
How did the London bridge end up in Arizona?

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How did the London bridge end up in Arizona?
How did the London bridge end up in Arizona?

Video: The American who bought London Bridge - BBC News 2024, July

Video: The American who bought London Bridge - BBC News 2024, July

Most likely, this is the most unexpected attraction of the United States. Thrown over an artificially constructed canal that connects the southern and northern parts of Lake Havasu City, in the middle of the desert, 300 miles from Los Angeles, stands the world famous London Bridge. How did he get here? This is an amazing story!


Many years ago…

In 1962, an extremely unpleasant event occurred in the capital of Great Britain: the team of architects identified the condition of one of the structures important for the transport interchange in the city as emergency. The bridge, daily experiencing load from thousands of passing cars on it, slowly but surely plunged into the Thames. The unexpected offer of a member of the city council to put up a bridge for sale was received with a fair amount of skepticism, but since no other options were expected, they decided to take a chance. Huge work was carried out to advertise the upcoming tenders, many stakeholders were announced, but no concrete proposals were received. In search of good luck, a council member went overseas to distant America. It was here that the problem of selling the bridge was solved. The millionaire entrepreneur Robert Paxton McCullough got the idea for its acquisition. He really needed some kind of mind-blowing trick that would make a lot of people draw attention to his latest project.

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Why did he need this?

In 1958, McCallough, a well-known oilman from Missouri, acquired a successful site near Lake Havasu with the goal of building a whole city on its shores. And literally from scratch! Then he acquired more land, and five years later the settlement acquired a completely decent appearance, and in 1963 Lake Havasu City was officially registered. However, the population in it was too modest. The oil tycoon was not used to let the money go down the drain, because he had plans in the future to sell land here and replenish the invested amount. It is not known how much he would pore over the invention of methods for making profits, but then he turned up a good case. The idea of ​​building a bridge in the middle of the desert has never occurred to anyone.


How everything settled down

To clarify all the details, McCullough crossed the Atlantic and arrived in London. Economists scrupulously calculated all the costs: the cost of dismantling the bridge, packing and transporting marble slabs to America, assembling and maintaining the structure on site. The amount was astounding - nine and a half million dollars, taking into account the cost of the transaction itself, which was completed in April 1968. Each part of the bridge was carefully numbered and packed to assemble everything on the spot with the same accuracy.

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The bride's brother made a surprise. At the wedding, the cook picked up a microphone and began to sing.

The reaction of the townspeople

Of course, many thought the entrepreneur was crazy. The townspeople considered this idea a joke, because Lake Hawasu City does not need a bridge - it does not have waterways that could be crossed along it. But the businessman could not be stopped. He went on the contrary! The first stone was laid on desert sandstone, and the bridge grew by the fall of 1971. And so that his purpose was justified, McCullough dug an artificial channel under it. As the locals said: "Many build bridges to cross the river, and McCallough built the river under the bridge."