
Konstantin Zarutsky - a popular autoblogger

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Konstantin Zarutsky - a popular autoblogger
Konstantin Zarutsky - a popular autoblogger

Video: The silk way rally in 2018. Configure the fields SUPROTEC motor racing. Test drive from AcademeG. 2024, June

Video: The silk way rally in 2018. Configure the fields SUPROTEC motor racing. Test drive from AcademeG. 2024, June

The famous blogger Konstantin Zarutsky is published online under the nickname AcademeG. He shoots videos about remaking old cars that gain millions of views. AcademeG calls his work autocriticism, because in popular brands of cars he mainly notices flaws and flaws.


Konstantin Zarutsky was born on December 21, 1982 in St. Petersburg. He grew up in an ordinary family, every day playing in the yard with peers. The parents of the boy was an only child, so he got only the best. He became interested in technology in childhood - his father and grandfather instilled in him love for her.

Upon graduation, Konstantin Zarutsky decided to combine higher education with work in order to financially help parents. I tried many professions: from a carrier to a builder. Studying at the university was not too interesting for him, he changed three universities, but he never graduated. The army also did not seduce the guy, and, according to Konstantin, he stole his personal file from the military enlistment office.


Blogging Achievements

In the winter of 2010, Konstantin Zarutsky decided to create his own channel on YouTube. He devoted the first video to the car "Opel Frontera", where he talked about all the disadvantages and advantages of the car. Lovers of auto mechanics positively rated the video, and things at Zarutsky went uphill.

Today he is engaged not in one but several projects at once. The blogger uploads videos in which he talks about how to rebuild his car and explains how to bring a not-so-good car to a luxury class for little money. He also conducts test drives cars. So, in 2015, Konstantin decided to travel by car, bought for 90 thousand rubles, from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg. When Cheboksary passed, he was attacked by a drunken company: a side mirror and glass were broken in a car. After that, the blogger immediately left the city, canceling all the events planned in it.

In August 2016, the number of AcademeG subscribers on YouTube exceeded one million, and so far their number has reached three million. In addition to the main channel, Konstantin Zarutsky leads two more, on which he places a video not only about cars, but also about life, travel, politics.
