
The kid was not real, but aroused parental feelings in monkeys (video)

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The kid was not real, but aroused parental feelings in monkeys (video)
The kid was not real, but aroused parental feelings in monkeys (video)

Video: Baby Monkey Freaks Out Reuniting with Foster Mom and Dad 2024, June

Video: Baby Monkey Freaks Out Reuniting with Foster Mom and Dad 2024, June

The world of wild primates invariably arouses genuine interest in people, because these representatives of the fauna are our closest relatives. Unfortunately, the monkeys, considered the most intelligent and quick-witted animals in nature, scientists are still not well studied. However, we still know a lot about these interesting mammals.

Social animals

For example, everyone knows that monkeys, like people, do not like loneliness and prefer to live in groups, that is, they belong to social animals. So, one of the features of primates is that they are able to collectively take care of the continuation of a kind.

In groups of monkeys, older individuals always carefully look after younger ones - someone takes on responsibilities in terms of food, someone is engaged in the upbringing of the younger generation. If some monkey baby is orphaned, care is usually taken by either the closest relative of the mother, or her best "girlfriend".



The video presented in this article clearly demonstrates how caring actually monkeys can be in relation to cubs living in a group. In order to experiment and study the social skills of primates, biologists placed in a cage with a herd of langurs of a robot made in the form of a small monkey.

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The video shows how primates curiously surround a new relative who has appeared in their community. One of the females immediately begins to show increased interest in the cub - he sniffs it, feels it with its paws, tries to budge. What happens then, see, in fact, in the video itself.
