
Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port and its activities

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Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port and its activities
Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port and its activities

Video: Video Commercial Port of Vladivostok. Chinese 2024, July

Video: Video Commercial Port of Vladivostok. Chinese 2024, July

VMTP - Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port, with production facilities located at fifteen berths. Their total length exceeds four kilometers.



OJSC Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port is one of the largest universal facilities of this type in the Russian Far East. The company has taken a leading position in technical equipment in the region. The fleet of equipment makes many of the company's cargo handling offers unique.

The characteristic of the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port also cannot do without mentioning the large infrastructure. It gives the company certain competitive advantages. Among them, it should be noted that customers are able to transport goods to various regions of Russia. This enterprise, in fact, is the country's transport gateway to the Pacific. The company provides the import of a large part of industrial and consumer goods. This is one of the largest taxpayers and employers in the region.



VMTP (Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port) promotes trade. It provides beneficial interaction for customers and partners. The organization also aims to promote the prosperity of the city and the state as a whole. The company supports the implementation of innovative projects. The company is working on the professional growth of partners, as well as increasing production scale. Particularly appreciated is the desire of employees to improve the work of the company. The company strives for a fair assessment of the work of employees.

Team spirit


Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port provides customers with high quality services. The company keeps the cohesion of the team, seeks to give impetus to the rapid development of the entire city through its work. At the same time, an important task of the enterprise is to protect the environment.



We have already briefly described how the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port works. The enterprise management will be presented below. Yusupov Zairbek Kamilievich holds the post of General Director. Zvyagintsev Leonid Gennadievich is the deputy for economics and finance.


From the first days of its foundation, the Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port played a huge role in the development of the Far Eastern outskirts of the country. He became the main distribution base. Freight flows to Kamchatka and Sakhalin passed through it. The company has become the starting point of commercial ships in other countries.

Vladivostok Commercial Sea Port is also the main Russian Far East berth for ships arriving from other countries. It is from here that the Great Siberian Way originates. A corvette called "America" ​​entered the bay. On board the ship was Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky. In 1860 he gave an order for the foundation of a port in the harbor of Vladivostok. Soon, a military transport called Manjur entered the bay to execute the order. As a result, an outpost of Vladivostok was founded. Soon he was declared a duty free port. This fact was an incentive for the active development of the enterprise.

In 1896, Nicholas II, the Russian emperor, approved the Regulation, which confirms the construction of a commercial port in the bay called the Golden Horn in Vladivostok. 600, 000 rubles were allocated for research. In this work, the most advanced foreign and domestic technologies at that time were used. Involved the best specialists who came from different Russian cities.

In 1897, the laying of concrete massifs was carried out to organize berths. Three years later, Vladivostok acquired the features of the most modern port. The Russian government has approved special official documents. According to them, the port is called merchant. After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Vladivostok for many years remained the only international port of Russia in the Pacific Ocean. He exported various grain cargoes. Also, thanks to the enterprise, transit trade of Manchuria and Russia was provided. The war has begun.

During this period, the company was again assigned the role of the main port of the country. Cargo traffic increased sharply. It included both food and military tools, as well as steam locomotives. These goods were delivered from the USA. Urgent reconstruction of the enterprise was required. To implement the corresponding project, the Russian government allocated 1.7 million rubles. The production base, which was laid in tsarist Russia, made it possible for the enterprise to operate smoothly for many years after the 1917 revolution.