Museum is through the metro, you should go at the bus stop - Victory Park Station. From the station turn right immediately and follow the directions for the museum.