
Leonard Peltier: biography and photos

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Leonard Peltier: biography and photos
Leonard Peltier: biography and photos

Video: Native American Activist and Member of the American Indian Movement: Leonard Peltier Case 2024, June

Video: Native American Activist and Member of the American Indian Movement: Leonard Peltier Case 2024, June

Peltier Leonard is a well-known public figure whose name is associated with the struggle of the American Indians for their rights. As a result of one of the clashes between the authorities and the indigenous people of America, this man ended up in prison, where he has been to this day for almost forty years. Many believe that he was condemned unfairly. Leonard Peltier is perhaps the most famous, famous and respected Indian of our time.

Hard childhood

The future public figure was born on September 12, 1944 in a family of Indians belonging to the Dakota and Anishinab tribes. The birthplace of a man named Peltier Leonard is North Dakota (Tetl Mountain reservation).

Leonard’s childhood was difficult. The family was in poverty, and, as it usually happens, a chronic lack of money led to fatal consequences. The boy’s mother, in order to earn a living, went to prostitutes. And the father, who did not have the opportunity to earn enough money to provide for his family, could not stand this and drank heavily. As a result, the parents divorced, and they sent the young Peltier to the Wahpeton State Indian School, where severe discipline reigned.

After leaving school, Leonard Peltier returns to Thetl Mountain and lives with his father. Everything that happens on the reservation, namely a strict police regime and attempts to survive Native Americans from the city, is not like a patriotic young man with a keen sense of justice. And for a long time he could not sit back.


Social activity

In 1970, twenty-six-year-old Peltier Leonard joined the American Indian Movement and took an active part in various protests.

So, for example, he, along with other representatives of the DAI (Movement of American Indians), carried out the “seizure” of the ADI (Agency for Indian Affairs), participated in an action called “The Path of Broken Treaties”, “took” Fort Lawton, etc. In just a few years, an ordinary member of the organization managed to become one of its most prominent members. Fearlessness, unwillingness to compromise with his conscience and the enemy, determination and perseverance made Peltier famous. But they did not bring happiness to him, because they took away the most valuable thing that a person has - freedom.

Life Turning Event

In June 1975, an event occurred that divided the life of a young Native American activist into “before” and “after”. His background is this: after the uprising that spanned the Pine Ridge reservation in 1973, the latter was on a special account with the police. To control the Indians from the Oglal Dakota tribe, the FBI leadership even assigned two service officers to them, whose duties were to monitor every step of the potential rebels and report “up” about any trifle.


For their part, the DAI members were not inactive either. They set up a camp near the village in order to protect the reservation from oppression of the state. We can say that at that time Pine Ridge was a stronghold of activists, among whom was Leonard Peltier.

Clashes arose between the police and the residents of the village. The clash that occurred on June twenty-sixth, 1975, ended very sadly for many of its participants …

On this day, two FBI agents broke into Jumping Bull ranch to arrest one Indian suspected of extremism. Vigilant DAI participants intervened in the situation. A shootout ensued, as a result of which the FBI sheep died. The incident also cost the lives of one young Indian from the reservation. The murders of the agents were accused of Peltier and his three other comrades. Soon, the charges were dropped from the latter, and Leonard went on the run.

Punitive operation

After the events of June twenty-sixth, the FBI launched a brutal punitive operation against the Indians from Pine Ridge. The public officials motivated their actions in the eyes of the public with false statements that they had tortured their colleagues before their death, and that the murder itself was brutal. Allegedly, the bodies of the agents were literally riddled with bullets (although in fact each of them received three injuries).

Residents of the reservation were intimidated by powerful weapons, regularly raided, and detainees in this case were persuaded to give false testimony through physical torture and moral pressure.

It is likely that the evidence of one young Native American Mertle against Leonard Peltier was also obtained in this way. The girl said that she was a close friend of the activist and was present at the execution of agents by him.



So, based on the fake testimony of a fake bride, Peltier Leonard, an activist of the American Indian Movement, was officially charged with the murder of FBI agents Jack Cowler and Ronald Williams. At that time, the rebel was already far beyond the borders of his homeland - in Canada, and he was intensely sought after by the US authorities. Up until his arrest, the name of the activist was on the list of ten most wanted criminals in the United States of America.

Meanwhile, an investigation was underway. According to its results, it turned out that the FBI employees were first injured and then shot point blank. And according to investigators, this control shot was made precisely by Leonard Peltier, whose photo was already hanging on all the posts.

Arrest, trial and sentence

When two other defendants in the case, the Butlers and Robidos, were justified, the hunt for their fugitive comrade became especially cruel. And in the end, Peltier Leonard, whose biography began in North Dakota, was discovered and detained almost two thousand kilometers from his home - in the town of Hinton (Canada). He was arrested and placed in solitary confinement in a Canadian prison, and later transported to his homeland.


The trial of an activist accused of double murder took place in the town of Fargo, North Dakota. On the first day of summer 1977, Peltier Leonard (DAI activist) was convicted of a crime and sentenced to two life sentences (one for each agent) in prison. In American legal proceedings, there are often situations when people are sentenced to several life sentences or given “strange” terms. For example, a hundred or two hundred years. Such sentences mean that after death the body of the convicted person is not handed over to his relatives and his remains can leave the prison only after “serving” the full term. America is considered the most democratic country in the world, which its politicians are not tired of reminding the whole world. But, surprisingly, in this country there is still such a cruel practice, which can not be called humane.

Statement by Leonard Peltier

While still in a Canadian prison, Peltier turned to the court of this country and to the entire world community with a loud statement. He called the accusations against him fabricated, and the case itself - political. The activist also accused the US authorities of systematic persecution of the "colored" peoples, who from time immemorial inhabited the lands of America, and then were replaced by white aliens in the reservation. But even the territory that was left to the Indians, according to Peltier, is being cut. White people are waging a real war against the indigenous population, trying to rob them of their land, freedom and life. Mercury wastes spill over into the rivers from which the Indians drink, the territories of reserves narrow, and people who try to defend the rights of their people are mercilessly exterminated or isolated from society.

At the end of his statement, Leonard Peltier asked the Canadian government not to become accomplices in the criminal acts of the US authorities and to grant him political asylum. But, alas, his request was not granted.


Promotions in support of Peltier

Some time after the trial and the announcement of the verdict, it turned out that the FBI hid very important information from the investigators. Namely, the conclusions of ballistic experts who claimed that the bullets extracted from the bodies of the deceased agents were not fired from Leonard Peltier’s rifle. Even the service employees themselves later admitted that they did not know who killed their colleagues.

Amnesty International announced its doubts about Peltier’s guilt, which did not drop charges against him for participating in the conflict on June twenty-six, but did not consider the activist to be the murderer.

One after another, organizations of different countries of the world began to speak out in defense of the convict, including the USSR, where actions were repeatedly held in support of the fighter for the rights of Indians. Every day the words about the fabricated case and its political background sounded louder. Even the UN advocated the release of Leonard, but the American femida ignored all this.

Judge Heaney's motion

True, some representatives of the US judicial system still tried to restore justice. So, in 1991, Judge Heaney stated that the American authorities acted incorrectly. Instead of being cautious in their dealings with the Indians, they showed cruelty and pressure, provoking legitimate protests. Therefore, according to the judge, the government of the United States of America should share responsibility for riots with rioters. And one of them - Peltier Leonard, should be pardoned. Mr. Heaney tried to convince the public that early release of the activist would be an important step towards reconciliation of the warring parts of the American people.


Amnesty request

Unfortunately, neither the voices of more than five hundred organizations of the world, nor the arguments of Judge Heaney were heard. It was only in 2009 that the Peltier case was heard by the Parole Commission.

Under US law, a prisoner who has served thirty years and has not committed serious violations has the right to ask for parole. Leonard Peltier spent more than three decades in prison and took advantage of his right.

During the trial, the activist delivered a one and a half hour speech. Many serious forces vouched for Peltier and promised him support in terms of housing and work if released.

And again, the court remained indifferent, taking the side of prosecutors and FSB officers. A fighter for the rights of Indians to this day continues to remain behind bars. And the next opportunity to ask for an amnesty from him will appear only in 2024. But will the prisoner survive to this time?


Prison Activities

Even being isolated from society, Peltier continues to conduct social activities. His spirit was not broken, and his hands did not fall. The years of captivity, the indigenous rights activist tried to spend with benefit. He wrote the biographical book Prison Notes: My Life is My Dance of the Sun, which was released in 1999, and performed many other important things.

Six times, Peltier Leonard, a well-known US activist, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. And in 2004, this unique person even ran for the presidency of the United States, choosing the "Party of Peace and Freedom" as the political platform.