
Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna: biography and photos

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Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna: biography and photos
Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna: biography and photos

Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna is a Soviet theater and film actress who died 20 years ago under tragic circumstances. The woman was the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, as well as the winner in the nomination "Best Actress" at the film festival "Constellation-89" for her role in the film "Fast Train".

Biography of Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna

The actress was born on May 30, 1958 in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Elena's dad served at the car park, and mom at the meat factory. Starting from 9 children, as a child, the girl studied at the theater studio at the Palace of Pioneers.


At the school of Mayorova, Elena Vladimirovna (photo of the actress are given in the article) studied perfectly, her classmates loved and respected her very much. In adulthood, becoming a popular actress, she came to her homeland - to chat and see school friends.

Mayorova dreamed of a career as an actress since childhood. When the girl was in 8th grade, Elena's parents rewarded her daughter for a good study trip to the capital. While in Moscow, the future actress makes a word to herself that soon she will return to the capital and will live near the Kremlin.

Getting an education

After graduating from school, Elena Mayorova tried to enroll in several theater institutes at once. However, not one was accepted. The actress had to enter a construction vocational school, as students were provided with a dormitory. After studying for a year and receiving the specialty of "isolationist", the girl again tried to enter a theater university. From the age of 18, she began training at GITIS on the course of O. Tabakov.


Actress career

After graduating, in 1982, Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna began working at the Sovremennik Theater. A year later, she moved to the Moscow Art Theater, where she went on stage, playing exclusively the main roles in classical and modern productions.

Mayorova appeared on television screens while still studying at the university, playing one of the roles in the film “You Never Had A Dream”. Thanks to her eccentricity, natural talent and unusual beauty, Elena Vladimirovna Mayorova immediately attracted the attention of directors. The actress often starred, and it is worth noting that she played vivid roles in films of various genres. From adventure to disaster movies.

The actress had a dream - to play in the films according to Chekhov, Dostoevsky and Turgenev, as well as to visit Kaliningrad. Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna reached a serious dramatic role only in the late 80s. Her first role as a waitress in the movie "Fast Train" immediately made the actress popular. It was for this film that the actress received an award at the "Constellation 89" festival.


The world famous actress brought the play "Oresteia", in which Mayorova was involved with T. Dogileva and E. Mironov. The actors became friends, became Elena's closest friends. For three years, the tour with Orestei continued. The actors visited Italy, Japan and even Greece, where the audience compared Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna with the actress from Hollywood - Greta Garbo.

Mayorova’s vivid roles include films such as Makarov, Alone and Without Arms, Lost in Siberia, and Forgotten Melody for a Flute.

The personal life of the actress

Elena Mayorova was married twice. The first time her husband was a classmate Vladimir Chaplygin. The actress married him because of registration. In the 80s, a distribution system worked in all higher educational institutions, according to which all nonresident students were sent to work in the provinces. Tabakov did not want to release Mayorov to another theater, so he advised: to marry a Muscovite. As it turned out, Volodya was secretly in love with Elena for a long time. However, the actress did not feel reciprocal feelings for the young man. After living with Chaplygin for 3 months, Mayorova filed for divorce and moved back to the hostel.

Amazing chance

Living in a theatrical dormitory, Elena and her friends sometimes lingered in secret and talk about life. So, on one of these evenings during the conversation, an incident occurred that changed the personal life of Elena Vladimorovna Mayorova forever.


The girls talked about love and female happiness, when suddenly Elena jokingly asked her friend when her only one would come for her. And just at that moment, the future husband of Mayorova, Sergei Sherstyuk, entered the dorm room. The young man was a very sought-after artist, the son of a general, who was followed by crowds of girls, but one day he saw Elena and fell in love. The young artist had to conduct an entire investigation to find the girl he liked. As a result, they met this evening and really liked each other.

At the beginning of family life, Elena and Sergey all went well. If there were any problems, the young spouses tried to solve them on their own - "not taking out the dirty linen in public." The actress loved her husband very much and in the difficult 90s supported him in everything, working for two to feed herself and her husband.

The situation in the family has changed since the father-in-law, Sergei, was gone. When he was alive, Elena controlled herself. After the death of a relative, she began to drink more and more often, which had never happened before.

Last picture

On the set of the film "Strange Time", which was the last for Elena, the actress met Oleg Vasilkov. The young man was Mayorova’s lover in the film, and after the shooting, their relationship passed from the television screen to life. The plot of the movie was about a strong woman who fell in love with a young guy. The film caused a storm of emotions at the Rotterdam Film Festival. In Russia, "Strange Time" was seen by a few, but on the "Kinotavr" tape, except for the scandal, it did not appear.

Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna began dating a 27-year-old actor who could become for her a strong shoulder and a stone wall. The young actor planned together with Elena's family, mentioning a common child (the actress did not have children with her legal spouse). The woman was torn between two men, as she still loved her husband, but continued the affair with Oleg.


According to Tatyana Dogileva, a close friend of Mayorova, Elena and Elena could feel like a weak and fragile woman. While in alliance with her husband, the actress all the time only played the role of mother. However, she was not going to abandon her legal spouse Mayorov, because he idolized her and loved her, the only thing he could not give was what she so expected from her beloved man - protection and confidence in tomorrow.

Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna: cause of death

Once Elena went on a tour to Greece and brought back a harmless souvenir - an antique kerosene lamp, which played a fateful role in the actress's life. Thus, the kerosene lamp became the first link in the chain of random events that occurred on August 23, 1997.

In the morning, the actress had a sore throat, and she decided to help herself by rinsing her mouth in the old proven way - with the help of kerosene. Pouring it into a glass, she accidentally spilled liquid on the hem of her dress. Gargling, the actress went out to smoke, sat down on the steps and began to burn a cigarette from a match. During this process, a burning match fell out of Mayorova’s hands and fell on the hem of the dress, which was saturated with kerosene. Elena's clothes instantly caught fire, after which the flame passed to the actress's long hair. The woman ran out of the entrance and headed to the Moscow City Council Theater - in the hope that they could be helped there.


The last who saw the actress was the son of her husband - Nikita Sherstyuk. He often went to visit them to see his father. As always, Nikita talked with Elena, she in a conversation invited him to go to the cottage on the weekend.

Ridiculous death

The actress ran into the open door of the theater and immediately lost consciousness. Her body surface was 85% damaged. One of the random witnesses said that the artist Mayorov was completely brown. His face was not touched by the fire, but was distorted by terrible pain. Elena Vladimirovna was sent to the Sklifosovsky Institute. Her charred body was placed in a clinitron - a special bed in which fluidizing sand forms the effect of an air cushion. It seemed that consciousness would not return to Mayorova. However, when the nurse, looking at the specified personal data and the photo in the actress’s passport, said that the woman who arrived was similar to the actress, Elena came to her senses for a while and said that she was. After some time, Mayorova Elena Vladimirovna died.

Surprisingly, the Orthodox Church forgave the actress. She was buried, because during an accident that happened with Elena, eyewitnesses heard shouts of “Help” at the entrance. The patriarchy regarded such pleas for help as a request for salvation. From which it follows that Elena wanted to live and repented of her perfect sin.

Suicide games

A year before her death, during the tour, the actress's colleagues saw Elena in the vestibule at the open door, where she pretended to be jumping. After some time, Mayorova’s husband called an ambulance because he thought she was poisoned - he saw an empty pack of sleeping pills next to him on the table. The day before they had a fight, and Sergey decided that the wife committed suicide. Only in the hospital, where Mayorov was brought, it became known that she drank one last pill from a pack. She really could not sleep, but left an empty box to frighten Sergey.


When Elena died, many claimed that the death of the actress was not the accident, but suicide. There is also a third option for Mayorova’s possible death, according to which she really set herself on fire, but only to be helped and regretted.