
Konstantin Shavlovsky, Russian film critic and poet, director of the magazine "Session": biography

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Konstantin Shavlovsky, Russian film critic and poet, director of the magazine "Session": biography
Konstantin Shavlovsky, Russian film critic and poet, director of the magazine "Session": biography

Konstantin Shavlovsky is a famous domestic film critic, as well as a film critic. He is currently the editorial director of the popular Session. Poet, director and producer.

Film critic biography


Konstantin Shavlovsky was born in Leningrad in 1983. After school, he entered the Gorky Literary Institute, which he graduated with honors.

He began his career on television in 2000. For 10 years he was the editor of the popular program “What a Woman Wants” on the TV channel “Russia”. At the same time he worked in the Kommersant newspaper as a journalist; in Moskovsky Komsomolets he was a special correspondent. He took part in the creation of the program "Cinema in Details" on the STS channel. At this stage of his career, he first began to deeply understand the cinema, to delve into this topic.

As a TV presenter, he made his debut on Channel Five in the program Night on the Fifth.

Passion for film criticism


Film critic Konstantin Shavlovsky began specializing in the work in 2004, when he became deputy editor-in-chief in the Session magazine. In 2010, the publication opened its own website, on which he became editor in chief.

Over time, he developed a relationship with him as a well-known specialist in cinema. He wrote a number of articles for the encyclopedia "The Recent History of Russian Cinema. 1986-2000." He founded the Session Workshop artistic association in 2007, along with director and film expert Lyubov Arkus, who took part in the creation of several films.

In 2011, it was included in the Kinotavr film festival. He was a member of the selection committee at the international film forum in St. Petersburg.

In 2010, Konstantin Shavlovsky created an intellectual literature store called "Word Order". Today it is one of the most visible centers of contemporary culture of St. Petersburg.

Session Magazine


At the moment, the main work of Shavlovsky is associated with the leadership of the "Session". He is editorial director. Session is a black-and-white movie magazine that has been published since 1989. Its founders were Alexander Golutva and Lyubov Arkus, already mentioned in this article. The frequency of release is once every six months.

The materials of the publication are devoted to the most relevant events in domestic and world cinema. Through them, an assessment of modern culture and the state in which the current society is located is given.

Konstantin Shavlovsky, whose biography is closely related to cinema, has established itself on the good side, finding himself in one of the best art history publications in the country. Many connoisseurs call this mass media the main national film magazine in the 21st century.

Domestic literary critic and journalist Gleb Morev considers the Session magazine a new art criticism of journalism and literature, which manages to combine Petersburg intelligibility with scrupulous knowledge of the context and understanding of the ultimate task.

Creativity Shavlovsky


Konstantin Shavlovsky, whose poems were very popular, released several poetry collections. His work is highly appreciated by many readers and critics.

They note that the work of Shavlovsky captivates with its realism, interest, as well as semantic load. His poems often resemble prose. Behind all the texts is visible power and strength, which is based on rich life experience.

Film debut


It is noteworthy that Konstantin Shavlovsky is a film critic who not only evaluates other people's films, but also takes part in creating his own film masterpieces. In 2009, he made his directorial debut in the documentary "Someone But Not You." He wrote the script for this film together with Sergey Gelver.

In this 36-minute picture, the last four decades of our country's life fall into the camera lens. Among them are many different points. The issue is shown through people who are the direct heroes of the film. These are ordinary workers, some of them are winners of socialist competitions, other ordinary scientists or students, all residents of St. Petersburg. At a documentary film studio, they, together with the filmmakers, watch newsreels, recall the past, often the best commentary on what they see is the silence that the camera captures.

Viewers have the opportunity to observe the reaction of the heroes of the picture, while reflecting on the nature of human memory, as well as existing nostalgic ties with the Soviet past. It was them, in the opinion of the creators of the picture, that permeated modern Russia.

In 2010, Shavlovsky acted as a producer in Rustam Hamdamov’s short film, Diamonds. Theft. Events in the picture unfold in the 1920s in Leningrad. The film begins with the girl carefully examining the jewelry store window, then she goes inside and asks her to demonstrate a diamond brooch. However, she barely noticeably commits a crime. Gently scissors cuts the thread on the beads of a woman who is standing at the counter. When everyone begins to collect the scattered pearls, the girl runs away from the store with a stolen diamond brooch.