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Where to hand over glass jars and bottles? Are glass containers and cullets accepted today?

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Where to hand over glass jars and bottles? Are glass containers and cullets accepted today?
Where to hand over glass jars and bottles? Are glass containers and cullets accepted today?

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In the Soviet Union, there were practically no problems with the secondary processing of raw materials. Each conscious citizen tried in time to hand over waste paper, glass containers, metal products. After the collapse of the USSR, the tradition of recycling gradually began to be forgotten by the population, and reception centers were closed. Nowadays, more and more people are trying to be responsible for environmental issues. Once again, the question becomes urgent: "Where to hand over glass jars, bottles and other recyclable materials?".

About the recycling of glass containers


In developed countries, the reception and subsequent processing of food glass is put on stream. Glass containers are ideal for storing liquid foods and drinks. Glass does not enter into chemical reactions with its contents; containers of various volumes and designs can be made from it. Recycling glass containers is very beneficial. It can be implemented in two ways. The first is the remelting of used tanks for the production of new products. The second option is to thoroughly clean and sterilize containers for reuse. Both of these methods can significantly reduce the cost of producing food glass containers and save natural resources. Where to hand over glass jars and bottles? The answer is simple - to a recycling point or a company engaged in its processing. You will be surprised, but organizations of both types are available on the maps of large cities today.

What cans and bottles are taken today as recyclables?


Glass jars are one of the most expensive types of recyclables. This is primarily about containers suitable for storing preservation. The thing is that this ware in our country is an independent product. Most valued are standard cans suitable for seaming. It will be somewhat more difficult to find a reception center specializing in “special” containers - glass packaging for baby food, bottles for sauces of original forms. But even such a container can be reused after cleaning at the enterprise.

Where to hand over glass jars and bottles, what containers do they take? Even 20 years ago, containers were most often taken from low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks. Today, every self-respecting manufacturer produces bottles of individual design for each grade. But even with such a variety, used containers can be used as recyclables. There are reception centers specializing in cullet. Accept in any places any food glass, sometimes in any condition. And this is another place where you can pass glass jars, even cracked or chipped.

The cost of glass containers at points of reception


What is the cost of glass containers and cullet at reception points today? This question excites everyone who thinks about the possibility of collecting and subsequent delivery of glass containers. Prices at different points of reception can vary significantly. On average, in Moscow, the price of one champagne bottle is 40-70 kopecks (depending on color and brand). Beer glass containers cost about 90 kopecks. Most expensive banks are from 1 to 10 rubles apiece. In addition, in many large cities there are tanks and machines for separate collection of garbage.

If you start throwing unwanted glass containers into them, you won’t get any compensation, but you will make your personal contribution to the care of the cleanliness of your hometown. And where can I get empty glass jars for a fee? Practically at any collection point for recyclable materials of this category. Perhaps, at first glance, the idea of ​​earning on a container seems unprofitable, it is worth trying to implement it in your own family. Look for a collection point in a convenient place and arrange a place to store containers. It is usually enough for a small family to hand over containers no more than 3-4 times a year. If you assume that you will mainly save banks, you can get about 1000 rubles for one visit to the reception center.