
How to distinguish a moonstone from a fake? Natural Mineral Description

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How to distinguish a moonstone from a fake? Natural Mineral Description
How to distinguish a moonstone from a fake? Natural Mineral Description

Video: How to know moon stone is real or fake.? 2024, June

Video: How to know moon stone is real or fake.? 2024, June

How to distinguish a moonstone from a fake? What is this gem? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. The enchanting brilliance of the moonstone attracts not only admirers of its magical qualities and beauty, but also lovers of profit. They are increasingly trying to fake a natural gem. But fake will not cure a person’s illness and will not help him in love. Therefore, it is important to know how to distinguish a real moonstone from a fake.

The properties

Many people ask: “How to distinguish a moonstone from a fake?” This gem has no direct relation to the satellite of our Earth and has not come to us from another planet. But if you take the mineral in your hands and turn it slightly, you will see light flowing from the inside.


The heterogeneous color of the crystal with a shine identical to that of cat's eyes, asterisks and stains - all this fascinates. And it is not for nothing that the gem is known for its magical abilities, which are not in synthetic analogues. The second name of the mineral is adularia. A real moonstone builds relationships with a loved one, strengthens health and helps build a career.

Of course, you can replenish the collection of jewelry with fake adular, but it will not add joy.


So how to distinguish a lunar stone from a fake? First, find out what a natural mineral looks like. Externally, the crystal may be light gray with a bluish pronounced hue or colorless. Sometimes there are yellow tones. The crystal is cast with a pearly sheen, transparent.

If you look at it under man-made light, then the light inside it will begin to flicker. This is one of the right ways to recognize if the real one is a gem or a synthetic one.


A real sample can also be distinguished using a magnifier. The lamellar structure of a real mineral is always heterogeneous, with microcracks and possible interspersed air bubbles. Reflection and glare inside the natural stone are transformed at a set angle, in contrast to the artificial counterpart.

Reasons for imitations

Everyone should know how to distinguish a lunar stone from a fake. Adularia is often imitated in view of:

  1. The high cost of natural stones.
  2. Gem depletion.
  3. High demand for products from this magic mineral.
  4. Large material and physical costs for the extraction of stone.
  5. Complex processing of adularia (requires professional skills and painstaking work).

The appearance of the counterfeit from the original is almost the same, but such an instance will not bring healing help.

Synthetic fakes


Few know how to distinguish a moonstone from a fake. A photo of this mineral is presented in the article. Synthetic analogues are most often created from plastic or glass. They are carefully tinted with the natural color of the gem. How to determine the moonstone? You can distinguish it from a fake in several proven ways:

  1. Water test. Submerge the sample in water. The color of a real mineral in a liquid will become much brighter, its internal glow will create additional glare, in contrast to a fake. An artificial gem will not change its appearance, it will become cleaner, but no more.
  2. Pay attention to thermal conductivity. If you squeeze a fake stone in your hand, it will instantly heat up, and the original will remain cold. It takes more time to warm it in your hands.
  3. Look at the color. You can distinguish a real stone from fiction by brightness and color gamut. The structure of the lunar mineral is heterogeneous, therefore, its color throughout the product is unevenly distributed. An important feature of a fake gem is its too bright color.
  4. Identify the ability to reflect light. Artificial minerals reflect light from all sides equally. A natural jewel reflects light only at a certain degree of tilt.
  5. Is the surface smooth? A real mineral is known for its positive effect on the nervous system. If you pass along its treated surface with your hand, then feel the tenderness of silk. Energy is especially noticeable when touched.

It is known that in India, for example, the production of artificial imitations of moonstone is put on stream. Tourists are happy to purchase these attractive items. It is important that it be inscribed on them that this is just a copy, even of high quality.

White water

So, you already know how to distinguish a fake of a moonstone from the original. The most important sign of a real mineral is the internal glow. It is very difficult to imitate, therefore, more sophisticated methods are used.


Other gems also have this effect. They are much cheaper, have the same heterogeneous structure. But no one knows what properties they can share with their new owners. Instead of cure, you can get a deterioration in well-being if you do not know if the stone is suitable for you. Belomorite belongs to such minerals. Comparison of two gems:

  • They have an identical indicator of hardness.
  • Samples on the heterogeneity and density of the internal structure are very similar.
  • Belomorite has a more saturated, bright color.
  • Both minerals have healing and magical qualities, but each of them has special qualities that are unique to him.
  • A variety of color shades are similar.
  • Belomorite is less visible, differs in the level of transparency.