
Katya Reshetnikova: dancing, biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Katya Reshetnikova: dancing, biography, personal life and interesting facts
Katya Reshetnikova: dancing, biography, personal life and interesting facts

Shocking, incendiary, unusual - all these epithets perfectly characterize Katya Reshetnikova. This woman can be treated in completely different ways: with or without sympathy, with understanding or with condemnation, but it certainly will not work out to forget her even with a strong desire. And Savchenko on a leash is vivid proof of this. The audience is increasingly interested precisely in Reshetnikova, having forgotten even about the handsome handsome Alexei Karpenko, not to mention the other participants in the show.


Biography of Katya Reshetnikova from "Dances"

How old is Katya Reshetnikova from Dancing? The answer to this question is interesting to the entire audience of the show and fans of the choreographer himself. Well, you can find out the answer is very banal - having familiarized yourself with the biography of the famous Katya Reshetnikova from "Dances".

So, Ekaterina Alexandrovna was born on November 1, 1982 in the Russian city of Novosibirsk. By the way, Miguel and Alexei Karpenko are Katya's peers. Catherine began to seriously engage in aerobics in her childhood, earning her first adult discharge early. Already at the age of 13, Reshetnikova began to build her career precisely in the field of choreography and sports. Over time, Katya took part in two international conventions on fitness.

After graduating from high school, Catherine entered the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, giving preference, of course, to the Faculty of Physical Education. In 2003, having received the coveted specialist diploma, Reshetnikova went to Moscow to conquer the city with her talents.


Beginning of a career as a choreographer

The first luck overtook Yekaterina Alexandrovna after participating in the “Dance Floor Star” program, developed by MTV in 2005. It was the first large-scale dance show in Russia, and without the ingenious Reshetnikova it could not do. Almost 4, 000 people took part in the casting. But the jury selected only 80 people who continued the struggle for the title of best dancer in Russia and the prize of $ 10, 000. Of course, the young choreographer from Novosibirsk was among the finalists, and one of the project’s presenters, Sergey Mandrik, noticed Katy Reshetnikovy’s extraordinary talent and fiery dances and invited her to his Street Jazz band. In the same year, Katya accepts Mandrik's tempting offer and takes the place of a dance school teacher, as well as a participant in the show ballet.

Well, who won the show "Star of the dance floor"? Another bright participant in the project is Ilshan Shabaev. An interesting fact is the interweaving of the fate of the project winner and Katya Reshetnikova - the famous choreographers have repeatedly met in the past.

Creative activity

2006 was an extremely fruitful period in the creative biography of Ekaterina Alexandrovna. At this time, Katya took the place of a tutor-tutor on the famous project “Star Factory 6”, which was broadcast by Channel One. By the way, in the fifth season of this show, the choreographer Miguel, known today, proved to be the mentor of which was then Garik Rudnik.

In addition, during the same period, Reshetnikova was a coach in the project of the TNT channel called “Another Life”. The essence of this show was that the participants for a short time fall into completely opposite realities of their usual lives: for example, a butcher tried himself as a stylist, a doctor took the place of a glossy photographer. Each of the project participants was provided with their own leader, who was a specialist in the chosen field of activity. It was such a leader that Katya Reshetnikova became.


And in May of the same year, Reshetnikova became the choreographer of the then-popular Tutsi group and Tatyana Ovsienko. The dances of Katya Reshetnikova already left no one indifferent.

Among other things, Katya managed to take part in such projects as “Song of the Year”, “Europe + Live”, “Five Stars”, “Dandy Shows”, “Slavic Bazaar”, “Muz TV Award”, “Golden Gramophone”, "Two Stars", as well as "Old and New Songs about the Main." All this made Reshetnikova a real star, the image of which was remembered by all viewers and participants.

Creative achievements

In addition, throughout her career, Katya Reshetnikova intensively starred in music videos. Behind her work in numerous projects:

  • "I want on TV" performed by "Factor-2";

  • “Left alone” by the same artist;

  • Song No. 1 of the Silver group;

  • "Doll" from Tahir;

  • "Spring-Summer" performed by Bianchi;

  • "White Beach" from Bianchi and Heraclius;

  • "Throw" the soloist of the Christmas tree;

  • Out in space performed by Timur Rodriguez.


It is worth clarifying that in the videos of Reshetnikov, she not only danced. In some of the videos, Ekaterina occupied more prominent and serious places. For example, Ekaterina Alexandrovna was a concert director and choreographer for the Silver group, a tutor for a flash mob called Bosco sport, held in the capital, and director of Europe + 2 years in a row. In addition, Katya was lucky to be the choreographer of the first concert of the Christmas tree, held at the Olympic, as well as the director of presentation work on the albums of the famous Bianca.

But this does not end the list of career achievements of Reshetnikova. So, Katya participated in directing and choreographic productions of many projects:

  • the show "Universal Artist" under the auspices of the "First Channel";

  • "Big change" from the NTV channel;

  • New Year's program “Red Nick” in the Olympic Concert Hall;

  • Christmas meetings of the Diva.

Work in the project "One to One!"

Resetnikova’s activities in the One-to-One program deserve special attention. This is a reincarnation project in which participants tried on the images of the most famous stars of the past and present, performing immortal hits on a large stage. On this project, Katya was a choreographer, working shoulder to shoulder with Miguel, who took the place of the director of the show. By the way, it was on this project that Catherine met Julia Samoilenko, who played an important role in the life of Reshetnikova. Here Julia danced in a show ballet.

Katie's activities now

Now the age of Katya Reshetnikova from "Dances" is 35 years. And at this age, Katya has something to brag about. Indeed, behind her many interesting achievements and exciting events. How old is Katya Reshetnikova from Dancing Choreography? At her age, Catherine devoted more than 20 years to dancing and does not even plan to stop her professional activities.


Now Reshetnikova devotes almost all her time to activities in the Loony Band, while being her creator. The history of this collective begins in 2010, which was marked for Katya by the beginning of a kind of free swimming. Together with Maxim Nesterovich and the spouses Radchenko, Katya organized a dance group. True, at first things in the group went wrong, but after joining several more professional choreographers, everything went according to plan. Although the original name and concept of the group was completely different. Now Loony Band is not just a dance group, but a real creative group. Therefore, in addition to the choreographers themselves, the team also includes a sound engineer, photographer and public relations specialist.

In addition to the main employment, Katya gives lessons at the 54 Dance studio dance school.