
What kind of confrontation does the political map of Ukraine express

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What kind of confrontation does the political map of Ukraine express
What kind of confrontation does the political map of Ukraine express

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Video: Security & Diplomacy in a Digital Age: Is the World Stepping Closer to a Nuclear War? 2024, July

Usually, a political map is called the part of the geographical atlas, on which the borders between the countries are clearly marked, and the territories themselves are painted in different colors so that no doubts arise: here it is Mongolia, and here is China. Ukraine in this sense is a unique country, it has internal borders, and not some administrative ones, but more serious ones, which should be crossed with special care. How nowhere did the political map of Ukraine arise. Today this is a very serious reality. This is not a joke at all.


Globe of Ukraine

Yes, this joke is old, but it has not lost relevance. Quite the opposite. On every television screen, no matter what the broadcast, from March 2014 there is an icon in the corner - a yellow-blue flag and the signature “United Country”. At the same time, the difference between the perception of the inhabitants of certain regions is sometimes much more significant than, for example, that of the average American and Canadian, although these countries are perceived by the inhabitants of the planet as completely sovereign states. The political map of Ukraine, compiled from the beginning of the Kiev riots that occurred at the end of 2013, initially showed the distribution of sympathies and antipathies to the participants of the Maidan. In the West, they sympathized with them, in the East - not very much, and in the South - they also somehow did not welcome the next revolution, already knowing from experience that it would hardly be better.


After the victory of the Maidan

But Maidan won. The triumph somewhat overshadowed the departure of the Crimeans along with their entire peninsula, and for a couple of months the political map of Ukraine remained uncertain, no one knew whether it would be possible to return the rebellious province to the bosom of a single power. Then began the numerous excesses associated with the seizure of administrative buildings, and in the West, and in the East, and in the South, and in the North. And Maidan did not diverge, which did not add to the overall picture of calm. In Exactly a certain Sashko Bily, brandishing a Kalashnikov assault rifle, offered to take him to someone. The formation of self-defense detachments by their masses caused associations since 1918, though not all, but only those who taught history at school. There are few of them today.


Historical debate

The attitude to the heroic past of the Ukrainian people in society is extremely ambiguous. If in the Western regions the number of those who consider UPA fighters, soldiers of the SS Nakhtigal and Roland battalions, and Galicia divisions as heroes is considerable, then in Donetsk or Odessa there are much fewer. Despite the explanatory work carried out under almost all the presidents of Ukraine since 1991, this difference remains, apparently, there are family traditions, and for some reason schoolchildren trust their parents more than conscious (“Svidomo”) teachers. Mazepa is also treated differently.

Thus, the political map of Ukraine is divided according to historical preferences. There is no particular reason to hope that they will smooth out over time, although there are still some progress.


Before the election

The political map of Ukraine by regions is similar to a patchwork quilt, on which someone fired a shotgun. Separate fragments indicate a quantitative superiority of the adherents of European integration or the customs union, and dots-crosses mark cities in which a violent change of power took place. There, the governors, kneeling, asked for forgiveness from the people. This happened in different regions, regardless of political orientation, but the separatists and terrorists declared proponents of a course towards rapprochement with Russia. It was not difficult to predict further actions of the authorities, troops sent to pacify the rebels.

Elections Passed

Both in the eastern regions and in the West, people expected a lot from the upcoming presidential election, first of all, the cessation of bloodshed. Before the elections in Odessa, the camp of supporters of the Customs Union was crushed, people of various political views were killed. The culprits should determine the consequence, which is not yet completed. The political map of Ukraine began to replenish with other "hot spots".

The election did not produce the expected results. The confrontation in the Donbass continues, resulting in numerous casualties.
