
Leonid Dobrovsky - the former husband of Renata Litvinova

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Leonid Dobrovsky - the former husband of Renata Litvinova
Leonid Dobrovsky - the former husband of Renata Litvinova

The personal life of Renata Litvinova in recent years has been of interest even to those who have never been a fan of her talent. The media stubbornly ascribes an extravagant actress and director an affair with singer Zemfira, but so far there has been no official confirmation of this information. But it was precisely because of these rumors that in 2007 Litvinova’s marriage with businessman Leonid Dobrovsky broke up.


Movie Star Husbands

In the past, Renata had 2 official marriages. In 1996, she married film producer Alexander Antipov. Family life with this man lasted about a year and ended in divorce.

The second husband of Litvinova was a prominent Moscow businessman Leonid Dobrovsky. In marriage with him, Renata gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana. But family life this time did not bring a woman happiness. After living with Dobrovsky from 2001 to 2007, Renata left him. A high-profile divorce proceedings began, accompanied by a division of property and a real war for a young daughter.

Acquaintance of a businessman with Litvinova

Who is Leonid Dobrovsky? Litvinova’s husband was born in 1965. By the time he became acquainted with the movie star, he was the owner of several profitable factories in Russia and had nothing to do with show business. The first meeting of the future spouses took place in the late 90s. They were introduced by mutual friends. Previously, Leonid saw Renata only from the TV screen and was fascinated by her beauty and sophistication. Once close to his beloved actress, Dobrovsky began to actively look after her. It is not known how the short and unattractive Leonid was able to win the heart of the movie queen, but after a while he made her an offer and received the long-awaited consent.


The first years after the wedding

The wedding of the film star and the entrepreneur took place on January 10, 2001 in Moscow. After the celebration, the happy Leonid moved his wife to his house on Rublevka and presented her with a present in the form of a luxurious black Mercedes car. He did not cherish a soul in Renate and did not get tired of filling up her with expensive gifts. In July 2001, the couple had a daughter, Ulyana.

Dobrovsky Leonid Yulievich accompanied his soulmate to many star parties, but always kept modestly in her shadow. Being a non-public person, her husband asked Renata not to be too frank with journalists about him. Litvinova did just that, and when asked by correspondents about her husband’s activities, she modestly replied that he was an engineer. A modest hard worker at that time was one of the largest businessmen in the capital. It was rumored that the house on Rublevka, in which he lived with Litvinova, was in the neighborhood of the mansion of Putin himself.


Family Relationship Crisis

From the outside it seemed that Leonid Dobrovsky and Renata Litvinova had an ideal marriage. But a few years after the wedding, relations began between the spouses. Dobrovsky turned out to be quick-tempered. He found fault with Litvinova for any trifle, could raise her voice at her and even curse with her. Leonid loved to drink, and when intoxicated, he completely ceased to control himself.

The situation worsened after Renata met Zemfira Ramazanova. The friendship between the women seemed to the journalists suspicious, and they discerned something more in it. This could not stand Leonid Dobrovsky. The businessman became furious at the thought of his wife’s infidelity and began to dissolve his hands. It got to the point that once in a fit of aggression, he began to strangle Litvinova, while brandishing a knife. The servant hardly managed to pull the furious Dobrovsky away from the frightened woman. After this incident, the actress packed up and, with her daughter, left the businessman for her friend Zemfira. On this, her life together with an entrepreneur ended.


Divorce proceedings

Dobrovsky could not calm down after Renata left. He hired the best Moscow lawyers and began to prepare for the divorce proceedings. Accusing Litvinova of immoral behavior, he decided to deprive her of maternal rights to her daughter. But the actress was ahead of Leonid and filed for divorce first. In a lawsuit, she asked the court to terminate her marriage with Dobrovsky and leave Ulyana with her. From her husband she demanded the payment of alimony for the maintenance of her daughter in the amount of 120 thousand rubles per month and the division of property acquired in the marriage.

A series of judicial sessions was drawn up at which the parties did not skimp on mutual accusations. Leonid considered Litvinova a bad mother who cannot be trusted with raising a child. In retaliation for such statements, Renata accused her husband of hiding real income from the state. It was possible to put an end to the protracted divorce proceedings only after the conclusion of an amicable agreement between the ex-spouses. In accordance with it, Ulyana remained to live after the parental divorce from her mother, but on certain days her father could take her to him. Renate was able to sue Dobrovsky alimony in the amount specified in the lawsuit.
