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Korchma is The meaning of the concept and the history of its distribution

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Korchma is The meaning of the concept and the history of its distribution
Korchma is The meaning of the concept and the history of its distribution

Tavern - this is most often a drinking establishment where hard liquors are sold.

Historically, this name was used in Belarus, Poland, Ukraine. In the Russian Empire, drinking establishments were called taverns. So, what does the word "inn" mean? What is its origin? What definition is given to him in various explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language? The meaning of the concept of "inn" and the history of its distribution will be discussed in the article.

Meaning of the word

In the Ephraim’s dictionary, the word "inn" is an inn where wine was sold. A synonym for this concept is "inn".


According to Ozhegov’s dictionary, this word means an inn or a tavern.

Ushakov’s book defines the term that is common in Belarus and Ukraine — an inn or a tavern. Strong strong drinks were sold here.

In the Dahl dictionary: inn is a drinking house, a tavern, an inn where they sell alcohol.

The meaning of the term in the literature of Efron and Brockhaus: in ancient times, in the ancient songs of the southern Slavs the name korchmark was found - the owner of a pub.

In addition, the inn - it was a kind of rural club in Poland, in the western and Baltic counties. Here you could drink alcohol and buy them to go. In the old days, some types of alcohol were also called this word. From him came the "Korchevstvo", which means "drinking."

Same-root words are also found among the Serbs. They have the expression "selling on a tavern." This means selling by little things.

It should be noted that in Russia, too, an expression was used that meant retail. For example, "to serve up" or "sale to a tavern."

But this concept was very common among the Slavic peoples living in the southern territories. For example, Bulgarians have the word "nurse" and means "drinking house".

Title distribution history

So what is a tavern? This is a drinking house, which was very popular among the Slavic population. In this institution they freely sold strong drinks. Tea and kvass were rarely bought here.

After the approval of the tavern by Ivan the Terrible, he gradually replaced the old Slavic name of the drinking house.

However, since the 19th century, the name tavern for drinking houses has again become popular among all Slavs.

Before the Great October Revolution, this name of a drinking establishment was very common in the southern part of Russia.


Description of the institution

In these establishments served beer, mead and kvass. In almost all settlements there was at least one tavern. Very often they were placed at ferries, fairs and other places of mass crowding.

The Western Slavs in these institutions not only drank alcohol, but the judges also tried the court, passed government decisions to the people. For a long time, taverns were replaced by town halls and courtyards.

Initially, the institutions were free, but later they became princely, state-owned. Sales of strong drinks are tax deductible. Secret drinking establishments began to appear. They lasted the longest in the south among the Eastern Slavs.

The spread of the concept of "uprooting" was promoted by the custom of paying for work with vodka and other strong drinks. This tradition has existed for a very long time. And at the end of the XVII century, the one who paid for work with alcoholic drinks, began to be called a nurse. So, a new term appeared in the Old Russian language.

Korchma as an institution was filmed by director Ivchenko Boris in the film "Missing Certificate", which was released in 1972.