
Krasnoyarsk Territory, Achinsk city: population, economy, climate

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Krasnoyarsk Territory, Achinsk city: population, economy, climate
Krasnoyarsk Territory, Achinsk city: population, economy, climate

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Each city has its own characteristics. These can be both positive qualities and disadvantages. Having studied our article, you will learn what Achinsk is known for, the population of this city and its climatic conditions. You will also learn the story of its creation.

The history of the city and its development

Achinsk city - Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian Federation). Until 1568, nomadic Kyrgyz tribes lived on its territory. Gradually, Cossack fortresses began to be erected there. In 1641, the Achinsk Cossack prison was built on the territory of the city. However, after 42 years during the fire, it was destroyed, and later rebuilt.

In 1782, Achinsk was recognized as a county town of the Tomsk region. Already in the XIX century, the locality has a great influence on the economic situation in Siberia. The city of Achinsk is becoming a transit point for freight traffic. Gold miners and merchants often stopped there.

A significant contribution to the development of the settlement was made by victims of political repression. Most of them were educated and polite people. They were exiled to Achinsk. The population of the city at the end of the 19th century was more than 5, 000 inhabitants.

Already at the end of this century, several churches, more than 500 yards, and about 10 factories were present in the city. In 1915, a camp for captured soldiers was created in the village. In 1990, the city of Achinsk was protected by the state, since it has historical value.


Climatic features of Achinsk

Like any other city, Achinsk is distinguished by its climatic features. They must be studied in advance, planning to spend your vacation there. Weather in Achinsk in winter is very cold. Snow levels can reach 50 centimeters. Achinsk has a sharply continental climate. Winter time lasts up to five months. Despite this, people living in Achinsk are trying to maintain a good mood and find positive qualities in the cold season. Every year they build a snowy city. The administration of Achinsk helps in this population.

In March, the temperature gradually rises. Precipitation is high. In summer, the average air temperature is 19-22 degrees Celsius. In summer, on the contrary, precipitation rarely occurs. At this time in Achinsk you can enjoy nature for hours. In the village there is a huge number of green spaces and flower beds.

The August weather in Achinsk is characterized by frequent rains. It is believed that precisely at this time in the village begins autumn. Clouds are constantly frowning in the sky, and the average air temperature in September reaches 8 degrees Celsius.

Ecological situation in Achinsk

Achinsk has a large number of industrial enterprises. For this reason, the city has a high level of air pollution. The management of enterprises takes appropriate measures and installs various filters in the production. However, this does not allow to reduce the level of pollution to a minimum.


Achinsk administration is trying to improve the situation. Meetings are regularly held in the city at which deputies, together with ecologists, make decisions on improving the environment. Experts believe that excessively polluted air is associated with the presence of about 20 enterprises in the city. It is worth noting that the Achinsk Alumina Refinery has allocated 3 billion rubles for environmental protection measures over the past few years. The amount of dust emissions decreased by a quarter. Achinsk is the first city in the Krasnodar Territory to create a public environmental council.

The government of the Russian Federation is trying to listen to the opinions of citizens. Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory) is characterized by a scandalous petition from residents of the city. Citizens have collected a large number of signatures. They wrote a complaint about harmful emissions to the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Over the first week, about three thousand signatures were collected. Residents associate chemical emissions with the work of one of the largest industrial enterprises in the city.

The composition of chemical emissions to residents is unknown. In the petition, they also indicated that periodically rainfall occurs in the city, after which white traces remain on things.

It is worth noting that environmental protection campaigns are regularly held in the city. Industrial enterprises are also involved in air purification. They modernize production by installing all kinds of cleaners.

Employment in Achinsk

When choosing a profession, it is important to pay attention to the most popular specialties in a city. Thanks to this, it will be possible to easily find work after graduation.


The most sought-after job in Achinsk is a sales manager. Such a specialty opens up new perspectives for a person. Surprisingly, according to the latest data, a sales manager in Achinsk can receive up to 120 thousand rubles. However, earnings directly depend on the amount of work performed. Salary also includes bonus bonuses. As a rule, employers are willing to accept specialists without work experience.

Another popular job in Achinsk is an accountant. Their salary ranges from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. Usually, employers require a specialist to have work experience. The accountant is required to monitor the financial condition of the enterprise, report all changes to the management, as well as organize work with clients and pay taxes on time.

To date, administrators are also in demand in Achinsk. They can find a job in a hotel, beauty salon, shop or sports complex. It is worth noting that specialists without work experience receive up to 30 thousand rubles. Administrators who have experience in this area can expect a salary of up to 50 thousand rubles per month.

Engineers can also easily get jobs in Achinsk. The largest salaries of the chief engineers in the region are more than 100 thousand rubles. The need for such specialists is increasing annually. Their responsibilities include the development of new projects, as well as the modernization of existing ones.

In Achinsk, cooks, teachers and medical workers are also in demand. The average salary of such specialists ranges from 8 to 15 thousand rubles.

Location of Achinsk: how to get to the village?

Not everyone knows where Achinsk is. This city has a lot of positive qualities. You can find detailed information about the village in our article.

Achinsk is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This region is located west of Krasnoyarsk for 150 kilometers. Achinsk index 662150. This is a city of regional subordination.


Achinsk is the third city in terms of population in the region. It is located on the spurs of the Arga ridge. The head of the city is Akhmetov Eli Uzbekovich.

In order to get to the city, you can choose the direction Moscow-Achinsk. A train on this route runs daily. He has been traveling for more than two days. This direction is in demand among passengers.

Attractions Achinsk

In any city there are attractions. Unfortunately, few visited Achinsk. According to the latest data, the population of the city reads 105 364 people, and almost all residents love their locality. In particular, the indigenous people claim that it has a huge number of places that every tourist should see.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan is located on Karl Marx Street. It is considered a historical landmark. The decision to build was made in 1822. Daily services are held in the temple. On its territory there is also a Sunday school. There is a gymnasium for Orthodox young children. The church also has a cadet corps and a hospital. The temple has its own newspaper. The print edition is published once a month and has 8 pages.

Another attraction of Achinsk is the city drama theater. It was created as mobile in 1935. Two years later, he received his own building. You can visit the performances of both Russian and foreign classics. There are also modern productions.

One of the oldest museums in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the Museum of Local Lore named after D. S. Kargapolov (Achinsk). The population of the city is proud of this attraction. The building was erected in 1898. The founder of the museum is D. S. Kargapolov. The interior has not changed since its foundation. For the entire period of the museum's work, unique and valuable expositions were collected. The last restoration of the building was completed in 2008. Surprisingly, the brickwork of the museum is held with egg mortar. 9 million rubles were spent on the restoration of the building.

Enterprises in the city

Achinsk is rightfully considered the industrial center of the region. Factories that are located on the territory of the city provide jobs for a large number of people. Refining and non-ferrous metallurgy are the most important industries for Achinsk.


On the territory of the city there is a city-forming enterprise - "Achinsk Alumina Refinery". Almost 4, 000 specialists are employed in it. The plant regularly needs specialists.

In Achinsk there are also factories that specialize in the manufacture of bricks, tiles, asphalt, beer products and wax. Near the city, coal, manganese and building stone are mined.

Retail trade is actively developing in Achinsk. In the city there are a large number of outlets. There are both small shops and large shopping centers. This is a positive factor for professionals without work experience. Students can easily find jobs and choose part-time or full-time. Salaries of such specialists are low. However, performing quality work, you can get a good premium or discount on products. Achinsk also has markets and business centers.

Due to the large number of enterprises, the city always has open vacancies. However, most often employers are looking for specialists. Often they are hired by the university. This is a huge plus for students.

Printed publications of Achinsk

Achinsk newspapers are significantly different. You can find more detailed information in our article.

The oldest publication is Achinskaya Gazeta. Last year, its design was changed. Now the print edition looks modern. In the newspaper, it’s easy enough to find the necessary information. This is due to a change in the format for submitting announcements. Only the name remains. The newspaper has been published for almost 100 years. She is considered a business card of the city. Despite the age of the newspaper, the team is in constant search of ideas. The print edition is improved and supplemented annually.

A new newspaper was released last year. The printed publication "City A" tells about the inhabitants of Achinsk and the city itself. The newspaper contains 24 pages.


The property

In our article, we described the zip code of Achinsk, its attractions, and also you learned a lot of other useful information about the industrial city. One can not help but remember about real estate. In Achinsk there is no strict division by region. This is due to the fact that a small number of people live in the city. The names of the districts were given by the residents themselves. The population in Achinsk is about 100 thousand. The most common in the city is the private sector. However, there are apartment buildings. It is on apartments in Achinsk that the lowest cost.

The import area is considered unclaimed among property buyers. This is due to the fact that there is a dump nearby, to which sellers of the local market bring the missing products. In the summertime there is a sharp and unpleasant odor. In this area, they are reluctant to purchase housing because of the large number of rats. It is no secret that they are carriers of dangerous infections. They regularly struggle with the problem, but they cannot completely get rid of it. Housing prices are lower than in other areas.


The construction area is characterized by excessively polluted air. The plant located causes clouds of cement dust, which settles on houses and green spaces. This negatively affects the health of residents living in the construction area. Recently, the situation with air pollution is improving.

The city center and Victory Park are the most elite areas of the city. Real estate prices are the highest. The air here is less polluted than in other areas. The city center is not as popular as Victory Park. This is due to the fact that the center is noisy regardless of the time of day.