
Beloved grandmother of the Soviet audience, Tatyana Peltzer, in her youth possessed sophisticated beauty: photo

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Beloved grandmother of the Soviet audience, Tatyana Peltzer, in her youth possessed sophisticated beauty: photo
Beloved grandmother of the Soviet audience, Tatyana Peltzer, in her youth possessed sophisticated beauty: photo

The great Russian actress Tatyana Peltzer was the beloved grandmother of the whole country. But few people know what her origin is, how tragic her personal life was, and what incredible and sophisticated beauty the famous actress had in her youth. But about her strong-willed and strong character, just real legends went, and some of her colleagues were frankly afraid of the actress Peltzer.

short biography


Star actress Tatyana Peltzer was born in Moscow in early June 1904. Her father, Ivan Peltzer, was a famous director and actor, but only before the revolution he played on theatrical stages and starred in films. For his daughter, Ivan Romanovich was not only a father, but a real role model, as well as a mentor and teacher. He tried to teach his daughter to look at the world vividly and unexpectedly.

But in the veins of the famous actress flowed not only Jewish blood, but also German. Maternal grandfather Tatyana was the chief rabbi of Kiev. And mother, Esfir Borukhovna Royzen, after marriage became Evgenia Sergeevna. In 1906, the son Alexander was born into the Peltser family, who became a famous race car driver and designer. Until the war began, the Peltzer family always spoke German at home.

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Careers in film and theater


The creative biography of Tatyana Peltzer began in early childhood, when she began to play in her father’s performances. At nine years old, Tatyana received her first fee for her role in the play "The Noble Nest". But she never studied the acting profession. Often Tatyana Peltzer changed theaters, and recognition came to her at almost fifty years old.

In 1930, Tatyana Peltzer in Germany joined the Communist Party, worked in the Soviet trade mission. But for all the time while she lived abroad, she played only in one performance, "Inga". After returning to her homeland in 1931, she entered the Moscow City Council Theater, but was only credited to the auxiliary staff. But she did not have a relationship with the theater leadership, so she was fired four years later.

After that, she worked in the theater in Yaroslavl, in the Moscow Theater of Miniatures. But all the roles were small and episodic. In 1947, Tatyana Ivanovna moved to the metropolitan academic theater of satire, where she played the main roles in many performances, which glorified her. But the heyday of the career of actress Peltzer came in the seventies, when she had many roles in the theater.

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In 1972, Tatyana Ivanovna received the title of "People's Artist". It is known that in 1977, having worked in the theater for thirty years, she quit scandalously. She immediately got into the Lenkom Theater.


In 1947, Tatyana Ivanovna played her first role in the movie. It was a cameo in the film "Wedding". After that, there were other roles, but most often these films were not allowed to be shown by censorship. Success in the cinema was brought to her by such films as “Soldier Ivan Brovkin” and “Maxim Perepelitsa”. Tatyana Ivanovna tried to play a lot, sometimes for her specially episodic roles of grandmothers, who sometimes simply overshadowed the main characters.