
How to lose weight Nastya Kamenskih: a diet as a gift from the stars and useful tips for fans

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How to lose weight Nastya Kamenskih: a diet as a gift from the stars and useful tips for fans
How to lose weight Nastya Kamenskih: a diet as a gift from the stars and useful tips for fans

Nastya Kamenskih is not the next singing fashion model, but a singer with completely rounded by nature forms. According to experts, losing weight with such natural data is very difficult. For a long time, the star delighted fans with outstanding breasts and forms, but the moment came when the mass of rumors about the pregnancy of the singer appeared in the press. Apparently, Anastasia did not like these notes very much, and very soon journalists and admirers could see with their own eyes how Nastya Kamensky lost weight. In a matter of weeks, the singer threw off so much that she easily got into the size of clothes, which differs by three positions from the original.

Magical transformation


Nastya's body type is a type that is characterized by a rapid set of body fat. This is an impressive chest and a seductive line of the hips, but a neat waist can appear only with great desire and desire. Looking at the photos before and after weight loss, it is easy to see how Nastya Kamensky lost weight. She retained feminine forms and formed a graceful waist, reducing a little in volume. At the same time, it is simply impossible to call a new star shape ugly or flabby. Very often, experts criticize extreme diets for a high risk of sagging skin and an unpredictable result. However, in the case of Nastya, all forms remained in their rightful places and still look attractive. It can be assumed that not only diet was used for weight loss, but also regular physical activity.

Useful tips for losing weight


Below are four options for a diet for weight loss, which are attributed to the star. How to lose weight, Nastya Kamensky does not tell in detail. However, she did refer to some of the diets below in her interviews. The singer urges girls in pursuit of beauty not to resort to extreme methods. In fact, you can become slimmer if you remove fatty, floury, sweet, spicy and salty foods from your diet. It should be abandoned and unnatural junk food: semi-finished products, ready-made sauces, carbonated drinks. Every day you should drink at least 2 liters of pure still water. Before starting a diet, it’s useful to organize a fasting day. During it, it is allowed to drink 2 liters of fat-free kefir.

Hunger strike by Nastya Kamensky


You can get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the body with the help of fasting. During the week, you can not eat meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. The diet at this time should consist of vegetables and clean water. Tea and coffee will also have to be abandoned, alcohol is unacceptable. After a week of a vegetable diet for two days, you should completely give up food. Then gradually start eating normally. Remember that it is not known exactly how Nastya Kamensky lost weight. But even if she really tried this diet, this does not mean that this diet is useful for you. It is useful to consult a doctor, as fasting is a serious stress for the body, unacceptable in some diseases.

5 star soups


Nastya Kamenskaya, thinner and prettier, said in one of her interviews that the secret of harmony is the regular use of soups. Of course, the first dishes should be “right” - without meat broth, prepared from fresh and healthy vegetables. Every day you should cook a new soup and eat it in small portions 4-5 times a day as you feel hunger. To start a diet is with the first dish made from cabbage. On the second day, the soup should be made from mushrooms and celery. Next - from celery and broccoli. The fourth, and also the penultimate, day of the diet is a soup of cabbage, tomato and potatoes. The final stage is a nutritious first dish of tomato, bell pepper, cabbage and eggs.

How much did Nastya Kamensky lose weight thanks to oatmeal?

Another star food option is based on oatmeal porridge and lean meat. This diet is perfect for those who are afraid of hunger and used to eat three times a day. For breakfast, you should cook oatmeal and add apple slices and nuts to it. At lunch, you can eat boiled lean meat and a vegetable side dish. For dinner, prepare a fresh vegetable salad. You can adhere to such a diet for a week. This is one of the most sparing diets that guarantees lasting results. Do you want to improve your forms in the same way that Kamenskaya Nastya lost weight? Be sure to try to eat according to this scheme.