
How to get a car out of the mud: calling for help, necessary devices, using improvised materials, methods, recommendations and advice from car owners

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How to get a car out of the mud: calling for help, necessary devices, using improvised materials, methods, recommendations and advice from car owners
How to get a car out of the mud: calling for help, necessary devices, using improvised materials, methods, recommendations and advice from car owners

Video: Gadget Could Save You If Your Car Gets Stuck In Mud Or Snow 2024, June

Video: Gadget Could Save You If Your Car Gets Stuck In Mud Or Snow 2024, June

With the advent of the slushy autumn-winter season, various incidents happen everywhere with drivers. Most often, negligent or overly self-confident motorists get stuck in a swamp or snow. But for whatever reason the driver is not captured, he needs to know how to free himself from it. Today we will tell you how to get the car out of dirt, sand or snow, which service can help with this, and what needs to be done to no longer get into trouble.


What can not be done if the car is stuck in the mud?

By inexperience, many drivers, sitting on the bottom in a deep puddle with sticky slurry, as well as in loose snow, automatically start to gas. But this is fundamentally wrong tactics. Squeezing the last forces out of the car, the driver plunges his swallow even deeper into the trap. Such tactics will be effective only in one case - if only one wheel is slipping, and there is a normal road in front and behind the car. Then one jerk can really be enough to get out of the mud. How to pull out the car if it is not stuck very much?

In simple cases, a lot depends on what kind of drive it has. Experts recommend that drivers with front-wheel drive cars turn the wheels a little left and right, this will help them “find” hard ground faster. In this case, you need to go only in second gear, because this is how the car moves more measuredly, and there is a chance that it will cope with an unexpected obstacle faster. Moving in first gear, the driver will only aggravate his position.


Help desk

First you need to figure out whether there are special organizations to save stuck cars and who else can help and get the car out of the mud. Unfortunately, there is no emergency response telephone number in such cases in our country. This is not surprising, because such problems usually occur outside the city, so you need to look for support right on the spot. But do not despair and give up. Nevertheless, there are several reasonable ways out of the situation, and real help can be obtained even in the most difficult cases.

The first thing you can do is find a tow truck. In every major city there are companies that tow a broken car for a small fee (starting from 1 thousand rubles). They provide their services around the clock, but do not always go to calls to stuck cars. Another good option is to throw a cry for help on social networks. There are always those who want to save the poor fellow who has loaded in the snow or mud. Moreover, in the cold season, during snowfalls and unexpected natural disasters, such volunteers are organized into self-help groups that are much more effective than some public utilities.

If the driver climbed far from a large settlement, he will have to seek help from "local". That is, he needs to go to the nearest village and ask people who pull the car out of the mud in their area. The tractor, by the way, will cope with such a task once or twice. Drivers of such equipment rarely refuse to help, so you can always safely turn to them.


First aid kit, fire extinguisher and something else to be saved in case of emergency

The most reasonable advice from experts regarding how to pull out a stuck car is not to allow such a situation initially. It is better not to drive on unfamiliar or unfamiliar roads, not to drive down to the dirt road after rain or snow, even in order to shorten the path or go around bad asphalt. In addition, you always need to have a minimal set of motorist survival with you. In addition to the first-aid kit, fire extinguisher and spare tire, it is nice to put the following items in the trunk:

  • jack;
  • cable (nylon rather than metal);
  • winch;
  • a small shovel;
  • overalls (at least a vest with reflectors).

This is enough to independently pull the car out of the mud. Sometimes there is nowhere to wait for help, so drivers often have to cope on their own. By the way, experienced travelers do not recommend going on a trip with one car. A large company traveling around cities and towns is more fun and safer.


Tools at hand

There are situations when the driver left the garage without all of the above and, as luck would have it, got stuck in the mud. What to do? Use everything that comes to hand to be saved. Sticks, dead wood and even your own rubber mats lying under the driver's seat can help with this. In general, all that is able to improve the grip of the wheels and the ground. This is exactly the case when you have to roll up your sleeves and get dirty in the mud to push the car out of the pit. Below, a video is presented to the attention of readers, which shows how an ordinary piece of a piece of wood attached to a wheel with electrical tape was useful to the driver while slipping on a wet and swampy road.


How to get the car out of the mud?

If there is no one to tow the car, you need not panic, but get out of the car and look around, paying attention to whether there is a tree nearby that can be hooked onto the cable. This method is not the easiest, but it is one of the most reliable. The cable needs to be hooked on the car (for the hitch or eyes, but not for the bumper) with one end, and with the other - wrap around a tree. Then the motor must be started and a little pull the cable with your hands. When the car moves a couple of centimeters from its place, the cable is again wrapped around a tree, after which it is necessary to continue pulling the car until it is completely released. It will be easier to make the job if you unload the car as much as possible by dropping all the passengers from the passenger compartment and taking the luggage out of the trunk.

Experienced drivers recommend driving out of the mud without accelerating forward, but, on the contrary, handing them back while making swaying movements back and forth. So the driver will have more chances to get on the normal road, and not get stuck even harder.

Now we will tell you how to get the car out of the mud using a jack. They need to lift all four wheels in turn and place boards, branches or the same rugs under them. The jack is installed on the most rigid surface, it is better to put something solid under it. The device is attached to the machine in places that are not made of plastic, but of metal, so that it does not slip and break fragile material. Raising the car, the driver should be extremely careful and not crawl under the car, do not stick your hands under the wheels.


Snow captivity

When the car is stuck in a snowdrift, it must be dug out with a shovel. Quickly “melt” the snow that interferes with the movement of the car, you can use salt and water. If loose snow on the road interferes with driving, and the driver has summer tires, then the wheels should be lowered a little, relieving pressure to 1-1.5 amperes. So they will slip less. The most difficult thing is to cope with the car when there is ice and wet, sticky snow on the road, because it is very difficult to pull the car out of it. Stuck in the mud with snow? You also need to drive out by putting branches or grass under the wheels. The humps formed in front of them must be removed using a shovel.


How to pull a car out of sand?

Note that dipping the car is not always advisable. And sand is just the case when a shovel needs to be put aside. On a loose and loose surface, a car can sag even further. Therefore, the main task of the driver is to make the road tougher. Sand can be wetted with water, rubber studded mats can be placed under the wheels (they can be replaced with the same bedding from the passenger compartment). Also, in the event of a stuck in the sand, it will be appropriate to use a jack and relieve pressure in the tires. On lowered wheels, you can leave the sand track with virtually no problems.
