
Leonid Kalashnikov: photo and biography

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Leonid Kalashnikov: photo and biography
Leonid Kalashnikov: photo and biography

Video: Kalashnikov AKA 47 Trailer (2020) Biographical Russian Movie 2024, July

Video: Kalashnikov AKA 47 Trailer (2020) Biographical Russian Movie 2024, July

He has been a State Duma deputy since December 4, 2011. Leonid Kalashnikov - Secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee for International Relations. Recently, he made a statement about American support for the regime of Petro Poroshenko and current events in Ukraine and in this regard has become a media figure. Included in Canada sanctions list.


Kalashnikov Leonid Ivanovich was born on the sixth of August 1960 in Buryatia, in the village of Stepnoy Palace. He lost his parents quite early and, together with his sister, was brought up in a boarding school in the city of Ulan-Ude from the age of eight. He studied at the East Siberian Institute of Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 1982, he graduated and was distributed by the Odessa Engineering Plant.

During his studies he was seriously fond of sports. He received the title of master in pentathlon and scuba diving. I had the opportunity to play for the national team at international competitions.


Leonid did not stay in Odessa for long and already in 1983 he moved to Tolyatti, where he got a job at AvtoVAZ. At this enterprise, he climbed the career ladder from a simple master to the deputy head of the management of a research center. At the factory he was the secretary of the Komsomol organization.

He joined the party in 1985. He successfully graduated from graduate school and the Higher Komsomol school. After some time, he was appointed deputy secretary of the party committee of the plant. He was elected as a deputy of the Togliatti City Council.

Huge managerial, production experience and serious party training helped Kalashnikov not to get lost in economic conditions after the collapse of the USSR. In the 90s, he led AtoVAZ one of the commercial organizations Incom Auto. At this time, a flood of inexpensive second-hand foreign cars poured into the domestic market. Leonid defended the position of the Russian automobile industry.


Thanks to Leonid and similar domestic managers, AvtoVAZ was able to hold onto the market and did not share the fate of most Russian automobile plants. Saved several hundred jobs.

Leonid Kalashnikov, whose biography is described in this article, has been working and living in Moscow since 1996. He devoted 10 years to the energy field: he worked in senior positions in a non-profit partnership of energy producers. He opposed the "energy reform" of Anatoly Chubais, who outlined the course for the sale and fragmentation of the country's energy system.

Political activity

Leonid Kalashnikov joined the Communist Party at the beginning of 2000 and has been an adviser to Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov (party chairman) for several years now. In 2006, he became editor of Rabochaya Gazeta. In the fall of 2008, he was elected a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and secretary in charge of economic and international party relations.

In the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation (2011) in the list of candidates from the Communist Party took the first number from the Samara region, was elected. On February 24, 2013, at the Party Plenum, he was re-elected a member of the Presidium and a secretary.

Canada in December 2014 decided to expand the list of sanctions for citizens of the Russian Federation. The Prime Minister of the country S. Harper published on his website 11 citizens of our country who got there. 10 are parliamentarians, among them Leonid Kalashnikov. The latter declared his pride for being noticed and known in Canada. They honor “such a great honor”, ​​which means that his activities for the benefit of his native country are quite successful.


Deputy's income

According to the Anti-Corruption Declaration published in 2013, Leonid Kalashnikov earned more than 5 million rubles. The State Duma deputy during this period of time owned, an apartment (163 sq. M), a house (342 sq. M), a land plot (1520 sq. M), two garages (total area 44 sq. M).

Interesting facts from the life of Kalashnikov

Vladimir Medvedev, correspondent of the Pravda Buryatia print edition on BAM (85-87), correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper on BAM (88-90), shared the information that Leonid Kalashnikov was actively involved in the scuba divers club. In 1981, at the request of the Komsomolets Buryatia detachment, he traveled to the Taksimo station area to organize a search for a plane crashed in 1940 with Bama prospectors.

It was Kalashnikov who managed to find this aircraft, which served as an impetus for organizing a search for another air transport with prospectors on board, which also crashed in the region of Lake Barancheevsky. It turned out that the crew commander and the navigator were able to survive in this plane crash, but they believed that each of them died. Leonid Kalashnikov, whose biography is described in this article, was able to find them and arrange a meeting.


On the air of the scandalous Dozhd TV channel, which took place on July 17, 2014, Leonid was asked a provocative question about whether it is true that he believes that it does not matter who is to blame for the situation regarding the Malay Boeing shot down near Donetsk. To which Kalashnikov answered: "Will it be easier for you if you find out?"