
Crystal Caves: an amazing world that looks like a real fairy tale

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Crystal Caves: an amazing world that looks like a real fairy tale
Crystal Caves: an amazing world that looks like a real fairy tale

Video: MERMAID CAVE 2024, July

Video: MERMAID CAVE 2024, July

For several centuries, mysterious caves have always attracted people. Underground kingdoms - this is a special world, hiding in the twilight of something unknown. Miraculous masterpieces that make the imagination work are perceived as real magic.

The illusion of the deep sea

There are many places on our planet where Mother Nature has done her best. The colorful Iceland, a country of elves, geysers and snow, boasts unique sights that will take you to a completely different world, to a certain fabulous country where everything breathes mystery. Crystal Cave (Cave) admires the unusual blue tint, creating the illusion of the deep sea. The bizarre forms of ice grottoes filled with bewitching silence make one doubt the reality of what is happening.


A bewitching sight

Over the course of several millennia, meltwater flowed deep into the Svinafellsjokull glacier and froze. In the ice walls of a unique masterpiece located in the Skaftafell nature park, there are practically no air bubbles. And tourists, bewitched by an unusual sight, it seems that the ice grottoes lined with precious sapphires.

If the glacier remains white outside, then inside it is an unusual picture: sunlight penetrating the Crystal Cave allows you to enjoy an amazing game of intense blue-blue overflows. Excursions to the underground tunnel, shining from the inside, are carried out only in the cold season, since the glacier is in constant motion, and this is done for the safety of visitors.

A natural masterpiece located in the US Preserve

Another Crystal Cave is located in Sequoia National Parks in California. He gained fame all over the world thanks to numerous underground kingdoms, however, only one is available for guests, occupying the second largest place in the reserve.

A natural miracle, giving a lot of pleasant impressions, was discovered recently, just a few decades ago. Now in the cave bright lighting has been carried out, pedestrian paths are laid, passages are cut through. It is impossible to get inside yourself, only as part of an organized excursion, guests of the reserve will be able to get acquainted with the geological object that causes lively interest.


The local attraction got its name because of the huge number of crystal-like natural formations. Stalactites and stalagmites, merging into giant clusters, grow every year. They make the Crystal Cave, a photo of which often appear in geographic magazines, unique. Dark stone walls, low arches, narrow labyrinths create a special atmosphere that scares and delights at the same time. Here reigning calming peace and silence, broken only by the breath of tourists.

Sistine Chapel of Crystals

In the Chihuahua desert (Mexico), at a depth of 300 meters, there is a stunning natural monument, which locals consider the eighth wonder of the world. It is located under Nike, a small Mexican city. The crystal cave of the giants (Cueva de los Cristales) became accessible for visiting 18 years ago, although it was discovered at the end of the 18th century. Silver, lead and zinc were mined in the mine, and after the 1910 revolution it was closed.


Giant crystals about 15 meters long, covering the walls and the vault of the dungeon, were formed as a result of the interaction of both cold and hot mineral waters. But the main condition for the formation of giants is an unusual microclimate: air temperature is 50 ° C, and humidity reaches 90%. In addition, the air is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, and people need a special suit to be in the Crystal Cave.

Crystals of fantastic beauty, reminiscent of sharp swords in their form, were formed half a million years ago. The main substance of which the snow-white shining giants are composed is mountain selenite, which has another name - moonstone. The Sistine Chapel of Crystals is a fairytale world that makes visitors believe that they are not on earth, but on another planet.