
Who is a philosopher? The names of the great philosophers

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Who is a philosopher? The names of the great philosophers
Who is a philosopher? The names of the great philosophers

Video: Top 10 Philosophers 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Philosophers 2024, July

There are many different philosophical movements and schools in the world. Some praise spiritual values, while others preach a more pressing way of life. However, they are united by one thing - they are all invented by man. That is why, before you begin to study the school of thought, you should understand who a philosopher is.

In this case, it is necessary not only to find out the meaning of this word, but also to look back into the past in order to recall those who stood at the origins of the first schools of philosophy. After all, this is the only way to comprehend the true essence of the question of who a philosopher is.


People dedicated to great reflection

So, as always, the story should begin with the main one. In this case, with who the philosopher is. Indeed, in the future this word will appear very often in the text, which means that it will simply not be possible to do without a clear understanding of its meaning.

Well, a philosopher is a man who has devoted himself entirely to reflection on the essence of being. At the same time, his main desire is the desire to understand the essence of what is happening, so to speak, to look behind the scenes of life and death. As a matter of fact, such thoughts turn a simple person into a philosopher.

It should be noted that such thoughts are not just a passing hobby or fun, it is the meaning of his life or even, if you like, a vocation. That is why the great philosophers devoted all their free time to resolving the issues that tormented them.

Differences in philosophical movements

The next step will be the realization that all philosophers are different from each other. There is no universal view of the world or the order of things. Even if thinkers adhere to one idea or worldview, there will always be discrepancies in their judgments.

This is due to the fact that the views of philosophers on the world depend on their personal experience and ability to analyze facts. That is why hundreds of different philosophical movements have seen the light of today. And all of them are unique in nature, which makes this science very multifaceted and informative.

And yet everything has its own beginning, including philosophy. Therefore, it will be very logical to look back and talk about those who founded this discipline. Namely, about ancient thinkers.


Socrates - the first of the great minds of antiquity

You should start with the one who is considered a legend in the world of great thinkers - Socrates. He was born and lived in Ancient Greece in 469-399 BC. Unfortunately, this learned man did not keep notes of his thoughts, so most of his sayings came to us only thanks to the efforts of his students.

He was the first of people to think about who such a philosopher is. Socrates believed that life makes sense only when a person consciously lives it. He condemned his compatriots for having forgotten about morality and mired in their own vices.

Alas, the life of Socrates ended tragically. Local authorities called his teaching heresy and sentenced to death. He did not wait for the execution of the sentence and voluntarily accepted the poison.


Great philosophers of ancient Greece

Ancient Greece is considered the place where the Western school of philosophy was born. Many great minds of antiquity were born in this country. And although some of their teachings were rejected by contemporaries, one must not forget that the first philosopher scientists appeared here more than 2.5 thousand years ago.


Of all the students of Socrates, the most successful was Plato. Having absorbed the wisdom of the teacher, he continued to study the world and its laws. Moreover, with the support of the people, he founded the great Academy of Athens. It was here that he taught young students the basics of philosophical ideas and concepts.

Plato was convinced that his teaching was capable of giving people the wisdom that they urgently needed. He argued that only an educated and sober person can create an ideal power.


Aristotle did a lot for the development of Western philosophy. This Greek graduated from the Academy of Athens, and Plato himself was one of his teachers. Since Aristotle was distinguished by a special erudition, he was soon called upon to teach in the palace of the ruler. According to historical records, he taught Alexander the Great himself.


Roman philosophers and thinkers

The works of Greek thinkers greatly influenced cultural life in the Roman Empire. Inspired by the texts of Plato and Pythagoras, the first Roman innovative philosophers began to appear at the beginning of the II century BC. Although most of their theories resembled Greek ones, there were still some differences in their teachings. In particular, this was due to the fact that the Romans had their own ideas about what the highest good is.

Mark Terence Warron

One of the first philosophers of Rome was Varron, born in the 1st century BC. During his life he wrote many works devoted to moral and spiritual values. He also put forward an interesting theory that every nation has four stages of development: childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age.

Mark Tullius Cicero

This is one of the most famous philosophers of ancient Rome. Such fame came to Cicero due to the fact that he was finally able to combine Greek spirituality and the Roman love of citizenship.

Today, he is valued for being one of the first to position philosophy not as an abstract science, but as part of a person’s daily life. Cicero was able to convey to people the idea that everyone, if desired, can comprehend the art of thinking. In particular, this is precisely why he introduced his own dictionary explaining the essence of many philosophical terms.

Great philosopher of the Middle Kingdom

Many attribute the idea of ​​democracy to the Greeks, but on the other side of the globe one great sage was able to put forward the same theory, relying only on his own convictions. It is this ancient philosopher who is considered the pearl of Asia.


China has always been considered a country of sages, but among all others, special attention should be paid to Confucius. This great philosopher lived in 551-479. BC e. and was a very famous person. The main objective of his teaching was to preach the principles of high morality and personal virtues.
