
Korchinsky Dmitry Alexandrovich: biography and family

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Korchinsky Dmitry Alexandrovich: biography and family
Korchinsky Dmitry Alexandrovich: biography and family

"Where is Dmitry Alexandrovich Korchinsky now?" - This question is often encountered at various political forums devoted to the current situation in Ukraine. What is this man known for and why is his name associated with Ukrainian politics?

What is famous for

Korchinsky Dmitry Aleksandrovich - a popular public figure, TV presenter, poet and journalist, concurrently is the leader of a political party called "Brotherhood". Often his name pops up in significant and even crucial times for the country. Suddenly appearing with a radical attitude, Korchinsky, from the very beginning of the creation of the state, has become a key figure in numerous political conflicts both within the country and in the external political arena. Many of the actions and frank provocations of the journalist gradually killed the reputation of Ukraine in world circles, earned for decades.

Dmitry declared himself in the early 90s, appearing in front of the public in the form of a kind of street rebel. Having preferred radical actions, Korchinsky at that time was one of the most active participants in various armed conflicts in the territory of the former Soviet Union.


Of course, today it is simply impossible to prove the involvement of Dmitry Aleksandrovich Korchinsky in various events of those times. However, most of the facts from the biography of this figure speak for themselves, inclining to believe that the rumors about the activities of the journalist are most likely not fictitious.

Personal biography

The future journalist was born on January 22, 1964 in the capital of Ukraine. Korchinsky Dmitry Alexandrovich is a native of a family of civil servants. Now his father, Alexander Anatolyevich, is a senior researcher at the Institute of Technical Thermophysics, and his mother, Lyudmila Vasilyevna, retired several years ago.

As a student, Korchinsky joined the Komsomol. But the guy was not a member of the CPSU.


After graduating from high school in 1982, Dmitry opted for the faculty of industrial heat energy at the Metropolitan Institute of Food Industry. True, after only 2 years after graduation, the guy dropped out of college.

Start of activity

Leaving the institute, he went to work. In the summer, the guy took part in archaeological expeditions, and in the winter he held the position of technical worker at a construction plant.

In 1985 he went to military service, where he was disbanded into the Iron Division, located in the Carpathian region. The commander of the BMP-2 became the military rank of Korchinsky. After 2 years, he was transferred to the reserve as deputy platoon commander.

In the same year, Dmitry Alexandrovich entered the Kiev State University at the Department of History. True, the future journalist did not graduate from this university either.


In his first year at the university, he took part in an informal organization called the Ukrainian Cultural Club. The leaders of this group were Leonid Milyavsky and Sergey Naboka.

Party Founding

In the spring of 1988, he participated in the organization of a student society with a radical national democratic orientation. The project was called the "Community". In addition, Korchinsky took part in the first mass rallies organized by Kiev students in 1989.

The figure was made famous by the participation in the foundation of the association of independent Ukrainian youth. In this project, Dmitry Korchinsky took the place of leader. After the collapse of the Union in May 1990, he became a member of the nationalist faction.


Rumor has it that the KGB, in which he was known under the agent name Shnur, was sent to Dmitry’s democratic movement.

Further career

In partnership with Oleg Vitovich Korchinsky founded the Ukrainian Nationalist Union and the inter-party association, which was officially registered on July 1, 1990 in the capital. The assembly included numerous small radical nationalist parties and various organizations. Grigory Prikhodko became the leader of the founded assembly, a little later he was replaced by Yuri Shukhevych.

It was Korchinsky who became the author of the famous phrase "Crimea will be Ukrainian or deserted!" in 1991. During a coup attempt, the leadership of the inter-party association announced the organization of Ukrainian national self-defense, which was headed by Shukhevych. This alliance was created to repel the GKChP as a military formation. Korchinsky headed the Kiev team on his own.


In the same year, the inter-party organization changed its name to the Ukrainian National Assembly, and self-defense remained as the military wing of the association. The political symbol of the union was Benito Mussolini. And Dmitry Alexandrovich Korchinsky took the post of commander and head of the organization in Kiev.

Participation in Armed Conflict

At this time, photos of Dmitry Korchinsky were printed in literally all publications. In fact, a public figure gained the greatest popularity during this period. Then, in 1990, the militarized wing of the radical UNA group led by Korchinsky became an active participant in several armed conflicts in the countries of the Soviet Union.

For example, in 1992, when a mass conflict was fired up in Transnistria, a volunteer group was created in the UNSO that went to fight against the Moldovan troops. The purpose of the expedition, which was announced in the media, was to protect Ukrainians who were at the epicenter of the armed conflict in Transnistria. However, in reality, the situation was somewhat different. The group led by UNSO fought on the side of Russia, which at that moment fueled the conflict in its own interests.

The following year, another volunteer team under the control of UNSO left for Abkhazia in order to support Georgian troops. Many participants in the battle were awarded orders for military prowess and honorary titles.


In 1996, he fought on the side of the separatists in Chechnya. Later, in the biography of Dmitry Korchinsky, there were references to the brutal reprisals of the Ukrainian military over Russian prisoners. According to the leader himself, Ukrainians scoffed at the militants, cutting their throats and shooting them.

The journalist Dmitry Aleksandrovich Korchinsky gained bad fame thanks to his active participation in the pogroms of Orthodox churches in Western Ukraine.

Political career

Korchinsky decided not to stop at the achieved level, and in November 1992 he ran for parliament. True, for him the attempt was unsuccessful due to the fact that the elections did not take place.

He made another attempt to become a deputy in 2 years. But this time, luck turned away from Dmitry: he never managed to advance to the second round. But the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada this year was Oleg Vitovich, who after successful elections took the chair of the UNSO. But Korchinsky got the post of Deputy Vitovich.

In the summer of 1996, a congress of the UNA association was held, at which Vitovich was elected head of the assembly. For the sake of facilitating official registration, the party decided to transform into a trade union association, retaining the same name. Korchinsky opposed the reform, accusing the organization’s leadership of wanting to work with the government.

In November of the following year, the assembly proposed its own list of candidates for work in the Verkhovna Rada. Korchinsky's name was not listed on this list. Before the election, Dmitry Alexandrovich left the party, after which he published the book "An authoritarian alternative." And in 1999 he became the founder of the new organization "Brotherhood". In the ranks of the UNA, Korchinsky was recognized as a traitor.


For several years, Korchinsky conducted active political and television activities. In 2013, the Kiev prosecutor's office put Dmitry on the international wanted list after being accused of organizing riots on the Maidan. The journalist was forced to flee to Transnistria. Then Korchinsky for several years hiding in European countries. However, in the winter of 2014, he was detained in Israel. However, very soon the activist was released.

Media activity

In 2002, Dmitry became an employee of one of the main television channels in Ukraine - “1 + 1”. Korchinsky conducted the weekly Double Evidence program and the However program. At his shows, the journalist defended his own political point of view and criticized the anti-Kuchma opposition.

Among other things, a public figure is the author of several poetry collections. Bibliography of Dmitry Korchinsky:

  • "Philosophy of Troubles";

  • "Authoritarian alternative";

  • "War in the crowd";

  • "The haute couture revolution";

  • "This and it";

  • "Calling fire on myself."