
Kolesnikova Elena - mother of Prokhor Chaliapin

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Kolesnikova Elena - mother of Prokhor Chaliapin
Kolesnikova Elena - mother of Prokhor Chaliapin

Kolesnikova Elena is the mother of the singer with the scandalous reputation of Prokhor Chaliapin. He became widely known thanks to the Star Factory project.

Kolesnikova Elena: biography (briefly)

Elena Ivanovna was born in 1965 in the city of Volgograd. At the age of 18, she gave birth to a son, being married to Andrei Zakharenkov. By profession, Elena Kolesnikova was a cook, and her husband was a steelmaker. According to the recollections of Elena’s son Andrei (a little later, the singer took the pseudonym Prokhor Chaliapin), his father fell into a rage after drinking alcohol and regularly beat his mother. Escape from the exuberant spouse was only possible by flight. Also, Elena’s husband took part in fights and stabbing, and when her son Prokhor was 10 years old, he was sent to prison under the article “Hooliganism”.


Spouse of Elena Ivanovna

After prison, the husband pursued the Kolesnikova Elena family, trying to restore her former life. Tired of living in infinite fear, his son left his mother at the age of 15 and moved from his hometown to the capital. Here he took part in the TV program "Morning Star" and, thanks to a song of his own composition, took an honorable 3rd place.

Elena Kolesnikova (photo of a woman is located in this article) after another trick of her husband Andrei Zakharenkov divorced her husband. The husband admitted to schizophrenia and, continuing to commit various kinds of atrocities, constantly ended up in prison, from where he was transferred to a psychiatric clinic after a certain period of time. There he met a nurse, who later became his new wife. The young wife helped her husband leave the clinic. And when popularity fell on Prokhor, she began to call the stepson and demand money for existence.

After beating the new wife, the former husband of Elena Ivanovna again ended up in a psychiatric clinic. Prokhor Chaliapin periodically came to visit his father and sent groceries. However, neither the son nor the ex-spouse are in a hurry to pick up the violent relative from the hospital. According to the singer, in case of any tricks of his father he will have to be responsible for what he has done, and he is afraid that he may be closed for traveling abroad or accused of complicity.


Elena Kolesnikova - mother of Prokhor Chaliapin

The son of Elena Ivanovna - Prokhor - married for the first time at the age of 18, but little is known about this marriage. After some time, the singer met on vacation with business woman Larisa Kopenkina, who is much older than her young husband.

Elena Kolesnikova was always negative about the marriage of her son with an elderly businesswoman. She claimed that she wanted grandchildren and that Larisa had taken her son from her.

However, immediately after the painting, the young couple went to the recording of the television program “Let them talk.” Where did the singer’s mother visit - Elena Ivanovna, who had not come earlier to the solemn ceremony of the marriage of Prokhor and Larisa.


Visiting A. Malakhov, the singer’s mother expressed her complaints about her son’s chosen one and stated that she was 10 years younger than her daughter-in-law. And that she hoped until the last that Prokhor would cancel the wedding. However, according to a middle-aged business woman, she wanted to discuss everything with the future mother-in-law, but Elena flatly refused to conduct any negotiations.

Kolesnikova’s act

A year later, the marriage of Larisa and Prokhor broke up. According to the media, Elena Ivanovna took a direct part in this. On the day of the anniversary of the union, the mother of the performer published information on her blog according to which Prokhor was going to become a dad, and the model Anna Kalashnikova was mom. Larisa Kopenkina before the publication of the message did not have such information about her spouse. But Prokhor Chaliapin decided for himself not to advertise this kind of fact, he intended to share it only after the birth of a child. The couple broke up, and after some time Prokhor Chaliapin visited the TV program “Let them talk” and officially announced the birth of his son Daniel.

Scandal with model Anna Kalashnikova

After the birth of the boy, Prokhor expressed a desire to do a DNA test and was right. Since the analysis showed a result, after which it became known that the scandalous singer is not a biological father to the boy Daniel.


Prokhor's mother, Elena Ivanovna, also took an active part in the conflict between the lovers and said that in the place of her son she would have long ago clarified relations with Anna. But the actress insisted that her son's dad is Chaliapin, and the results of the test, most likely, were fake.

Prokhor for a long time doubted what to do in the current situation. And after rethinking the information received, he decided to resume communication with the chosen one. After this, the relationship between the former lovers was friendly, and the singer tried to help the young mother in all her endeavors.

At the moment, Anna Kalashnikova is dating a wealthy businessman. And in May of this year, they began to say that the girl was pregnant for the second time. But loyal fans, closely monitoring the personal lives of the stars, and dormant journalists began to scrupulously monitor changes in the figure of the young model. The former lover, Prokhor Chaliapin, doubted the veracity of the allegations, turning to the model with criticism. Kalashnikova, in turn, to refute the allegations of lying, proved her pregnancy with the help of examinations and the result of ultrasound. But the child was not able to be born due to the fact that after some time the model announced that she had a miscarriage.