
Oleg Gazmanov’s “Little Fox” turned 16. New photos of the beauty-daughter of the artist

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Oleg Gazmanov’s “Little Fox” turned 16. New photos of the beauty-daughter of the artist
Oleg Gazmanov’s “Little Fox” turned 16. New photos of the beauty-daughter of the artist

How does it feel to be the daughter of famous parents? On the one hand, such children hardly need anything, but on the other … Life under the guns of cameras, printing the name of a famous father or mother, being in their shadow … Fortunately, a few different families have a different way of life.

Beauty daughter

Marianna Gazmanova leads a completely non-public lifestyle. The girl, despite her young age, is very busy. Marianna goes to school with an acting bias, sings, dances - in general, she has every chance of becoming a brilliant actress or model.

What-what-and, by external data, the girl succeeded in her mother Marina. The ex-wife of the famous (sadly) Mavrodi, shortly after the divorce, married Oleg Gazmanov. The couple already had children from their first marriages, Oleg raised his son Rodion, and Marina - Philip. The boys are now grown, and the couple’s common daughter is 16 years old.

On the birthday of Marianna, Oleg Gazmanov published a touching video on Instagram telling about the growing up of a young beauty. Starting with the very first photo in which a man is holding a snow-white bundle in his hands, ending with a picture of a very adult girl looking much older due to bright makeup.


Mom about daughter

Marina talks about her daughter on her page in one of the social networks. According to the woman, her child is quite sober-minded, but like all teenagers, sometimes she is too picky about her own appearance and occasionally is rude to her parents.

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Photoshoots are an opportunity to let off extra steam for Marianne. People involved in the education of the girl are tested by time and work, Marina fully trusts them with her adult child. The mother notices the teenager’s overly bright make-up, but immediately gives explanations that Marianne meticulously considers each photo, draws conclusions regarding the “war paint”, clothing and general image.


Judging by the photos, the red-haired girl is pretty. Surely she already has a lot of fans today. Maybe she will even surpass the famous father and brother in popularity?

The girl does not think about marriage yet. Marianne is much more interested in self-development, the girl is on the verge of a life choice. Most likely, he will be successful for the future career of a young person.