
Madagascar bug: features of the content, reproduction and interesting facts

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Madagascar bug: features of the content, reproduction and interesting facts
Madagascar bug: features of the content, reproduction and interesting facts

Video: 8 Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Facts | Pet Tarantulas 2024, June

Video: 8 Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Facts | Pet Tarantulas 2024, June

Madagascar beetle (lat.Gromphadorhina portentosa), or cockroach, is becoming increasingly popular among lovers of exotic. This largest cockroach in the world is also interesting for its hissing sounds, which it makes in moments of danger. Scientists attribute such insects to the most ancient inhabitants of the planet, which appeared even earlier than dinosaurs.

Madagascar cockroach: description, habitat

The hissing cockroach belongs to the tropical insects of the Blaberidae family that lives on the island of Madagascar in the forest zone among fallen leaves, branches and half-decayed stumps, inside the tree trunks. The size of an adult beetle can reach up to 9 cm with a weight of 60 g, and females are usually larger.

The color of the chitinous cover depends on the age of the insect: the older, the brighter. Shades range from dark brown to orange yellow. The beetle’s abdomen is thick and wide, wings are absent, and at all stages of development, this is how it differs from its relatives. The trunk is segmented, the tail segments are black, and for males it is 1, and for females - 2. On the legs such beetles have soft pads that allow them to easily climb even on a smooth surface, clinging quite tightly.


Madagascar beetles live in colonies with a certain hierarchy. Externally, males are easily recognized by two growths on the dorsal shield, which are called horns. Often their mustache is also broken off due to their use in battles with others for the right to care for the female. Moreover, the defeated opponent demonstrates his defeat, turning upside down.

Lifestyle - nocturnal, they prefer to live in dark places. Life expectancy in nature is not more than 1 year, but at home - up to 4-5 years under favorable conditions. The approach of death is indicated by the strong enlightenment of the chitinous shell.


Information about how the Madagascar hissing cockroaches feed and breed will be useful to insect lovers who want to arrange a paradise life for their mustachioed pets in an apartment.

In the natural environment in the forests they are timid, therefore they go out in search of food at night. Basic diet: plant debris, grass, rotten vegetables and fruits, small insects and dead animals.


Description of Madagascar hissing cockroaches and their behavior in the natural environment indicate their harmlessness: they do not bite and are not able to attack. Their only defense is intimidating sounds, like the hiss of a snake.

How do cockroaches hiss?

For the first time having heard such a hissing whistle, any person will be scared. Beetles usually make such sounds at the moment of struggle with their opponents, when flirting with a female. Moreover, the latter always makes a choice in favor of the loudest hissing gentleman.

The sounds made by cockroaches depend on gender: males hiss like snakes, and females whistle. Therefore, when they communicate, an entire orchestra of various sounds is heard, which can no longer cause fright, but a grin of a person who knows their origin.

Insects make a specific sound using a special organ - spiracles with two holes. With an impulsive contraction of the abdomen, air with a certain effort passes through the respiratory openings (stigma), and a unique soundtrack is obtained.


Madagascar hissing cockroach: breeding

The insect belongs to the viviparous tropical species, capable of reproducing offspring only in a warm climate and in high humidity. When the temperature drops to +20 ° C and below, cockroaches can not multiply.

The future offspring, after mating with the male, matures inside the abdomen, in a special soft chamber (oteke) of yellow color, where 25-35 eggs are placed. During the gestation period, lasting 45-75 days, depending on the ambient temperature, the female makes periodic ventilation. At the same time, she pushes the camera with eggs through the anus of the body.

Ripened eggs degenerate into nymphs, which are gradually pushed out of the ooteka through a cavity in the abdomen. 2-3 mm newborn larvae are white in color and have a translucent carapace. At first they feed on the remnants of the fruit chamber, gradually changing color to darker.


The difference between the Madagascar cockroach and the peculiarity of its reproduction is the careful attitude to the offspring on the part of the mother: she carefully and carefully looks after the mature larvae for several months, protecting it from other insects and scaring them off with a threatening hiss and whistle. The growth of insects lasts almost 6 months, during which they molt several times, gradually acquiring the appearance of adult cockroaches. Each subsequent carapace is slightly larger than the previous one and bursts itself when the larva grows. After dropping the next shell, the larva eats it. Each time, the shell becomes more durable and dark.


As evidenced by the description of the species of Madagascar hissing cockroaches, they are used to living in colonies. At home, a terrarium is ideal for insects. For a family of 30 beetles, a suitable size will be 20x30x40 cm. Be sure to close the terrarium with a lid, since insects easily move up and down the glass.

The optimum temperature is + 28-30 ° С, humidity - 70-75% (this can be achieved by periodic spraying in the terrarium), ventilation is necessary. The bottom of the terrarium is covered with a special substrate of sawdust or dust, however, it is not recommended to use conifers. Litter should be changed twice a year, then the terrarium is washed and cleaned.

Pieces of bark are laid out at the bottom, under which insects like to hide. Be sure to put a bowl of soaked cotton wool so that the kids do not drown. A low saucer made of ceramic or plastic is suitable for a feeding trough.

The great advantages of insects are their unpretentiousness in content, a friendly nature, and the absence of possible infections.


Terrarium breeding

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are very undemanding in content: there is no smell or noise from them, they do not need to be walked. Therefore, many lovers of terrarium animals start them not only for fun, but also with the aim of obtaining food for snakes and reptiles. They are ideal for their calorie content and the ability to quickly reproduce.

Breeding Madagascar cockroaches at home is a fairly simple process. To do this, you need a terrarium, the volume of which is selected at the rate of 1 insect per 1 liter. To get offspring from a pair of beetles, it is enough to take a plastic container of 2-3 liters, in the lid of which openings are made for air access. The temperature cannot be reduced below +20 ° C.

The diet of cockroaches consists of fruits, vegetables, leaves, boiled eggs, cereals and dairy products. As a treat, homemade beetles prefer bananas and carrots. It is strongly not recommended to feed them with dry dog ​​or cat mixtures. A drinking bowl is best made from a piece of foam rubber soaked in water.

At a favorable temperature and humidity, the male will fertilize the female, and after a while the owner will be able to admire the breeding and development of numerous offspring.


Purchase and price

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are in great demand among lovers of exotic animals and insects. Therefore, they are often engaged in for sale, selling it through specialized pet stores or the Internet. The cost of an adult is 100-200 rubles. However, you can find offers for a lower price.

Interesting Facts

Some interesting information about the lifestyle and behavior of Madagascar beetles:

  • the insect is considered the most tenacious on the planet, can survive even with its head torn off (a week) or with fatal poisoning;
  • the peak of activity in nature occurs in the period after heavy rain, when insects creep out on an evening hunt;
  • after the next molt, the larva discards the exoskeleton, which in the coming days is an excellent source of nutrients;
  • according to scientists, such insects have a wonderful sense of smell and touch, chew food with powerful jaws and teeth located in the stomach (!), and also love beer;
  • cockroaches can emit 5 types of hisses depending on the purpose: intimidation, anxiety, courtship of a female, protection of territory or offspring, mating;
  • in addition to hissing, the insect's protection is its ability to stick its head with its mustache under the chest in order to simulate a larger aggressive animal;
  • Madagascar beetles are in great demand among gourmets: of these, Thai chefs prepare nutritious and tasty dishes, because their meat contains a lot of protein and very little fat;
  • Due to the constant deforestation in Madagascar and a decrease in their habitat, the number of hissing cockroaches is decreasing.
