
How to open the elevator yourself: ways to open elevator doors from the inside and outside

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How to open the elevator yourself: ways to open elevator doors from the inside and outside
How to open the elevator yourself: ways to open elevator doors from the inside and outside

Video: Elevator Keys Elevator Access with Drop Key 2024, July

Video: Elevator Keys Elevator Access with Drop Key 2024, July

Fear of enclosed spaces in people is an instinctive feeling. And most citizens do not suspect that they can easily panic if they are locked in an elevator. You can’t do without using this device in large cities - candle houses with a large number of floors make climbing stairs a torture. But what if the cab stopped between floors? How to open a stuck elevator? And is it worth it in principle?



An elevator is a complex electromechanical system designed to lift people and goods to the desired floor. This is potentially a source of increased danger. At any time, the device may fail. And although the cabin does not fall, but it still stops between floors.

In order to get out, you need to figure out how to open the elevator. Immediately it is worth clarifying that it is most reasonable to wait. But sometimes the situation is such that you need to get out immediately.


What to do if the elevator needs to be opened from the cab

How to open the elevator from the inside? You need to understand that a special algorithm of actions was developed to help all those who are stuck, and it is first necessary to adhere to it:

  1. Do not panic. Sometimes people suffer more from mass hysteria than from the very fact of being in a cabin between floors. Therefore, you need to relax, breathe and prepare for the wait.
  2. Get a light source. Often, a cab stop is associated with a lack of electricity in the house, and emergency power does not work in all elevators. Therefore, you need to get a flashlight or phone to illuminate the space. Light is needed not so much as a psychological factor to maintain calm, but rather to illuminate buttons.
  3. Press the special call button. Each elevator is equipped with it, and at any time of the day you can contact a representative of the elevator facilities. This is the most reliable and safe way to open the elevator.
  4. When the special button does not work, you can call the rescue service. The single number throughout the country is 112. It works on all mobile operators.
  5. If both options do not work, you need to find the “open doors” button on the panel. It is marked with a sign with diverging arrows. If the button does not work, then you need to try to click the "close doors" button. It is indicated by converging arrows. Perhaps her “sticking” occurred, and because of this, the “open door” signal does not work. Then press “open doors” again.


  6. Another option, how to open the elevator doors, is to try pressing the number on the panel with the floor number, which is located directly under the cab.
  7. If you can’t call the elevator or call the rescue service, then you need to attract the attention of those outside. To do this, you can shout or knock. It is forbidden to jump in the elevator - it is forbidden, as it causes a weight difference.
  8. If nothing works, then you need to wait. This is the safest option.

The thing is that opening the door from inside the elevator is very difficult, almost impossible. Cab doors can be pushed with a suitable tool, but with the doors of the shaft is more difficult. They often open only with a special key and outside.


How to open the door outside

Sometimes other people come to the aid of the stuck. How to open the elevator outside? This is not easy to do. Most elevator shafts can only be opened with the help of a special key located at the elevator. This was done for safety reasons, so that teenagers could not get into the mine, for example, then to ride on the roof of the cabin.

Even the use of a durable lever, which you can try to squeeze the leaves, is not always justified. This is permitted only in exceptional cases.

It is most reasonable in this situation to call the elevator or the rescue service, as a person often does not receive a signal in the cabin due to shielding with metal sheets.

In which cases you need to choose yourself

In exceptional cases, you need to choose yourself without waiting for help. We are talking about situations where the life and health of stuck people are at risk. As a rule, these are cases of smoke, fire, earthquake, collapse of part of the building and other natural and man-made disasters. If the bill goes for minutes, and there is nowhere to wait for help, then you need to try to open the cabin doors.


How to open an elevator in an emergency? To do this, take the following steps:

  1. If the cabin is on the same level with the floor, then you need to try to break and squeeze the sashes using improvised means. In a dangerous situation, you can not worry about the safety of municipal property.
  2. Squeezing the sash is recommended with any durable lever. You can use one of the elements of the interior (most cabins today are “anti-vandal”, so in practice this is not applicable) or find something at home (umbrella, cane, keys).
  3. You can try to get to the roof through the technical hatch. It is not in all cabins, in addition, it requires good physical shape. Then it is worth trying to squeeze the doors of the shaft located above.

Principles of operation of the closing mechanism

How to open an elevator? To do this, you need to at least superficially understand the principle of operation of automatic sliding sashes. Most cabs are designed to be relatively easy to open from the outside and impossible from the inside.

Cabin doors are easy to open - they are wrung out from the outside by any suitable items. It is harder to do from the inside, but still possible.

With the doors of the mine is more complicated. When the flaps are fixed, special layering forces the rollers where the locking mechanism moves. All this device is located on top of the cab, and to open you need to move these layers. The problem is that the elevator has many conductive parts. And if you get into these mechanisms with improvised means, you can harm yourself and people stuck in the elevator.