
Liya Akhedzhakova: nationality, biography, filmography, photo

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Liya Akhedzhakova: nationality, biography, filmography, photo
Liya Akhedzhakova: nationality, biography, filmography, photo

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Video: What a holiday today for July 9, 2019 2024, July

Akhedzhakova Lia Medzhidovna is the People's Artist of Russia, as well as a laureate of State Prizes of the RSFSR and the USSR, multiple winner of the Nika Prize. The nationality of Leah Akhedzhakova, as well as her biography and filmography, will be considered in this article.

The future actress was born in Dnepropetrovsk in 1983, on July 9. From the acting environment came her parents. Majid Salekhovich, father, graduated from GITIS in 1940, and then in Leningrad, higher directing courses. He worked as a theater director. Julia Alexandrovna, mother, was a leading theater actress. In her footsteps went Leah Akhedzhakova.

Nationality, parents

Akhedzhakova’s father, Majid, was born into a peasant family in the Adyghe aul Pseituk. Therefore, many believe that the Adyghe is Liya Akhedzhakova. Its nationality, however, can only be established by half. It is precisely known that her mother is Russian, originally from Dnepropetrovsk. At least half is Russian and Leah Akhedzhakova. The father's nationality is not exactly established, because it is not known who he was. Majid became the stepfather for the girl. However, Leah Akhedzhakova (whose nationality is sometimes mistakenly determined based on the fact that her father is Mejid) always treated him like a native. Imagine a few facts from the biography of this person.

Majid Akhedzhakov

The youth of Mejid was in the pre-war years. At that time, the country's cultural level was being raised - talented young people were sent to study in villages, towns and cities. So Majid Akhedzhakov got into the Adyghe studio of GITIS. He learned about the war on the day of graduation. Mejid had a reservation, like many artists, so he did not go to the front. Majid returned from Moscow to Maykop, where he played in one of the theaters. And when the Germans in 1942 approached the city, he went to Minusinsk.

Here he met Julia Alexandrovna, his future wife. Nuriet Schakumidova, an actress who worked in the Adygea Drama Theater, says that Julia came from Dnepropetrovsk, where she worked as an actress. In the same city was Liya Akhedzhakova, whose nationality we are trying to determine, her daughter, who was adopted by Mejid. When this happened, the girl was four years old. Nothing is known about her father. Therefore, the nationality of Leah Akhedzhakova can only be established by the mother. Most likely (according to Nuriet Schakumidova, who was friends with Leah's parents), her father was also an actor.

How did parents relate to Leah's choice of an actress career?

Leah's parents did not wish her such a fate as theirs. For her, they dreamed of something solid, reliable - a biologist, engineer, doctor. The topic for another discussion is the post-war Maykop theater. Leah Medzhidovna recalls that one had to "plow the entire Krasnodar Territory" in order to "make a plan." Legless post-war spectators loved productions about “beautiful life” very much.

Often the girl’s mother was ill. Leah Akhedzhakova, whose photo is presented below, recalled how she woke up at night and listened if she was breathing. From childhood, she was haunted by the fear of losing her mother.

Admission to GITIS

However, very early this awkward girl developed an inner strength. Perseverance and self-confidence helped Akhedzhakova become an actress. When she went around Moscow studios at 17, wondering if they needed actresses, she was advised to choose another profession. Leah sympathized with the admission committee of the theater university, saying that she was a talented girl, but she did not need to spoil her life. Since she will never become an actress. But she knew what would become. Leah entered a random institute, participated in amateur performances, becoming more and more convinced that she could not live without a theater. And she managed to enter the Adyghe studio of GITIS for the course of Chistyakov.

The inner qualities of Leah Akhedzhakova

Among the qualities of Leah Akhedzhakova - boyish determination, the charm of courage. Many of her characters engage in dialogue with life in the language of the ultimatum. Leah Akhedzhakova (photo of the actress is presented below) knows how to achieve her goal with the help of “peace talks”. And this requires, despite fear, wisdom and courage. Akhedzhakova not only overcame her fear, but how much she “tamed” it.


Work in the Youth Theater

Leah at the end of the course worked in 1960-1970 in the Moscow Youth Theater. The seemingly inconspicuous appearance of the actress posed insurmountable obstacles: impractical, awkward, awkward, but stubborn … In addition to everything, she strives to succeed in everything and always (Leah graduated from high school with a gold medal). She knew when she arrived in Moscow that she would have to conquer her place under the sun. This needed, like so much more, to learn from scratch.

Started as a travesty actress in the Youth Theater Liya Akhedzhakova. Her biography is marked by the following most successful roles of this period: donkey Eeyore (based on the work of A. Milne, “Winnie the Pooh and His Friends”), Taraska Bobunov (based on L. Cassil, the play “Be Ready, Your Highness!”), Zhenya (A. Aleksin, “My brother plays the clarinet”), Grandmother (N. Dumbadze, “I, grandmother, Iliko and Illarion”), Peppy (A. Lindgren, “Peppy Long Stocking”), etc.

The years spent in the Youth Theater where she played girls, boys, roosters, piglets and even ironing, Akhejakova for a long time considered time lost. She is confident today that her fate must be accepted humbly. When it was time to say goodbye to the Youth Theater, the actress resolutely and irrevocably left the theater.


A very important decision was made by Liya Akhedzhakova. Her biography then went a different way. The actress headed to Sovremennik, realizing that it was necessary to start everything from scratch. Here Leah sat for a long time without work, believing that no one needed. However, oddly enough, despair, pain, self-doubt are sometimes useful for a creative person. It is not known from what “litter” the “flowers” ​​of Leah Medzhidovna grew.


She considers her teacher A.V. Efros, although he did not formally study in his course. He often drove her in a car and uttered brilliant monologues during this time, spoke out loud the collisions of future productions. The girl was delighted with how keenly he felt and understood everything, how much he loved his actors, while knowing the shortcomings of each. In the view of Leah, Efros is a subtle psychoanalyst. To everyone with whom he had to work, he knew how to pick up his key. Leah Medzhidovna believes that the lessons of this person are priceless.

Goodie stamp

In the Soviet years, when she was just starting her career, there was a stamp of the so-called good hero. Akhedzhakova did not fit into this canon. Heroes of her resemble herself. But Leah Medzhidovna said that she did not know to which people she should be attributed — positive or negative. In addition, this character had to have different facial features, a different height, a different nose, and even, apparently, a different nationality.

Lia Medzhidovna is an actress who discredited the heroic stamp existing at that time. She was original. The heroes of Akhedzhakova are “old girls”, unlike any other, one of a kind. It is as if they were torn out at random from the bus stop, have nothing to do with social heroines (for example, Elizaveta Uvarova, the mayor, who was brilliantly played by Inna Churikova in “I Ask for Words”), nor with the enchanting women from the village, whom Nonna portrayed Mordyukova. On the screen and on the stage, together with Akhedzhakova, heroines came who tried not to give up the lot, and sometimes to change their fate.

The main feature of Akhedzhakova as an actress is the ability to portray personal, particular, deviating from the norm. She does not play, does not pretend to be, but in fact is a wounded "foreigner". Not just a tragicomic or comic actress became Akhedzhakova, but tragic.


Various genres and styles in which Akhedzhakova tried herself

A lot of roles were played in the theater and cinema of Akhedzhakova, starting from the first Ryazanov paintings and ending with the television series "The Fifth Angel" by V. Fokin, in which Sarah, the heroine of Leah, lives a lifetime on the screen: from maturity to her very old age. The actress tried herself in various genre and style directions: from cartoon, grotesque ("We are going, going, going", "Wall", "Little demon") to deep psychologism ("Sunflowers", "Warning to small ships", "Old world love ", " Steep Route ", " Difficult People ", " Eastern Tribune ").

One of her first movie roles was the role of Alla in the film "Looking for a Man" by M. Bogin. For only 3-4 minutes, the actress flickered on the screen. However, for those who watched the film, they became unforgettable. You can wake any passerby at night, and he will recall in the episodes of “Office Romance” and “Irony of Fate” Lia Akhedzhakova, in which she played the secretary Verochka and teacher Tanya.

In any minor episode, this actress can hook the viewer with her play. In Aleksey German’s film “20 Days Without War”, the nameless woman, whose role was played by Leah, contains the theme of human dignity, hope, pain, exclusivity and uniqueness of personality.

However, in the minds of the audience, Liya Akhedzhakova, whose filmography is very impressive, was and remains an actress who deeply feels the funny, which can, as it were, by chance, elegantly and easily make anyone laugh. Leah is also a brilliant clown. Although even her comedy is atypical, since the sad irony of Leah Akhedzhakova is read behind her.

The role of secretary Verochka

Everyone remembers the picture "Office Romance" and Secretary Verochka. This role has become one of the most striking in the career of such a wonderful actress as Lia Akhedzhakova. Her filmography replenished with this work in 1977. It would seem that this is just the secretary of a boring institution. However, Ryazanov, the director of the film, the role was built specifically for Liya Akhedzhakova. Verochka has a twist: it is a darling, a charm, a typical secretary. And yet, it contains paradoxicality, surprise, as if snatched from real life and breaking through the screen.


Here Verochka runs to work. Dressed in the latest fashion, folding, slim, self-confident. She is aware of the latest trends - fashion, life, etc. In a statistical institution, Verochka does not at all feel like a cog or a pawn. On the contrary, she feels herself to be the main consultant in the world of new trends in life. Important facets of the actress highlighted this image. Typical, "blocky" it becomes mobile, unexpected, ready to turn around the wrong side at any time. Funny, hilarious in heroin is not just a reaction to the absurdity of existence. From a subtle understanding of the depths of being comes a comedic image. After all, only one is human and is funny and sad in itself. Verochka’s spectator hearts “recruit” natural charm, because she’s all in full view. It seems that at a time when almost everything in life was documented, she knew how to take pleasure from her and sincerely rejoice and share her talent generously with other people.

Features of the heroines played by the actress

All the heroines of this actress are a little funny and ridiculous. Recall Leah, at least in Ginzburg’s film “Steep Route”, in a marching convoy of convicts. Even here she is knocked out of the crowd! Leah and in the arresting robe - "red line" and "italics". And so it happens in any performance!

The talent of Leah Medzhidovna is highly democratic, understandable to every viewer, and at the same time subtle and smart. She seems to speak on behalf of the people, wise by his wisdom. Her comedic characters are deeper, wider than what was indicated in the script or play. However, great, real success comes to Leah when she herself is a co-author of her role. So it was in the film "Persian Lilac" (its director is Milgram) or in the film Volchek "We are going, going, going."

The heroines of this actress are poor fellows who fall from one trouble to another. However, we love them precisely because they are miserable, ugly, awkward. Our delight is actually caused by the fact that they, with inadequacy and ineptitude, suddenly survive, stand up and eventually win against all odds.


Her Vera Semenikhina from the picture of L. Kheifets "Eastern Tribune" is a projectionist and a maximalist, a dreamer, who at the same time stands firmly on her feet, works as an ambulance. Faith in the face of unpretentiousness is a subtle original philosopher, a persistent person. Beaten by life, she remains a knight with a code of honor.

Only reinforced the desire of Leah Akhedzhakova to become a heroine comedic natural gift and the appearance of travesty. This gave birth to a clown eccentric. Margarita Mostovaya from the 1987 play "The Wall" is a funny, absurd and awkward pop diva from the province who almost feels like Edith Piaf. Of course, it looks like a parody, a cartoon, a caricature. R. Viktyuk, director, brought Leah's ability to turn the impossible into authentic into a circus condition.

Another wonderful role of this actress is Pulcheria Ivanovna ("Old World Love"). It feels reckless dedication and sacrifice, it is baked until death not about itself, but about its betrothed. Behind the dominance and outward absurdity, behind all the everyday things lies the talent of humanity and wisdom, the heat of heart and soul.

Like a locator, Akhedzhakova captures the currents of life. Leah is one of the rare actresses who introduced the type of Chaplin heroine on the screen and on the stage, minor people were put on the front of the stage. Thanks to Akhedzhakova, a person from the crowd gained credibility and centripetal strength.


In the biography of Akhedzhakova, a real breakthrough after The Apartment of Columbine was roles in the plays Sunflowers (2002) and Warning to Small Ships (production of 1997). The characters played by her (Claire and Leona Dawson) are truly tragic and deep. Both Claire and Leon experienced a lot and managed to give up almost everything. They have become higher than everyday victories and defeats.

Recent work Akhejakova

Leah Akhedzhakova’s career is notable for the fact that she, unlike many other actors of the USSR, continued to act in films often after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1992, she received the Nika Award for her supporting role in Promised Heaven. After this work, the actress took part in the filming of more than thirty films. Among the most famous of Leah’s late work are such paintings as “The Book of Masters”, “Strange Christmas”, “Old Nags”, “Love-Carrot-3”, as well as “Depicting a Victim” - a film that brought her a second prize "Nika".

The last picture to date, which starred Akhedzhakova, is the comedy "Moms". She was awarded for her outstanding contribution to the art of the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Leah Medzhidovna

The great actress is Leah Akhedzhakova. Biography, family, children - all this is discussed today by many of her fans. We will satisfy their interest and tell a little about the personal life of Leah Medzhidovna. This actress was married three times. Valery Nosik became her first husband. With him, the actress met in the Youth Theater. However, the family life of this couple did not work out due to the fact that Valery was carried away by another actress. As a result, the couple Liya Akhedzhakova and Valery Nosik broke up. The actress, leaving, left the apartment to her ex-husband.


After some time, the second marriage was marked by such an outstanding actress as Lia Akhedzhakova, a biography. Her husband was Boris Kocheyshvili, an artist. Leah Akhedzhakova has an iron character. Perhaps that is why the second marriage turned out to be short-lived. Boris did not like the leadership of his wife, her attempts to influence his life. Then Liya Akhedzhakova, whose biography, whose personal life and career we are interested in, lived alone for more than 10 years and did not even imagine, according to her, that she would once again gather at the crown. However, fate made her a present.

Leah Akhedzhakova met at a party with a photographer from Moscow. He became her third husband. The actress signed with Vladimir Persiyaninov when she was already 63 years old (in 2001). The couple carefully concealed the wedding, notifying only their closest friends. Despite the fact that her husband is slightly younger than Leah, she felt it was with him a truly family man. Spouses live quite secluded at the cottage in the suburbs. He does not want to disclose the details of his personal life, Liya Akhedzhakova. And he does it right: biography, family, children of celebrities - all this sometimes causes unhealthy interest. It is sometimes very difficult to satisfy him.

Despite the fact that the actress was married three times, she has no children. Today she lives with her husband in Moscow, where she conducts social activities and works, Liya Akhedzhakova. Biography, children, nationality - we have already talked about all this.

Add a few more details that may interest the reader. Repeatedly in many interviews, Lia Medzhidovna spoke critically about the Putin government, and advocated for democratic changes in our country.