
A Canadian couple bought sweet pepper: when they started to cut it, they found a living creature in the vegetable

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A Canadian couple bought sweet pepper: when they started to cut it, they found a living creature in the vegetable
A Canadian couple bought sweet pepper: when they started to cut it, they found a living creature in the vegetable

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When buying a large beautiful bell pepper in a store, you need to be prepared for a variety of surprises. This is exactly what happened with one of the families living in Canada. Cutting a beautiful bright vegetable, bought at a local supermarket, the couple experienced a real shock. From the pepper a small frog looked at them, alive and apparently completely healthy.

What did the spouses do?

Of course, there was no question of eating a pepper salad with a living frog inside. Dealing with surprise, the couple covered the cut pepper with the first object that came across, and then carefully moved it to the container and tightly closed it.


The couple did this so that the frog did not escape. They were going to hand over the vegetable to the authorities, although they did not quite imagine what kind of authority they needed. On the one hand, the couple wanted to inform about what had happened and to warn other people about the likelihood of finding frogs inside vegetables, and on the other, they were haunted by a riddle. How could a frog get inside a whole pepper?

Where did the frog go?

The container with chopped pepper and a frog was handed over to the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ). The story received publicity, not only in social networks, but also in the media.

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As it turned out, such a case is not unique. Over the year there were about twenty such statements. But it was about finding insects and spiders. For the first time, specialists from the ministry came across a frog inside the pepper.