
Major Denis Evsyukov: biography, activities and personal life. Evsyukov Denis Viktorovich - former major of the Russian police

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Major Denis Evsyukov: biography, activities and personal life. Evsyukov Denis Viktorovich - former major of the Russian police
Major Denis Evsyukov: biography, activities and personal life. Evsyukov Denis Viktorovich - former major of the Russian police

Many people know about the personality of Denis Evsyukov because of the scandalous murder that occurred in 2009. From the words of Yevsyukov himself, one can understand that he does not regret his deed at all.


D.V. Evsyukov: biography

Evsyukov Denis Viktorovich was born in Moscow on April 20, 1977. The boy was born prematurely and was in a pressure chamber for a long time, maybe because of this he had neurological disorders.

Denis Evsyukov is a former police major, and from 2008 to 2009 he was the head of the police department in Tsaritsyno. Despite his criminal deeds, he has two rewards:

  1. Medal for honors.

  2. Badge of the best police officer.

Interesting facts from the biography of Denis Evsyukov

What interesting can his biography tell? Denis Evsyukov from childhood was not like everyone else. There was even a period of his life when he was registered with a psychiatric dispensary. And in 1989, he even underwent treatment, because of such deviations, teachers at the school engaged with him under a simplified program. And as a child, he often cried, maybe he got it from his great-grandmother on the maternal side, who was sick with epilepsy.

After graduating from school, he enters the school as a restorer. During training, attends the hand-to-hand combat section. After graduating from vocational school, he enters the Law Institute and in 1999 graduates from it with a degree in law enforcement. At the institute they spoke of him as a positive, disciplined, polite and psychologically stable person.



Since 1995, Evsyukov Denis Viktorovich worked in the police. In 1997, he was an inspector of private security, and a year later he began to work in the criminal police, where he began to work as a simple detective, and ended his career as a chief. While working, Evsyukov was a student at the faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For information, Evsyukov’s father worked in the police, perhaps, therefore, his son held such good posts, despite his biography. Although, as his father claims, Denis himself achieved such successes.


What became known?

Denis Evsyukov is one of the famous personalities in Russia and abroad. And he gained worldwide popularity not at the expense of merit, but, on the contrary, for the murder that he committed on April 27, 2009.

Then the head of the department at the Ostrov supermarket in Moscow, while intoxicated, killed two people and injured seven. Many programs have been devoted to this story, and until now some residents recall the brutal murder by Major Evsyukov.

On the night of April 26-27, at about 00.30, Yevsyukov committed several murders. First, his driver was the driver who drove him - Sergey Evteev. He shot him at least 4 times, after which the driver ran out of the car, trying to escape. But he did not manage to survive, on the street he fell on the sidewalk and died. After that, he went to the “Island” and wounded several people along the way, opening fire. Also at his hands the cashier of the supermarket died.

Until the police arrived, Yevsyukov shot at the store employees and customers. He preferred to choose young people of different sexes. At that time, he himself was 32 years old. They took hostages in the utility room, but he did not have time to do anything with them, as he was detained by the police. As the store manager later admitted, Evsyukov robbed their store more than once, threatening employees.


Wife of Denis Evsyukov

Yevsyukov is divorced and has no children. His ex-wife is Karina Reznikova, who was a backup member of the Strelka group and a fashion model. By the way, everything in her life worked out well, she remarried to the representative of show business Dmitry Vasiliev.

In some interviews, Yevsyukov says that it was precisely the difficult relationship with his wife that prompted him to commit such a crime. Evsyukov was jealous of his wife and asked her to give up show business. Karina herself admits that she was late for the celebration of her husband’s birthday, and he was very upset about this.

At 23.00 Yevsyukov put on a police uniform and went off somewhere, without explaining anything to his wife. She told about this to her parents, who were also surprised by the behavior of her son. They called him several times, but did not receive a clear answer why he had to leave the holiday.

But Karina Reznikova denied that they had a tense relationship with her husband, on the contrary, she said that they planned children, but her husband’s career prevented the implementation of plans. During interrogation, she admitted that Yevsyukov regularly drank, although his colleagues argued the opposite.


Denis Yevsyukov: sentence for the deed

After the deed, Yevsyukov began to protect his wife, who claimed that he had something to pour in alcohol, and therefore he committed such actions. Karina did not believe that her husband could do so cruelly. The day before the incident, he celebrated a holiday and was intoxicated.

In the case of Yevsyukov, several criminal cases were instituted:

  1. 22 assassination attempts.

  2. 2 kills.

  3. Illegal possession of ammunition and weapons.

On February 19, 2010, a Moscow court sentenced Yevsyukov to life imprisonment. His lawyer wrote a complaint about the verdict, but it was rejected. In the spring of 2015, Evsyukov himself wrote a letter complaining about the remoteness of the colony from Moscow, now the complaint is pending.


Correctional Facility

Now Denis Evsyukov is in the penal colony "Polar Owl". During his stay there, he did not complain about the conditions and detention at the place of punishment. Employees of the colony characterize the personality of Yevsyukov as a calm and balanced person. He became silent, hardly speaks with his “colleagues” and communicates little. Closer to him, the quiet reading of books.

In the colony, Yevsyuk is in a two-seater cell, but he is also reluctant to communicate with his neighbor. His father regularly goes on dates.

Attitude to the service of Major Evsyukov

At work, Evsyukov showed himself to be the boss, he wanted everyone to obey him. He demanded complete submission from his employees, and sometimes even shouted at them.

The press repeatedly leaked information that in the police department where Yevsyukov worked, they literally beat out their detainees in the literal sense of the word, but Yevsyukov’s involvement in this was not proved.

When Yevsyukov became the chief of the Tsaritsyno police department, his colleagues did not welcome this news, as he was strict. As stated in the newspaper, Denis Yevsyukov did not drink, which is what he demanded from his employees.

Reviews about Yevsyukov from employees and superiors

Before the incident, employees spoke about Yevsyukov only on the positive side. He always knew his job and therefore achieved good success. But after a fateful day, other information surfaced about Yevsyukov. It turns out that during his work Denis Yevsyukov had reprimands, and the psychological examination completely confirmed that his self-esteem was overstated. He was dependent on his own success.

The head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate characterizes Evsyukov as a positive person. By the way, after the incident, he was fired the next day.