
Around deception: with the help of Photoshop, the girl convinced everyone that she was in Asia

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Around deception: with the help of Photoshop, the girl convinced everyone that she was in Asia
Around deception: with the help of Photoshop, the girl convinced everyone that she was in Asia

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Having studied the photographs more carefully, her mother was speechless when she understood the truth. She was lied to for a month, and the woman could not realize this. But why did her daughter lie to her? What did all this make sense?

Perfect lie

Zilla van den Born is from the Netherlands. She became a model when she was 16 years old. But this is not what she dreamed about. She could manipulate photos so easily to tell a lie. At first it was a children's game. All that had to be done was to install the light correctly, and Photoshop would do perfectly the rest. But she was not always a fan of photo manipulations.


Manipulating snapshots is not new. Photographers have used this method for many years to change the complexion, hair color and body shape of models. This allows them to mask scars, moles and birthmarks. But Photoshop's ability is an illusion to create an unrealistic perception, and Zilla wanted something more out of life.

Travel is interesting

Zilla decided that she would study at the Utrecht Academy of Arts. She enrolled in a graphic design course in the hope of a career in art. But she was 25 years old, her family and friends knew that she wanted to explore the world. They were not too surprised when she announced that she was going to go on a five-week trip to Southeast Asia alone. And Zilla's vacation photos were supposed to be pretty interesting.

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The experience that you get while traveling will remain with you for life, and this is a great way to immerse yourself in other cultures. That is why so many young people prefer to travel, even if they have to save every penny for this.


So Zilla arrived at the airport with a heavy suitcase. But she could not leave without sharing a photo on which she said goodbye to her friends and relatives on Facebook. Soon, she realized that her subscribers were happy for her, and someone might have been a little jealous that she was embarking on an amazing journey. But no one knew what was really going on in Zilla's life.

Great journey

Zilla chose a great place. Southeast Asia has everything from rainforests to stately temples and ruins. It is a paradise! What sane person can refuse such an opportunity?

Zilla had a lot of fun, but she took the time to share some photos of her trip to Thailand, Laos and Cambodia during her 5-week vacation. She took pictures in the blue waters of Asian beaches and against the backdrop of the breathtaking skyline of Bangkok. She even took some photos of mouth-watering local dishes.

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Her Facebook friends were looking forward to Zilla's next posts. She even created an album called Thailand, Land of Smiles. In it were a variety of amazing photos, for example, with a Buddhist monk in a temple in Bangkok. And each photo was better than the previous one.


In one photo, Zilla dives in the waters off the Thai island of Phuket. She even made friends with local children. There was no reason to doubt that Zilla was going through an adventure that we all would like to experience. But the photos do not reveal the terrible truth.


Despite her crazy adventure, Zilla was able to keep her loved ones up to date. She even called on Skype on video when she returned to her hotel room. But all this was false, and she did a wonderful job, making everyone believe that she was traveling.

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When Zilla's 5-week vacation came to an end, her parents were eagerly awaiting the opportunity to see her daughter and see if she would buy them any souvenirs. This filled them with pride that their daughter made such an amazing journey to a foreign country. But when Zilla told the truth about what really happened during her vacation, her family and friends were in complete shock.


Zilla managed to trick everyone into thinking she was in Asia using a pair of paper umbrellas! She also used props in her apartment to create the impression that she was abroad when she called on Skype. And when her parents dropped her off at the airport, she changed clothes and returned to her Amsterdam apartment.

A 5-week vacation is a good idea, but Zilla chose a social experiment instead. In fact, she did not leave her apartment in Amsterdam for as long as 5 weeks. Instead of sunbathing on the beaches of Southeast Asia, she photographed herself in the most incredible poses and added the right background.


YouTube offers many channels that teach you how to do everything: from boiling eggs to making steak. It cannot turn you into a chef with a Michelin star, but it certainly will not let you ruin your dinner. And you can learn to cook all kinds of dishes, including Asian cuisine, and capture them in the photo.


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The most difficult part of Zilla’s five-week lie was to make people think she made friends with the locals during her journey. She even created fake social media accounts for each “friend” so that she seemed to be talking to them on Facebook.


What was the point?

Zilla deceived everyone when she turned her journey into a complex illusion. There was nothing honest in this incredible adventure. The process was difficult to implement, and even harder to keep everything secret. But her revelation did not initially explain one thing: why did she do this?

The girl’s goal was to prove to everyone that social networks can distort the way other people perceive someone’s life. But this was not a personal project. The experiment was a task at the university. And she proved how easy it is to portray herself in a different light using social networks.

Not only models in magazines, but also our friends on social networks contribute to this fake reality. We should be more attentive to what we believe in and ask ourselves why photography is taken - how and with what intent.

I did this to show people that we filter and manipulate what we show on social networks - we create an ideal world on the Internet that reality cannot be. My goal was to prove how common this is and how simple people distort reality. Everyone knows that images of models are retouched, but we often lose sight of the fact that we also manipulate reality in our own lives.