
Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas showed photos from a family Christmas holiday in Zimbabwe, and fans noticed photoshop

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Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas showed photos from a family Christmas holiday in Zimbabwe, and fans noticed photoshop
Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas showed photos from a family Christmas holiday in Zimbabwe, and fans noticed photoshop

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Katherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas are one of the most stable couples in Hollywood. Not surprisingly, fans around the world are watching their lives closely. The star couple has not hidden their happiness for many years. They are happy to share beautiful photos. For example, not so long ago they posted family photos from the Christmas holidays. The family went on vacation in Zimbabwe. This is not the most typical place for the New Year holidays, but the stars have their own habits, and perhaps someone does not miss the snow at all. But without graphic editors could not do.


Why do celebrities use photoshop?

People are always interested in the life of media personalities and often find flaws in their pictures. To prevent this, celebrities resort to using Photoshop. The graphic editor allows you to smooth wrinkles, give the skin a brighter shade and even change the shape for the better.

Not everyone has the skills to process photos, which leads to quite funny embarrassments. Not only Instagram stars, but also professional photographers sometimes make very ridiculous mistakes due to inattention. And what can we say about media personalities. Often they are independently engaged in image processing. As a result, subscribers are surprised at how strange the leg or arm of a particular celebrity looks.

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On the one hand, fans want to see their favorite actor or singer in everyday life. On the other hand, everyone wants to believe that their idol is perfect. As a result, celebrities are trying so hard to please subscribers on social networks that they begin to overdo it.

Katherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas

As mentioned earlier, the star family went to rest in the hot country of Zimbabwe. They decided to spend Christmas more original than usual. The actress decided to immediately share her impressions about the rest and posted several pictures on social networks. On one of them, fans of the stellar couple noticed a strange nuance.

Where is the foot of Michael Douglas?

This is the question that fans asked. In the photo, Michael looks pretty pale and tired. But this is not what interested the subscribers of the actors. They noticed that Douglas had one leg in the picture. Judging by the picture, Katherine overdone it a bit. She did not use Photoshop very extensively. More precisely, its traces are not visible on the children of the star couple (Dylan and Caris). Katherine herself looks very fresh.

It is not clear that she did not like her husband’s leg, but she removed her. Or maybe it's all just a wrong shot?


User response

Fans immediately began to ask if everything was okay with Douglas. Others were interested in the location of the removed leg. Basically, everyone came to this situation with humor, apparently, like the celebrities themselves, who decided to pretend that they did not notice any flaws in the family picture.


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Fans also laughed at the skill of using Photoshop, which showed Katherine. They urged the actress to devote more time to the study of graphic editors, or at least look at photographs before posting them on social networks. By the way, she accompanied the photo with short stories about the family spending Christmas in Zimbabwe. The actress admitted that this is an incredibly beautiful place that fills the soul.

How actors' children live

Dylan and Caris do not always manage to spend time together. The girl spends a lot of time in Cape Town, where she is engaged in a modeling career. When Dylan came to her, she was happy that after a long breakup she was finally able to see her brother. Dylan and Caris posted the same pictures and captions to them from social networks. As the girl admitted, her brother is her best friend. She always misses him.

The children of Katherine and Michael also did not begin to react in any way to a miss with a photo that got into social networks. Like their parents, they behaved very worthily in this situation.

It is worth noting that recently, Caris and Dylan spend a lot of time studying. They travel the world and visit countries where life does not seem easy and radiant.

Caris worked in one of the Italian fashion houses with her mother. Dylan spends more time studying. He is now in his second year at Brown University in Rhode Island. Last year, on a Christmas vacation, a young man drove through all of India. He visited the famous Taj Mahal.

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On their pages on social networks, the children of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are not particularly keen on Photoshop.

Did Katherine do the right thing?

The unsuccessful photoshop of the actress caused a lot of comments. Each in his own way perceives such photos of celebrities, whose life the whole world watches.

It seems to me that light retouching of artistic photographs is acceptable. Thanks to additional processing, you can make the photo more vivid and memorable. However, if, due to the excessive use of Photoshop, a person ceases to be like himself, then this is already too much. Therefore, everything should be a measure.

In the case of a photograph of the famous family, you need to understand that Michael is already 75 years old. It is easy to imagine that in shorts his legs do not look very attractive. Perhaps his wife saw this flaw and did not want the senile legs of his beloved man to provoke subscribers to unpleasant comments. Based on this, I do not think that she did something criminal. Someone will say that, knowing about his age, Michael could wear longer trousers. Maybe. But when it comes to a hot country, it is very difficult to do without short clothes.

And if it's not photoshop?

If you look closely at the picture, you might think that Michael simply bent his leg at the knee. Thus, she was behind him. It is possible that he did put her just behind her second leg. Since the shorts are quite loose, such a funny effect was created. After all, if you think logically, then usually celebrities using graphic editors produce more detailed processing. At the very least, it’s stupid to apply the filter only to the leg or arm.

If you look closely, then all the participants in the picture are not in the most successful poses. It’s immediately obvious that the camera is held by an inexperienced photographer. Therefore, you should not judge by only one picture. By the way, Douglas is in a "half-side" position. In this case, the "removed" leg could well be behind.