
What bird sings at night and why?

What bird sings at night and why?
What bird sings at night and why?

Video: BTO Bird ID - Nightingale and Other Night Singers 2024, June

Video: BTO Bird ID - Nightingale and Other Night Singers 2024, June

Already in early spring at dawn outside the window begins bird singing. First, the sounds of one or two pichugs are heard. Other feathered singers pick them up and, as if by a wave of the artist, the world suddenly transforms. A calm, dull night life begins to come to life and rampage with colors and sounds.

He knows you


Are you curious which bird sings at night until dawn? Of course, the nightingale is familiar to everyone. This night owl loves night singing. His favorite places are thickets of bird cherry, so that a river or swamp is near. He hides deep into the foliage, starts over again: "Fute, fute." He seemed to warm up and think that he would have to sing such a spiritual soul. And then she starts her nightingale song, so sweet and tender, that it touches even strict men to chills. Especially the singer is good in the early-early morning, everything is still asleep, has not woken up from a night’s sleep. But then bushes, fields, meadows, trees and rivers, living creatures began to awaken. They are listening …

With a long beak and a rounded tail

And which bird sings at night, except for the nightingale? One of the most famous night songs is the reed. Her songs are distinguished by volume and a peculiar crack, sometimes similar to the sounds that insects make. The birds have a brownish-red plumage of the upper body, and the bottom is lighter. The beak is long, and the tail is as if rounded. Kamyshovka - lovers of marshy places, floodplains of the lake. Where there are abandoned and damp gardens or prickly rose hips among nettles - suitable places for reeds. Although it arrives around mid-late May, it is considered one of the latest migratory birds.

Why at night?


And yet, why do birds sing at night, and not during the day? It turns out that many of them sing either in the morning or in the evening, and in the afternoon they are silent. For example, Kozodoi make sounds in twilight darkness, and mockingbirds, like nightingales, are fans of a night concert.

It is believed that males sing with their singing females, and also claim rights to their territory. Sometimes the male often has to repeat his song and jump from branch to branch, as if indicating the circle of his residence. In the period of mating games before breeding, males talk. After this period is completed, their trill ends.

Night soloist

And which bird sings at night and only when it is already very dark? There is one more such - this is a zaryanka. The male is trying with might and main for the sake of his feathered girlfriend, so that, in turn, she listens and appreciates his vocal art.

Troubles for birds


It is believed that birds singing at night are forced to sing at this time of day, because they are attracted by city lights. There is an opposite opinion. Due to the roar of transport and other noise of the metropolis, feathered singers are forced to sing at night, and not in the morning or afternoon. That is, birds are fighting urbanization on their own. Known facts that in some areas of Germany, bird singing at night has reached catastrophic proportions - people cannot sleep. They tightly close doors and windows so as not to hear whistles, trills and other birds' melodies.

We have to admit that civilization is a serious source of problems for birds. They either shout and whistle louder than they should or switch to night singing. And here it doesn’t matter which bird sings at night, which bird in the afternoon. Here we should think about ourselves, people. Are we doing the right thing, forcing nature to abandon its old habits ?!