
Who is Stella Baranovskaya: biography, cause of death and interesting facts

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Who is Stella Baranovskaya: biography, cause of death and interesting facts
Who is Stella Baranovskaya: biography, cause of death and interesting facts

In early September 2017, the Internet was full of rumors that the young actress Baranovskaya had died. But who is Stella Baranovskaya? How did she become famous, and what disease took her life?

Stella Baranovskaya was a young and beautiful girl, an aspiring actress. She was born in Moscow on July 26, 1987. There is no information about her childhood, it is only known that from a young age she dreamed of becoming a famous actress, so she went to the Moscow Art Theater to study after school.


Where was Stella Baranovskaya shot?

The girl spoke little with her parents, mostly she maintained close relations only with her grandmother. After receiving her diploma, Stella, like all graduates of the acting department, began to go to auditions, undergo tests, but she could not get a more or less noticeable role, although she managed to play episodic roles in some films.


It is rather difficult to list in which films Stella Baranovskaya starred in the filmography of the actress, because her name did not appear in the credits. The roles were too small and invisible, so the viewer her name and face remained unfamiliar. Then few people knew who Stella Baranovskaya was. The most significant film on her track record was The Grandson of the Cosmonaut. This is a film by Andrei Panin, in which Stella starred in a small episode in the role of a girl in a car. But fame was brought to her not by shooting, but by illness.

Disease onset

On the morning of January 1, 2015, Stella felt unwell and was forced to go to the hospital, where she was immediately sent for an examination, and a biopsy was taken. Later, results became known that turned out to be worse than any assumptions - acute lymphoblastic leukemia.



When a wide circle became aware of the girl’s misfortune, she had “star” friends: Katya Gordon, Lera Kudryavtseva, singer Zara and Anfisa Chekhova. They did not stand aside, began to help the girl, announced a fundraiser, leaving on the Internet messages that Stella Baranovskaya was dying. The money raised was barely enough for such an expensive treatment. Doctors prescribed a course of chemotherapy. At first, Stella strictly complied with the requirements, but later a severe intolerance to chemistry was discovered and it was decided to stop the course, since the girl had to experience terrible torment, and there was no positive result.

Stella decided to resort to alternative medicine, she went to a clinic in the states, where they promised to cure her with a detoxification method. This method did not bring success, after which she went to Mexico, where she was going to meet with a doctor who promised to cure her with just one injection, which kills cancer cells. However, the meeting broke literally at the last moment, there is no information about the reasons. Further, the actress resorted to metaphysical techniques, treatment with chlorophyll, spirulina. Irina Ponarovskaya's ex-husband, Weiland Rodd, tried to cure Stella using his technique (fruits, vegetables and juices).

Scandal in society

Fundraising for treatment caused not only a wave of sympathy among the people, but also a wave of mistrust. The girl posted on the Internet photos taken in America and Mexico. Many have concluded that Stella is not being treated, but spends the money of sympathizers on vacation. Even groups were created on social networks where the girl was poured mud. Especially Madina Tatraeva spoke out about this. According to her, she knows firsthand what cancer is. Madina in a rather rude manner expressed her doubts about the presence of illness in the actress. There were rumors that Stella was seen in one part of Moscow, then in another, while she did not look dying.


Participation in the program "Live"

In December 2016, Stella Baranovskaya took part in the filming of the program “Live” with Boris Korchevnikov, where the girl had to justify her expenses and respond to the attacks of Madina Tatraeva. Then she was sure that the disease had receded. She stated that she was able to overcome cancer, talked about the methods that she used. However, unfortunately, it was only a remission.

Then, on the program, I managed to get through to the clinic in the states where Stella was treated. The representative of the clinic confirmed that the actress was treated with detoxification.

Personal life and son

The actress has six-year-old son Dan. Presumably his father is Maxim Kotin, but he did not recognize the boy. In the birth certificate, his name does not appear. Parents of Max Kotin are wealthy people, whose friends include eminent lawyers. It is known that Stella tried to introduce her son to his paternal grandparents, but was put up by the guard along with the boy. Then there was no talk of any illness, so the girl gave up trying to establish relations with the father of the child and his relatives, she managed it herself.


Parents of the girl herself were not too interested in her life. It is known that when Stella received chemotherapy treatment, her mother lived with her in the ward. That’s where the support ended. Stella said that her mother did not help her with treatment. She also said that she doubted that her grandmother would be engaged in a grandson, therefore, when her condition worsened, she asked her friends to convince the child's father to pick up Danya.

Katya Gordon wrote a letter to Kotin and his parents, where she said that Stella Baranovskaya was dying, she detailed the course of the girl’s illness, her photographs and the photograph of the boy, but she didn’t get an answer. Moreover, on social networks, correspondence was blocked, leaving no chance to reach the relatives of Stella’s son. The mother of the girl did not express a desire to pick up her grandson.


Baranovskaya was going to file a lawsuit on the establishment of paternity, but did not have time to do it - her condition worsened sharply, she had to go to an oncology clinic.

Last days and death

The first message about the death of Baranovskaya appeared in the “Instagram” by Katie Gordon on September 4, 2017. With eyes full of tears, she said that in the morning Stella's grandmother and her friend Olya contacted her. It became known that the girl’s heart stopped.

In the last days, Stella experienced terrible pains, her kidneys and liver refused, the doctors refused to conduct a second course of chemotherapy, since the girl’s condition would not allow her to survive the additional stress. The actress's body was exhausted, a few days before her death, she stopped getting up, could no longer walk. All this time, while Stella was in the hospital, her son stayed with her friends, Anfisa Chekhova, Zara, Katya Gordon and Lera Kudryavtseva.


The funeral

The organization of the funeral of Stella Baranovskaya was carried out by her eminent friends, they also took on all the associated costs. There is no information on whether the girl’s parents took part in this process. On September 8, the funeral of Stella Baranovskaya was held at the Mashkinsky cemetery.

Public outcry after the news of the demise

After the girl’s death, accusations were poured in the direction of her ill-wishers that they had attacked the unfortunate girl in vain, started discussions and erupted accusations, brought the actress, not believing that Stella Baranovskaya was dying of cancer. Madina Tatraeva did not give any comments about this for two weeks after the girl’s death, after which she posted a post on Instagram, where she wrote that she had never called Stella a charlatan. She claimed that she only expressed distrust towards the methods to which the girl resorted. According to her, the idea of ​​being cured by an infrared sauna in an American clinic or treated with chrolophyll was initially doomed, and Stella should adhere to the advice of doctors and continue to undergo chemotherapy courses.