
Leonid Dyachkov: life and death of the Soviet actor

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Leonid Dyachkov: life and death of the Soviet actor
Leonid Dyachkov: life and death of the Soviet actor

Leonid Dyachkov is a legend of Soviet cinema. In his creative piggy bank over 40 roles in films of various genres. Want to know the details of the biography and personal life of this artist? Are you interested in the cause of his death? We are ready to share the information we have.


Leonid Dyachkov: biography

He was born on May 7, 1939 in Leningrad (now - St. Petersburg). Our hero was brought up in an ordinary Soviet family. From an early age, he learned what hunger and cold are. His father participated in the war with Finland. In 1941, he got a job at the Kirov plant. But one day a disaster happened to a man - he fell under a tractor. They did not take him into the army. Soon the family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. Leonid's father got a job at a tank factory. Mother received secondary special education. She was engaged in raising her son and housekeeping.

At the age of 5, Leonid already spoke to the public. The boy sang songs and read verses to wounded soldiers. The best praise for Dyachkov Jr. was their loud applause.

After the end of World War II, the family returned to Leningrad. In 1946, Leonid went to first grade. Teachers praised the boy for his craving for knowledge and good behavior. Parents were called to school only to express their gratitude for raising such a wonderful son.



Leonid Dyachkov always dreamed of becoming a famous actor. In high school, he was intensively preparing for admission to a theater university: reading literature, learning fables and rehearsing sketches.

Having received a certificate of maturity, the guy began to implement his plans. Leonid was not going to leave his native Leningrad. He applied to the Theater Institute. Ostrovsky. Confident and persistent guy managed to win over the admissions committee. He was enrolled in the acting department.



In 1961, Leonid Dyachkov was awarded a diploma of graduation. Almost immediately, our hero got into the troupe of the Theater. Lensoviet. The young actor was involved in several performances based on the works of world famous authors.

In 1984, Leonid Dyachkov left the theater. The young man began to develop a film career. However, in 1988 he returned to the scene. But not to the one where he worked before. He was admitted to the Theater. Pushkin (now - Alexandria Theater). There he worked until his death.

Leonid Dyachkov: films

The film debut of our hero took place in 1956. He got a small role in the film "The Road of Truth." The image he created was almost not remembered by the audience. But the young actor received invaluable experience in the frame.

All-Union fame came to him after filming in the movie "I accept the battle." Dyachkov successfully got used to the image of Mikhail Valetov. He managed to convey the emotional mood and character of his hero.

After success in the film “I Accept the Battle”, proposals for cooperation fell on Leonid Nikolaevich as if “from a cornucopia”. In the period from 1965 to 1975, several paintings with his participation were released.



Leonid Dyachkov is an actor who has been assigned the role of a social artist. His characters fell into the most complicated life situations, but always found the right way out.

In 1971, our hero received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. But that is not all. In 1980 he was recognized as "People's Artist of the RSFSR."

We list the most vivid and memorable roles of L. Dyachkov in the movie:

  • "Wings" (1966) - Mitya Grachev.

  • The Magician (1967) - Paul.

  • “Burn, Burn, My Star” (1969) - Ohrim.

  • “You and Me” (1971) - Peter.

  • “Sunday Night” (1977) - Trubchak.

  • The Last Escape (1980) - Nikolai.

  • The Fifth Ten (1983) - Igor Pushkin.

  • "High Blood" (1989) - Molchanov.

  • “Cherry Nights” (1989) - Sviridov.

Personal life

Dyachkov Leonid Nikolaevich has always been popular with the opposite sex. On his account, one civil and two official marriages. But first things first.

The first wife of Dyachkova was Elena Markina. They met at the theater university. In the last year, a guy and a girl played a wedding. There were few guests - only close friends of the bride and groom, as well as their relatives. In 1962, the first-born son, Philip, was born to the spouses. The actor tried to spend as much time as possible with the baby and wife. But due to the tight work schedule, this was not always possible. In 1975, the replenishment occurred in the Dyachkov family. The second son was born. The boy was named Stepan. Over time, Leonid and Elena cooled to each other. Even common children could not save the marriage. In 1980, the couple divorced.

The actor did not have bachelor status for long. Soon he met Inna Varshavskaya. She was also an actress. Our hero lived with her in a civil marriage for several years. They have no joint children. In 1990, Inna died of cancer. Leonid was worried about the loss of his beloved.

Later, the actor married a new darling - costume designer Tatyana Tomoshevskaya. He lived with her until the end of his days.



Leonid Dyachkov is an actor who rarely turned to doctors. He preferred folk remedies for treating colds or mild ailments. However, in 1995, the famous artist was in the hospital. The examination showed that he had a tumor in the brain. This terrible diagnosis radically changed the life of Leonid Nikolaevich. A 56-year-old man began to attend the Trinity Izmailovsky Cathedral. He looked at his years differently. The actor has reviewed some of the films in which he starred. After that, he began to experience depression.

October 25, 1995, Leonid Dyachkov died. If you think that the cause of his death were complications of brain cancer, then you are mistaken. The artist took his own life, stepping down from the balcony of the fourth floor. Dyachkov was buried in the Volkovsky cemetery, located near St. Petersburg.