
Stone table or dolmens - what is it?

Stone table or dolmens - what is it?
Stone table or dolmens - what is it?

Video: Смотри и думай... История 86. Дольмены...Look and think... the Story of 86. Dolmens... 2024, June

Video: Смотри и думай... История 86. Дольмены...Look and think... the Story of 86. Dolmens... 2024, June

Dolmens - what is it? If translated from Breton, it means a stone table. And in modern archeology, they are considered as funeral or religious buildings. Their age is estimated from 3 to 10 thousand years BC. One thing is certain - they are all built in certain places and oriented to the cardinal points.


It is believed that the culture of "stone tables" originates in India, it was there that the first dolmens appeared. That this trend subsequently spread in two directions, the researchers suggest. The first of them went through the Mediterranean Sea to the Caucasus, and from there through Northern Europe. The second direction is to the north of Africa to Egypt. In the 70s of the past century, more than 2, 300 dolmens were counted in the Caucasus, they appeared there in the Bronze Age (early and middle periods), and this is the 2nd millennium BC.

Most of these buildings were found along the Black Sea coast. Dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory stretched for 500 km in length and 75 km in width. Usually they find bronze or stone tools and jewelry. It is assumed that some of them have been used for burials of tribal elders for tens or maybe hundreds of years. There are opinions that this unites them with the Egyptian pyramids, although of them much older dolmens that they are the ancestor of the pyramids.


According to another hypothesis, dolmens are considered religious and religious buildings, and indeed, a stone floor was discovered near many of them. And at that time such a space, paved with stone, was characteristic of ritual constructions. The hole in the vertical slab could serve as a symbolic gateway to the underworld or the other world, especially since the gate was carved on many of these slabs.

But were dolmens really built for this? Where are they located and how are they located? It was these issues that became of interest to scientists. They put them on a map and revealed quite interesting patterns in their location. But the most interesting thing was that when the dolmens were labeled with GPS devices, sharp and incomprehensible failures were observed in the operation of the tested and serviceable equipment. It was then that the researchers put forward another unusual and interesting hypothesis about dolmens - that this is a model of the so-called "absolute black body", that is, an information transmitter.


The fact is that for most of these structures in the region quartz sandstone was used. And it is currently widely used in radio engineering, as it can generate electricity and, while maintaining constant oscillations, stabilize the frequency. In addition, quartz emits radio waves under mechanical stress. And the majority of dolmens are located on faults of the earth's crust in seismically active zones, and at a certain moment they can function as waveguides. In other words, to be transmitters and receivers, something like the modern Internet, but much more perfect. Information with their help was transmitted instantly on a subconscious level, that is, instead of digital files and packages, visual and mental images were transmitted. Proponents of this theory also believe that dolmens could be an accumulative database where the wisdom and knowledge of ancient civilizations are stored, which in the era of Aquarius will be transferred to indigo people.