the culture

What does it mean to "wear a hat on a buch" in thieves' jargon?

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What does it mean to "wear a hat on a buch" in thieves' jargon?
What does it mean to "wear a hat on a buch" in thieves' jargon?

What does it mean to wear a hat on a buch? Who has this phrase in use? Where she came from? It is easy to guess that the phrase "wore a hat on a bucket" is prison jargon. But why can it be increasingly heard outside the prison?

Why did the phrase come into use in the wild?

Prisoners spend a significant part of their life in prison. Despite the fact that modern prisoners have a good illegal connection with the "big land", the main problem in prison is the lack of communication and information. It is not surprising that in such a closed team formed their own traditions and concepts that are not found anywhere else. Including a special prison jargon, the so-called "fenya."

Recently, prison culture has begun to go beyond the bars. Adolescents and young people became actively interested in prison issues, seeing in the fate of each prisoner some special romantic tragedy. It is not surprising that the youth took over their slang from the thieves, completely without thinking about what this or that phrase really means. It is a mistake to believe that prisoners are the cultural bottom of society - among the convicts, even cursing is not very welcome, and insulting an acquaintance from the criminal world with an obscene word is a deadly insult to the honor and dignity of a respectable prisoner.


What does it mean to wear a hat on a buch?

Let's see what it means to “wear a hat on a bucha”?

Bucha means “clutter”, “mess” according to the explanatory dictionary, but in prison this word somewhat changed its meaning. Butch in prison jargon means "comb." This refers to the crest of a rooster, and even ignorant people in prison jargon know that “cocks” or “omitted” are called passive homosexuals in prison. They become them for various reasons: someone, having stopped by his will, was not able to keep his mouth shut in front of his cellmates and told about his sexual adventures, someone was “lowered” due to too impudent behavior or serious misconduct. The main point is that the "cock" can be used by any convicts to satisfy their sexual needs.

"Hat" in prison jargon means the male genital organ. Now it’s clear what “wore a hat on a bucha” means . Literally: "had homosexual contact with the omitted."
